
*The Edvocate is pleased to produce its “Best of the Best” resource lists. These lists provide our readers with rankings for education-related blogs, twitter accounts, influencers, products, etc. These lists are meant to be fluid, and for that reason, they are regularly updated to provide up to the moment information.*

Being a parent isn’t easy because let’s face it – somewhere in between changing diapers and teenage tantrums it can get a bit stressful. Of course, parenting is also the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you, and you will want to connect with others who share the frustration, inspiration, and hilarity of it all. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the must-follow parenting Twitter feeds for parenting hacks (from diet advice for toddlers to dealing with the diapers mentioned above and tantrums), parenting inspiration and parenting humor. In short, we’ve found some kick-ass parents and parenting communities for you to follow, whether because of their inspirational take on parenting, sense of “parenting-humor,” or incredible parenting advice – usually a combination of them all, but with a focus on great parenting advice!

The list has been compiled with the following in mind:

Relevance: Good inspiration, or information related to parenting, with bonus points for parenting humor.

Activity/Following: The person, on a regular basis, tweets a lot about parenting, if not only about parenting and has a decent following to boot.

#1 Parenting

Why? A constant feed of advice, inspiration, and news related to parenting.

“14 brain-boosting and skill-building infant learning toys we LOVE http://spr.ly/60128P2IE ” @parenting

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes, indeed!

Followers: 1.68M

#2 Parents Magazine

Why? Every tip under the sun for parenting – from great toys to breastfeeding.

“5 Ways to Cut Sugar from Your Kid’s Breakfast http://spr.ly/60138P5S5 ” @parentsmagazine

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? That and the family!

Followers: 3.98M

#3 Mother & Baby

Why? If you’re looking for advice and information regarding pregnancy and the first couple of years with the new baby, this Twitter feed is a great resource.

“8 foods to boost your man’s sperm count and increase your chance of conceiving http://bit.ly/1kyOoCq  #ttc” @MotherAndBaby

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? There are things for moms as well, such as tips on workout gear for moms, random inspiration, and the likes, but most of the advice relates back to parenting!

Followers: 75.5k

#4 Rookie Moms

Why? A nice and friendly take on parenting with tons of useful advice. The Rookie Moms are two best friends and mothers who decided to share their wisdom (and funny parenting episodes) with the world.

“New post: Make your baby food: http://ift.tt/2j5p2Qd ” @rookiemoms

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Mostly, there’s the odd personal tweet that makes you remember there are real people behind this Twitter feed and that’s nice!

Followers: 101k

#5 Helen Neale

Why? Parenting advice on things like behavioral issues, printouts for kids activities, charts and more.

“How to Teach Children to Think Like Scientists http://bit.ly/2iUUOvJ  via @mamasmiles” @KiddyCharts

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes!

Followers: 19.7k

#6 Marjie Knudsen

Why? She tweets about the wellbeing of children, including anti-bullying tactics.

“The transformative power of small encouragements and welcoming interactions | @hgse http://bit.ly/2i2JYn2  @ImanRastegari @leahjshafer #k12” @MarjieKnudsen

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? No, but a lot of it is about raising happy and healthy children.

Followers: 30.4k

#7 Life of Dad

Why? It’s a social network for dads – bringing together content from a myriad of dads out there. Tips, tricks, and hilarities!

“Q6. What strategies can we use to get our family to become more unplugged throughout 2017? #LifeofDad” @LifeofDadShow

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes.

Followers: 18.6k

#8 Modern Mom

Why? Relatable (and funny) content and useful information about being a modern mom.

“Tips for managing a large family http://mmom.me/1CfqnqD ” @ModernMom

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Mainly parenting, but also general tips to mothers about, well, life in general!

Followers: 400k

#9 Jill Amery

Why? Advice, ideas and other tidbits about parenting – from recipes to holiday gift guides.

“Considering a nanny? Here’s what you need to know. #childcare http://www.urbanmommies.com/the-nanny-her-role-and-responsibilities/” @urbanmommies

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? No, there are a few other things thrown in there, for example possibly paid tweets about what kind of dog food her dogs prefer.

Followers: 17.8k

#10 MaryAnne

Why? Crafts and recipe ideas, as well as interesting articles about everything from STEM to how to help kids develop leadership skills.

“Free Penguin Printables and Montessori-Inspired Penguin Activities http://dlvr.it/N6gmWF @DebChitwood #ece” @mamasmiles

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes, 99.9% of the time.

Followers: 15.8k

#11 The Mother Company

Why? As the Twitter bio states: “With the goal of Helping Parents Raise Good People, we offer expert resources and products based on social & emotional learning for kids & parents!”

“Toxic Grandparents – What to Do and How to Move Forward  https://shar.es/1DfZie ” @TheMotherCo

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Yep, more or less!

Followers: 15.8k

#12 Mumbling Mommy

Why? The moms (and dads) who blog here give an all-too-honest look at what life is like ‘from the front lines of parenting.’ This blog has plenty of tips for parents who work at home or hope to work at home, too.

“Thinking about going back to work? Insight for the stay at home #Mom on reentering the #workforce – http://www.mumblingmommy.com/2016/12/new-stay-at-home-mom.html #SAHM #Parenting

Followers: 2.2K

#13 Armin Brott (Mr. Dad)

Why? If you want to find out about parenting from a dad’s perspective – Armin Brott answers the kind of questions any dad will have.

“Do your #children listen? Discover strategies and stories that can help improve your #communication. http://ow.ly/ouBq307XgHg ” @MrDad

Is his Twitter feed all about parenting? 99% yes.

Followers: 58.6k

#14 Anna

Why? Reviews of kids’ products, ideas for what to put in the lunch box, arts and crafts for kids and so much more.

“Parenting is an obstacle course for your sanity.” @anna

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? Anna has a lifestyle and parenting blog, but the majority of tweets are about parenting.

Followers: 15.8k

#15 Netmums

Why? They boast about being the UK’s biggest parenting site and have collected news about anything and everything related to parenting – from the first signs of meningitis to why weekends are the hardest for single moms.

“12 pregnancy questions you’re too embarrassed to ask http://ow.ly/bu9R307Y0lB “ @Netmoms

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes…well, that’s to say if you include things like which celebrities are expecting this year.

Following: 137k

#16 Talking Teenage

Why? They may not tweet that often, but their tweets are relevant to anyone raising a teenager!

“Self-esteem & the impact of social media on our girls http://ow.ly/4HXq304snW1 #Parenting #Teens #Tweens #livinginlivetime” @TalkingTeenage

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? Yes, about teenagers and how to raise them.

Followers: 10.1k

#17 Leonore Skenazy

Why? Interesting news about what’s happening in the world of raising children and tweets that support the Free Range

“Cool infographic: Playtime game/ideas for blind and visually impaired kids.  | http://WoodenToyShop.co.uk  http://bit.ly/2ifCJHi ” @FreeRangeKids

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? While most of it relates to parenting, especially free range parenting, Leonore is a speaker as well and tweets about upcoming events and noteworthy things that cross her path.

Followers: 25.8k

#18 MomDot

Why? It’s a feed for anything related to DIY, home projects, food, and so forth, both for yourself and the kids. Makes it a nice feed to mix in with the ones that are strictly about parenting.

“Tired of fighting with your kids over chores? Check out this simple DIY chore system for kids that works so well,… http://dlvr.it/N6mRD8 ” @MomDot

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? No, but it sure is relevant to parenting as parenting often includes other elements to make it successful like, say getting a half an hour to yourself to meditate, or exercise!

Followers: 44.6k

#19 Fit Bottomed Mamas

Why? Because if you’re a mom wanting to get fit while also receiving a dose of parenting advice, then you’ve found the perfect place.

“The hotel chain that should be on every parent’s radar: http://bit.ly/2iUD5VG ” @FitBottomedMamas

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? No, but if it isn’t a direct parenting tip it usually relates back to parenting, such as inspirational tips on how to stay healthy and happy as a mom.

Followers: 18k

#20 Dr. Laura Markham

Why? Dr. Markham is a clinical psychologist and a mother, so she takes the kind of scientific information you need about raising happy children and translates it into understandable concepts.

“Peaceful Parenting Examples Age 7 – 11 http://ow.ly/XIVU307O1dB  #peacefulparenting” @DrLauraMarkham

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? No, there are some inspirational tweets in there as well, but as a general rule, most of the tweets relate back to raising happy and healthy children.

Followers: 13k

BONUS #1 Scarlet Paolicchi

Why? It’s a Twitter feed about all things family related, including parenting.

“DIY Lantern Snowman Craft for Kids http://goo.gl/8g60OM” @familyfocusblog

Is her Twitter feed all about parenting? No, it’s a mixed bunch, but always topics related to family life, including a lot of parenting.

Followers: 92.1k

BONUS #2 Dr. Gary Branningan

Why? A clinical and school psychologist, Gary tweets about the psychological aspects of raising a child, as well as some things related to adult happiness and success. He does do an awful lot of self-promotion for his books, but apart from that, he offers good advice.

“Video Shows Girl’s Tears of Joy Over Doll With Matching Prosthetic Leg https://lnkd.in/epR5z45” @GaryBrannigan

Is his Twitter feed all about parenting? No, some tweets are about having a great whether you’re a parent, or not.

Followers: 3.2k

BONUS #3 Daily Parent Tip

Why? Anything and everything from gluten-free recipes to hilarious jokes about parenting. We’ve noticed the tweets have been lacking for the past six months but kept it on the list due to the previously very active feed and 3.3M followers. We’re hoping for a revival!

“I imagine navy seal training to be likened to surviving a small indoor children’s playground.” @DailyParentTip

Is the Twitter feed all about parenting? More or less, there are posts about mommy face masks and the likes as well.

Followers: 3.3M

BONUS #4 Mighty Moms

Why? Because they tweet about everything you need to know about infants, plus they mix in a nice variety of more lighthearted tweets on different topics, that make it more personal. Their website is packed full of information for parents regarding infants, in fact, you should definitively check out their website! (Formerly they were called Incredible Infant.)

“Give your baby gift of better sleep! Let us help you fix these struggles! #babysleep  http://bit.ly/2gxJdSi ” @MightyMomsClub

Is their Twitter feed all about parenting? No, but mostly so.

Followers: 4.1k


It is easy to think of Twitter as a shallow method of communicating when used right; Twitter can be a highly effective way of reaching thousands or millions of people. For parents, it is a boon to ensure that you are keeping current with all of the latest changes, trends, and information. It also provides the perfect outlet to step back and laugh.

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