
Has a week already passed since Type-A conference in Atlanta??  I guess that’s what happens when you jump right back into life with 2 feet running at full speed.

What did I learn at Type-A?  This was my first time at this conference and I was actually pleasantly surprised at how small and intimate it was.  I was always running into the same group of ladies and feel like I really got to bond with many of them.  For the learning side of things I feel like my expectations are altered from what they should be.  I’ve been blogging since 2007 and I know a lot of the basic and intermediate things about social media.  Heck, I could probably have taught some of the sessions myself…but I’ve never really thought about that before.

I did learn a few things about Google+ and why I should embrace it, even if I don’t really like it.

I was motivated to update my media kit; which I promise to finish before the end of the week.

I learned what semantic markup is and know that I need to study up on it to see if it really matters.

Yep, that’s about my only real take-homes from the conference.  I did meet some great new brands and hopefully started some relationships with them.  I also made some new friends and hung out with some that I’m met before.  Perhaps you know them….

Friends you should follow:

@inthekitchenkp – In the Kitchen with KP, if you like food Karen has a few recipes to share! A great conference friend that I first met at BlogHer many years ago.  Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@3girlsmomma19 – Me Myself and Jen, she loves to travel and loves social media! Wonder if we’ve ever been to the same cities?  Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@ImDeniseDavis – Go Cheap or Go Home! Denise and I share a passion for college football…as long as our teams aren’t playing one another!  Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@susannabarbee – Zealous Mom, utterly overwhelmed, completely content!  Also a fellow cloth diaper mama! Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@floursackmama – Flour Sack Mama, Carrying on Grandma’s best traditions; improving on what we know better. Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@southmainmuse – Jamie is a writer, wife, mother and turtle wrangler in Madison,  GA (just a short drive from UGA!!!).  Bonded over food at Buckhead Diner!

@adlupher, @NextGenMilSo, and @MSBNewMedia – Military Money Chica, Adrianna is a military spouse and cloth diapering mom!  You may recognize her from the Fluff Fairy video.  She’s also a local Tampa mom (for now).

@comebackmomma – Come Back Momma, Jenn if a fitness trainer and social media junkie.  She was also one of my fabulous roomies!

@armywifestyle_ –  Army Wife Style, my other roomie Krista.  Krista is a wife of a soldier and a mom that I’m going to work on converting to cloth diapers for her next little babe (arriving next year).

@realposhmom – Real Posh Mom, Fashionista, Culinary Explorer, and my Blissdom DSLR camera buddy! It’s always good to run into old friends in new places!  Follow her…she’s awesome!

I’m sure there were other friends I met that should be on this list but these mama’s hold a special place forever in my heart!  Most of them will understand the phrase; #justforkit

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