
Tyres are the only point of contact between your car and the road. Not surprisingly, tyres play an important role in keeping you safe on the roads. The very function of tyres is to ‘safely transport’ you from point A to point B.

So how exactly do tyres keep you safe, let’s find out.

1.  Tyres Help You Drive Over Water

With the UK’s famous unpredictable weather we never do know when we are in for some showers, do we? Every so often, and out of the blue you might encounter puddles on the road. If water accumulates in the tyres, it would simply prevent tyre contact with the surface and cause skidding or aquaplaning; the fact that we are able to drive over puddles without giving it another thought is because of the tyre tread design.

Depending on how and where the tyre will be used, the tyre tread is equipped with circumferential grooves that deflect water away rom the tread surface. As a result, there is no water accumulation in the tread. Tyre contact with the road surface remains intact, reducing the risk of skidding or aquaplaning.

2. The Right Tyre Inflation Keeps You Safe

Driving on underinflated tyres is one of the major causes of car accidents. When the tyre pressure is lower than optimal, a larger surface area of the tyre comes in contact with the road. This causes premature wearing of the outer tyre shoulder, reducing its effectiveness.  Also with more rubber in contact with the road, there is greater heat generation. This overheating leads to weakening of the tyre structure internally. This is very dangerous and can cause tyre blowouts or tread separation while driving, with disastrous consequences. Maintaining the right tyre pressure is therefore crucial for safety.

3. Tyre Technologies that Keep You Safe

The tyre industry is constantly innovating to produce tyres, which not only exceed performance expectations, but which also score high on safety parameters. Tyres today are equipped with several technologies that make them safer.

Bridgestone CAIS System

For instance, Bridgestone Tyres has come up with the innovative CAIS (Contact Area Information Sensing) technology, which equips tyres with sensors. The sensors read and record information of the surface condition based on vibration as the tyres pass over the surface. This data is transmitted to a visual display unit in front of the driver, warning him in advance of the upcoming road condition, enabling him to be better prepared for it. The sensor can actually read and identify up to 7 different road conditions ranging from completely ‘dry’ to ‘ice’ and several variations in between. In fact, the Bridgestone CAIS has won several top industry awards for innovation in safety.

Several tyres are also available in the run flat versions. This is basically a tyre with reinforced sidewall and equipped with technology that supports movement of the car even when the tyre pressure is very low or zero.  This gives you greater peace of mind as you know you won’t be stranded in the middle of nowhere on account of a puncture. Several automobile manufacturers including BMW offer run flat tyres as a standard fitment on their cars.

These are just some of the ways in which tyres keep you safe on the road. As a vehicle owner, you also have certain responsibilities for safe driving. For instance, the onus is on you to check your tyre pressure and ensure that it is at optimal levels. Experts recommend checking tyre pressure at least once a month. Of course, the top secret to driving safe is to buy tyres that are right for your vehicle and your driving requirements.

Happy driving and drive safe!

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