
Fade Street Social Restaurant is an ambitious new project incorporating two restaurants under one roof; The Gastro Bar and The Restaurant, along with a relaxed Wintergarden.

Fade Street Social celebrates Irish food and character. Its approach is another departure from the formality of fine dining, while trying to capture the unique sense of humour of the Irish.

In this huge 8000sq ft. space, again, Dylan’s fantastic creative team has captured a number of uniquely different yet subtly connected brands all under one roof. It seems that the main beneficiary in the current economic climate is the diner, as restaurateurs have been forced to sharpen their offerings. As a result, people can enjoy superbly high standards at affordable prices.

Dylan is hell bent on continuing to offer creative, exciting new concepts that are quite simply for everyone, delivering great quality and great flavour in a relaxed setting.

About Fade Street Restaurant, Dublin 2

Fade Street Social is an ambitious new project incorporating two restaurants under one roof; The Gastro Bar and The Restaurant, along with a relaxed Wintergarden.

Fade Street Social celebrates Irish food and character. Its approach is another departure from the formality of fine dining, while trying to capture the unique sense of humour of the Irish.

In this huge 8000sq ft. space, again, Dylan’s fantastic creative team has captured a number of uniquely different yet subtly connected brands all under one roof. It seems that the main beneficiary in the current economic climate is the diner, as restaurateurs have been forced to sharpen their offerings. As a result, people can enjoy superbly high standards at affordable prices.

Dylan is hell bent on continuing to offer creative, exciting new concepts that are quite simply for everyone, delivering great quality and great flavour in a relaxed setting.

Contact details for Fade Street Restaurant, Dublin 2

Website: www.fadestreetsocial.com

Phone: +353 01 604 0066

Email: info@fadestreetsocial.com

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Menu for Fade Street Restaurant, Dublin 2

Restaurant Menu

Quick Lunch Menu €16.50

Lunch & Early Evening Menu €25

Cocktail & Beer Menu


Bag of bread
Selection of sourdough, brown seed and white !our
crusty rolls in a bag with smoked/unsalted butter.
Beef tongue & carpaccio of scallop
“in raw slices of fresh Irish scallop marinated in
chervil and lemon zest on hot tru#e cheese !at bread
with crispy beef tongue and celeriac puree.
Pork belly
Roasted pork belly with lyonnaise, balsamic, crushed
turnip, peppered bacon and crispy pork rillette.
White pudding & cabbage soup
White pudding with nutmeg potato puree, thin slices
of duck liver and hot cabbage soup.
Natural oysters with chilled cured salmon cream,
cucumber, lemon shallot dressing and seaweed.
Smoked salmon
Smoked salmon layered on $lo, baked with seaweed,
crème fresh and trout caviar.
Muirin studded with smoked salmon baton, bread
crumbed with colcannon and egg butter mousse.
Duck liver mousse with white beans
and smoked bacon
Warm foie gras mousse with baby white beans, onion,
smoked bacon, hint of tru#e, slices of pink duck on
crispy bread.
T O   S T A R T
Classic Irish stew with spiced cream drops of
potato mousse and crispy balsamic $llet, scented
with lovage and celery leaves.
(Served with crusty bread and hazelnut butter).
29 16.5 Beef
Rich beef and Guinness stew with parsley,
oyster cream and parsnip puree.
28 15
White veal casserole with white mushrooms,
parsley and onion.
28 15
!e classic stew is something we Irish have done for generations throughout our history. It more than likely started as a technique to deliver
substantial and “lling meals with cheaper cuts of meat for large families. We like to think this hearty choice should bring you real comfort.
For 2 For 2 For 2 For 1 For 1 For 1
Braised rabbit legs with white wine, smoked
bacon, tarragon and onion.
27 14.5
Poussin, chervil & hazelnut
Hazelnut béchamel, fried !atcap mushroom,
onion lyonnaise, baba ghanoush, brie, blue
cheese, shavings of cured bacon, grated toasted
nuts, chopped chervil, parmesan, poussin,
tru#e honey.
You can replace the poussin AND ADD
ANOTHER BIRD… squab, organic chicken or
ask your server for seasonal choices and prices.
18.5 11
Pumpkin, pork & chestnut
Pumpkin purée, fresh rosemary, parmesan,
pulled crispy pork, onion purée, Irish
mozzarella, sliced chestnut, fried mushroom.
Add the rare breed pork chop
17 9
Lamb, fennel and olive
Black olive béchamel, lamb mince, fennel
purée, parmesan, deep fried anchovy, lemon
con$t, fennel powder, chopped black olives,
cold dill and fennel salad.
Add the rump of lamb
17 9
Veal, onion and tru!e
Tru#e béchamel, onion puree, veal mince,
parmesan, onion lyonnaise, parsley, brie, tru#e
and langoustine mayonnaise.
For a veal feast add the veal chop for two
17 9
Here we’ve taken some familiar and European #avours and applied them to a range of #atbreads that can be eaten light or bulked out to a
bigger meal for one or two. Try choosing a cut $om the recommended charred section and you’re guaranteed a substantial feast!
Big Big Big Small Small Small
Chorizo, tomato & squid
Chorizo and tomato sauce, tomato petals,
onion lyonnaise, pesto, fried chorizo, rosemary,
black olives, red pepper slices, baby squid, red
pepper hummus, chorizo oil, baby mozzarella,
baba ghanoush, smoked paprika, torn basil/
Add salmon
17 9
Beef & tru!e
Tru#e béchamel, rosemary, Irish mozzarella,
onion layonnaise, onion purée, roasted beef
and raw slices of $llet, aged parmesan and
Add “llet beef
18.5 11
Seasonal micro vegetables pulled from
the ground
Baby micro vegetable bound in butter, chervil, mint
with pea purée.
Blackened cauli”ower & hazelnut
Cauli!ower fondant roasted in nut brown butter with
Cold vegetable plate
Seasonal vegetables from the garden with lemon
dressing and baby leaves.
16 8
Mushroom open ravioli
Open mushroom ravioli with tru#e, parmesan
and gremolata.
16 8
From the garden
A take on peas and carrots.
14 7
Seasonal cabbage
Seasonal cabbage glazed with a layer of apple purée,
celeriac and tru#e.
New potatoes
Baby ratte potatoes, glazed sticky in chicken stock,
bound in crushed egg, chervil and smoked bacon.
Great creamy mashed potatoes.
Celeriac cabbage and apple
Celeriac purée with sticky glazed cabbage, apple
purée topped with potato mouse.
14 7
Pumpkin “atbread
Pumpkin purée, fresh rosemary, parmesan, onion
purée, Irish mozzarella, sliced chestnut, fried
16 8
Bacon and egg salad
Wild leaves with crispy bacon, slices of peppered
ventreche bacon, thin slices of lardon, rocket,
parmesan, so% poached hen’s egg and crispy
16 9
Pickled carrot and tarragon salad
Strips of pickled carrot, wild leaves, nasturtium,
rocket, shallots and chives bound in fresh carrot
juice dressing.
15 8
C H A R R E D   &   S M O K E D
O N   T H E   B O A R D
Cooking with charcoal and di%erent woods to create smoky #avours is one the oldest cooking methods known to man…. without an overly
complex cooking repertoire in our culture….We are sure this is a method that our ancestors used e%ectively in their everyday lives.
Rare breed pork chop with rosemary and a little crispy
Rump of Wicklow lamb basted in thyme and barley.
“e beef butcher’s secret with garlic, parsley and bone
marrow butter.
#e rump cap
A tender succulent piece of beef in a parsley butter
Wexford sirloin
Wexford sirloin with hazelnut, beurre noisette, chervil
and hollandaise.
Veal chop for two with Dublin bay prawns and chervil.
Fillet beef
With cep hollandaise, chervil and tarragon.
Salmon roasted with crab and lemongrass sauce.
Roasted cod with chervil and  wilted lettuce.
Roasted trout with brown shrimp, tomato and smoked
butter sauce.
F R O M   T H E   F A R M
V E G E TA B L E S   &   S A L A D S
One thing we do in Ireland very well, especially in today’s climate, is to embrace the farm and use its produce to its fullest potential.
!ese are our favourite beef cuts to share, be warned they sell out quickly.
!ese dishes can be made big or small to cater for vegetarians, subject to produce being available $om Irish farms that we trust.
Great creamy mashed potatoes with creamed kale.
Mushroom open ravioli
Sheets of thin pasta brushed in cep dressing and
mushroom cream.
Spuds, eggs and butter
Colcannon croquettes with hollandaise sauce.
Banana purée, caramelised condensed milk, vanilla
crème fraiche, caramel jelly, digestive biscuits, banana
sorbet, caramel foam, digestive crisps.
Sherry tri”e
Cherry compote, vanilla custard, sherry & cherry
sponge, jelly, whipped cream.
Bread & butter pudding
Brioche, vanilla custard, caramel & brandy sauce,
poached raisins, raisin ripple ice cream.
Black forest
Warm baked chocolate mousse, cherry glaze, vanilla
ice cream, cherry sorbet.
Selection of ice cream & sorbets
Banana sorbet, cherry sorbet.
Vanilla, raisin ripple, strawberry &
caramel ice cream.
3 !avours  6
6 !avours  9
Rice Pudding
Strawberry rippled rice pudding with vanilla,
strawberry jelly, strawberry glacé and wild elder!ower
mouse and syrup.
T O   F I N I S H
Up and down the country Irish people have become familiar with a handful of desserts we all know and love. Full of nostalgia and simplicity, these classics are to be
found in most hotels, country houses and rural restaurants. Here we have taken their simple formality and added a new dimension by rethinking. We hope you like it.
Dried meringue, fresh strawberries, raspberries, kiwi,
grapes, dried raspberry, passion fruit & mango crunch,
raspberry crisps, cut with a little lemon curd.
Apple pie and cream
Roasted & candied apples, pastry wafers, roasted
hazelnut caramel crisps, vanilla ice cream.
All Fade Street Social beef is 100% Irish.  4-6 Fade Street, Dublin 2 / 01 604 0066. Follow us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/FadeStreetSocial. www.FadeStreetSocial.com
12.5% service charge on tables of 6 or more people, 100% of tips are distributed to our sta& at the end of every day. Service charge and tips are discretionary.
Sauce on the side-  Rosemary jus / thyme and barley / bone marrow butter / hazelnut and chervil jus / hollandaise / cep béarnaise /
crab, lemongrass and tomato / tomato smoked butter sauce / chervil sauce – €3 euros each.
Aged rib on the bone – €9.60  Chateaubriand – €12.40  Tomahawk steak – €9.70  Denver roll – €8.45
All prices per 100g of beef, portions are pre-cut to sizes written up on our chalkboard.
Big Big Big Small Small Small
Quite simply a menu designed to support the very best of homegrown produce. “e food is assembled in an
uncomplicated way that relies on its freshness to shine through as the real hero. We are committed to bringing to the
plate all that is great from the best of Irish produce, at a time when it is so important to support and value the e&ort and
commitment of our Irish producers and farmers. “ese people are an inspiration to us; through their passion they are
continuously evolving with a determination to be proud of what we do on this rapidly developing food island.

Classic Irish stew with spiced cream drops of potato
mousse and crispy balsamic fillet, scented with lovage
and celery leaves.
(Served with crusty bread and hazelnut butter).
Roasted trout with brown shrimp, tomato and smoked
butter sauce.
Mushroom open ravioli
Open mushroom ravioli with truffle, parmesan and


Small carrot and tarragon salad
creamy mashed potatoes for
€2 extra
All Fade Street Social beef is 100% Irish.  4-6 Fade Street, Dublin 2 / 01 604 0066.
Follow us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/FadeStreetSocial. www.FadeStreetSocial.com
12.5% service charge on tables of 6 or more people, 100% of tips are distributed to our staff
at the end of every day. Service charge and tips are discretionary.

White pudding & cabbage soup
White pudding with nutmeg potato puree, thin slices
of duck liver and hot cabbage soup.
Muirin studded with smoked salmon baton, bread
crumbed with colcannon and egg butter mousse.
Cold vegetable plate
Seasonal vegetables from the garden with lemon
dressing and baby leaves.

Rich beef and Guinness stew with parsley,
oyster cream and parsnip puree.
Braised rabbit legs with white wine, smoked
bacon, tarragon and onion.
Roasted trout with brown shrimp, tomato and smoked
butter sauce.
Mushroom open ravioli
Open mushroom ravioli with truffle, parmesan and
Pumpkin flatbread
Pumpkin purée, fresh rosemary, parmesan,
onion purée, Irish mozzarella, sliced chestnut,
fried mushroom.
Banana purée, caramelised condensed milk, vanilla
crème fraiche, caramel jelly, digestive biscuits, banana
sorbet, caramel foam, digestive crisps.
Bread & butter pudding
Brioche, vanilla custard, caramel & brandy sauce,
poached raisins, raisin ripple ice cream.
T O   F I N I S H
All Fade Street Social beef is 100% Irish.  4-6 Fade Street, Dublin 2 / 01 604 0066.
Follow us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/FadeStreetSocial. www.FadeStreetSocial.com
12.5% service charge on tables of 6 or more people, 100% of tips are distributed to our staff
at the end of every day. Service charge and tips are discretionary.
All served with
Great creamy mashed potatoes.
Served with starter to share
€ 2

We’ve always had the greatest respect for
a quality tipple. We’ve traded furs for it,
fought wars for it. Even the monks got in
on the act. They drank beer because of its
health-giving B vitamins and amino acids!
What about the old story of High King
Muirchertach Mac Erca, who jumped
into a barrel of wine to escape from a fire
in his castle. He literally drowned in it.
That’s some way to go.
Maybe you thought cocktails were new fangled invention. Well
surprisingly the Irish have been shaking things up since the High
Kings of Tara spiced up their mead with thyme, rosemary and
sweet briar. And let’s not forget the legendary Betsy Flanagan? This
formidable lady of Irish descent invented the very first cocktail when
she knocked up a lethal concoction, known as Betsy’s bracers, and
served them to Revolutionary soldiers in her New York tavern.
So choose yourself a cocktail, raise your glass let’s celebrate it, savour
it, reinvent it and, most important of all, let’s share it.
Murphys Measure
Previously Fade St was a tannery, now we have a different type of Chopin
going on! The botanical notes of Becherovka and French aperitif Lillet
Blanc are combined in equal parts . Shaken hard over ice with a large
measure of Chopin Potato Vodka and two dashes of aromatic bitters.
Served in an extra chilled coup glass with a Kewra water fragrance and
grapefruit zest garnish.
Betsy’s Bracer
A nod to that grand dame Betsy Flanagan, who created the first cocktail.
Plump Irish raspberries are muddled with fresh lime juice, rose cordial
and a dash of Orange blossom water. Shaken hard over ice with a large
measure of Absolut Pear infused vodka and served in an extra chilled
martini glass with a mint and cranberry garnish.
Remember picking gooseberries off the bushes when you were a kid?
Our delicious homemade gooseberry purée is mixed with a large measure
of Absolut citron and sweetened with some golden caramel syrup.
Shaken hard and served short over crushed ice.
Slippery Sloe
This is a mixture of Sipsmiths sloe gin with a Quinine based aperitif.
Fresh citrus oils and flavours of almond are added to the mixture in equal
parts. Shaken hard over ice with dash of aromatic bitters and egg white.
Double strained into a coup glass with a lemon zest garnish.
Carrot Head
We had Donnacha out digging carrots this morning… no really we did!
This lovely light cocktail is bursting with the refreshing flavours of carrot
and orange. Our own homemade carrot pureé is mixed with orange
infused Rum and shaken hard over ice with some Galliano, Falernum
and agave nectar. Topped up with a seasoned carrot foam and served tall.
Slaughter House
Legend has it Cúchulainn used to give his army onions for breakfast for
their nutritional value…but we think the full Irish in a glass is a better way
to go! Bloody sundried roasted tomatoes are muddled with fresh zingy
basil and Jameson Whiskey infused with bacon. Rolled between tins with
a dash of Fade St Social “El Diablo” mix. Garnished with a celery foam
and cucumber spear.
Soothe The Beast
Couples who place lavender between their sheets will never quarrel,
so Nan said anyway. Lavender and elderflower are combined with the
G’vine Floraison and sharp citrus juices. Shaken hard over large ice cubes
with egg white and lavender bitters. Served in a chilled coup glass and
garnished with fresh lime zest. I wonder if Nan knew lavender is also
an aphrodisiac
Away with the Fairies
Druids believed that if you fell asleep under the heavy scent of an elder you
would be carried off to the world of the fairies and be protected from snakes
and evil! A wonderfully balanced cocktail of apple and elderflower and just
a hint of cherry. Absolut Vodka is shaken hard over ice with fresh apple
cordial, flavours of citrus and two dashes of juicy cherry infused bitters.
Served in a chilled martini glass with a delicate elderflower and grapefruit
Mrs. Doyle
Oh gwan, gwan, gwan, gwan, gwan! Havana seven year old rum is mixed
with subtle flavours of cinnamon, hazelnut and a ginger liquor. Shaken
over ice and topped up with hot water and garnished with Barry’s tea and
lemon. This is the ultimate hot toddy. Ya will.
Robbing the Orchard
The flavours of anise and apple are here, but this deliciously juicy and
slightly sour cocktail is a bit more classy. Green Spot Irish whiskey is
mixed with homemade anise syrup, fresh pressed apple juice, orange
bitters and a dash of Ricard and egg white. Served in a pre-chilled vintage
coup glass and garnished with an anise star.
Big Fella
Brave, hardworking, dedicated and having tolerated no weaknesses in
anyone, especially himself – We think Michael Collins himself would
approve of this cocktail. Fresh beetroot juice mixed with muddled
blackberries and citrus juices and shaken hard over ice with a large
measure of Cachacha and  Kammerlings Ginsing liquor.Served tall over
crushed ice and garnished with crushed ice and blackberries.
Strumpet City
Smells and tastes of old Dublin, so no need to read 1040 pages of Ulysses,
eh JJ? Cool smooth flavours of Jameson 12-year old whiskey, stirred over
ice with orange citrus oils, Peychauds and a rare French tobacco liquor.
Served on large ice cubes in an old fashioned glass with a lemon zest
Mairead Rose
Old sister Mairead was mad about her flowers… and tequila. She mixed
Patron silver tequila with fresh citrus juices and equal parts of
elderflower liquor and rose cordial. We serve it in a chilled martini glass
with a vanilla salted rim.
Beer drinking as we know it was invented
12,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent
between Turkey, Iraq and Iran. But we
were pretty quick to get our hands on it and
turn it into our own. Monks glugged it
down for medicinal purposes. Even
St Bridget got in on the act with a
nifty party trick where she turned a leper’s
bathwater into ale.
That said, we weren’t exactly spoilt for choice when it came to
ordering a bit of liquid refreshment – it was a pint of porter, simple
as that. At Fade Street Social we’ve moved on a bit since then with a
pretty impressive beer & cider menu. Choose a foamy Franziskaner or
blow your socks off with a sup of Ginger Beard. And don’t forget to
grab a bite to eat too.
Beers and Ciders
Draught Beer
Bulmers     €5.80
Becks   €5.80
Hoegaarden   €5.95
Guinness    €4.50
Fade St Ale   €5.00

Glass of Leffe   €4.75
Glass of Bulmers   €2.50
Glass of Hoegaarden   €2.95
Glass of Guinness   €2.40
Glass of Fade St Ale   €2.50
Bulmers Original
Cider – Ireland  4.5%  Quenching  €6.10 Pt Btl

Bulmers Pear
Cider – Ireland  4.5%  Summer  €6.10 Pt Btl

Bulmers Light
Cider – Ireland  4.5%  Reassuring  €6.10 Pt Btl

Bulmers Berry
Cider – Ireland  4.5%  Tasty  €6.10 Pt Btl

Apple Lindemans
Cider – Belgium  4%  Clean   €9.50
Kriek Lindemans
Cider – Belgium  4%   Blooming   €9.75

Craft Beers
Estrella Inedit – Serves 2
Pilsner – Catalunya   4.8%  Brilliant   €15.95
Beer – Munich  5.2%,  Pure  €5.95
Weissbier – Munich  5%  Chewy  €5.90
Pilsener – Prague  4.3%  Silky   €6.00
Abbey Beer – Belgium  6.6%  Aromatic   €4.75
Weissbier – Belgium   4.9%  Scrumptious  €5.50
Pilsner Urquell
Beer – Czech  4.4%  Bitter  €6.50
Becks Vier
Beer – Germany  4.3%  Full-bodied  €5.60
Becks non alcoholic
Beer – Germany  -  Barley  €4.00
Greens Premium Pils
Pils – Belgium   4.8%  Yeasty   €5.30
Beer – Czech  5%  Light   €5.00
Belfast Lager
Lager – Ireland  4.5%  Refreshing   €5.25
Samuel Adams
Lager – Boston  4.8%  Robust   €5.10
Fullers Honeydew
Beer – London   5%  Zesty   €6.25
Schneider Weisse
Weissbier – Germany  5.4%  Warming   €5.25
Erdinger Hefe
Weissbier – Germany  5.3%  Wheaty   €4.75
Beer – Edinburgh  6.6%  Lush   €9.75
Ginger Beard
Beer – UK  4.2%  Firey   €6.50
Weissbier – Germany  -  Weissbier   €4.75
Mangozo Coconut
Exotic Beer – Belgium  3.6%  Exotic   €6.00
Mangozo Banana
Exotic Beer – Belgium   3.6%  Mellow   €5.25
Mangozo Palmnut
Exotic Beer – Belgium   7%  Ripe  €5.25
Estrella Damm
Pale Lager – Catalunya  4.6%  Neutral   €4.75
Sierra Nevada
Seasonal Beer – California  Craft beer of the month  €6.10
Proper Job
Pale Ale – Cornwall  5.5%  Powerful  €6.95
Galway Hooker
Pale Ale – Galway    4.3%  Tangy  €5.95
Trouble Brewing
Gold Ale – Kildare   4.3%  Hoppy  €5.95
Bishops Finger
Dark Ale – Kent  5.4%  Bitter   €6.20
ESB Lager
Dark Ale – London   5.9%  Smooth   €6.25
Greens Gluten Free
Blonde Ale – Belgium   5.8%  Fizzy   €6.25
Clothworthy Dobbin
Ruby Ale – Ireland  5%  Velvety   €5.75
Duvel Ale
Golden Ale – Antwerp   6.8%  Soft   €5.75
Barrell Pale Ale
Pale Ale – Colorado   5.2%  Hazy   €6.20
Chimay Red
Ale – Belgium   7%  Woodsy   €5.95
Farmhouse IPA – Colorado  7.5%  Rich   €7.20
Sunburned Irish Red
Red Ale – Ireland  5%  Harmonious   €5.20
Howling Gale Ale
Ale – Ireland  5%  Crisp   €5.00
Snake Dog
American Ale – Colorado   7.1%  Tasty   €7.10
Raging Bitch
Belgian IPA – Colorado  8.3%  Sharp   €7.20
Doggie Style
Classic Pale Ale – Colorado   5.5%  Citrus   €6.20
Goose Island
India Pale Ale – Chicago  5.9%  Bright   €5.20
Sierra Torpedo
India Pale Ale – California  7.2%  Bitter   €6.00
Knock Me Down
Porter – Ireland  5%  Refreshing   €5.00
Glass / Carafe / Bottle
Biancavigna Prosecco
Frizzante NV, Veneto, Italy
Brilliant straw-yellow with a fruity
scent of apple and white fruit.
€9 / – / 36
Champagne Lacroix-Triaulaire
Traditional Brut NV, Champagne,
Balanced, crisp and refreshing with a
mouth-wateringly delectable finish
€12 / – / 66
Glass / Carafe / Bottle
Quinta da Alorna
“Fazendas Perdidas”
White 2012, Tejo, Portugal
Fresh and soft, with notes
of ripe yellow fruit.
€5.50 / 12.50 / 20
Borgo Selene 2011,
Sicily, Italy
Light and crisp, perfumes
of apples and ripe pears.
€5.75 / 16 / 25.90
Domaine de Menard “Cuvée
Marine” Colombard 2011,
Côtes de Gascogne, France
An aromatic and elegant wine,
with notes of tropical fruit.
€7.50 / 20 / 26
Duc de Morny Picpoul de Pinet
2011, Coteaux du Languedoc,
Well balanced with ripe fruit and
a touch of citrus on the nose.
€7.50 / 20 / 32
Avelino Vegas ‘Montespina’
Verdejo 2011, Rueda, Spain
Herbaceous and aromatic,
with nutty flavours and hints
of both honey and pear.
€6 / 16.50 / 28
Los Boldos Chardonnay 2011,
Cachapoal, Chile
Crisp, fresh herb-tinged juicy fruit
dominates here, in a very bright
€5.80 / 16 / 25.90
Boland Cellar “Five Climates”
Chenin Blanc 2012, Paarl, South
Soft peach and apricot flavours with
a long refreshing finish.
€6.50 / 18 / 29.50
Marble Leaf Sauvignon Blanc
2011, Marlborough, New Zealand
With characters of passionfruit and
grapefruit and a long, dry stony
€9 / 23 / 39
Víña Cartin Albariño 2011,
Rias Baixas, Spain
Light and herbaceous, nicely
structured with hints of ripe fruit.
€8 / 17.50 / 33
Domaine de la Margotte Chablis
2011, Burgundy, France
Dry, unoaked chardonnay  with juicy
apple and pear flavours.
€7.20 / 20 / 32

Glass / Carafe / Bottle
Tenuta Nicante “Cerasuolo”
Rosé 2010, Abruzzo, Italy
Bright pomegranate red colours
with a delicate fruity aroma and
notes of cherry
€5.50 / 12.50 / 20
Glass / Carafe / Bottle
Allozo Ladero
Tempranillo Reserva 2005,
La Mancha, Spain
Full-bodied with aromas of sweet,
ripe, red fruit and a long finish.
€7 / 15 / 29.50
Quinta da Alorna
“Fazendas Perdidas”
Red 2011, Tejo, Portugal
A youthful, fresh and well balanced
wine, showing generous fruit.
€5.50 / 12.50 / 20
Domaine de la Mavette Côtes du
Rhône 2011, Rhone Valley, France
Ripe and textured, revealing flavours
of black fruit, tobacco and chocolate.
€6.50 / 15 / 27.90
Marble Leaf Pinot Noir 2010
Marlborough, New Zealand
Good balance of sweet fruit
and savoury characters
€8.90 / 22.50 / 38
Sangiovese di Toscana
“Il Nero” 2007, Tuscany, Italy
Easy-drinking, rustic flavours,
with soft cherry fruit on the palate
€6.50 / 15 / 27.90
Little Rascal Shiraz 2011,
Goulburn Valley, Australia
Deliciously spicy, with red fruit
and vanilla and a tangy finish
€7.20 / 20 / 32
Finca Nueva Rioja Reserva 2005,
Rioja, Spain
Rich, dense and sweet with plum
and cherry fruit and some spiciness
€8.10 / 22.50 / 36
Pieve de Pitti “Cerretello” Chianti
Superiore 2008, Tuscany, Italy
Sour cherry and red berry fruits on
the palate with great length and
grippy tannins
€9 / 28 / 44
Callia Malbec Reservado 2010,
San Juan, Argentina
Deep red and vivacious wine, aromas
of wildberries with vanilla and
chocolate notes
€7.60 / 21.25 / 34
Château Tour Bel Air “Plenitude”
Haut-Médoc 2009, Bordeaux,
Red fruit and spice flavours
dominate, with firm but ripe
€8 / 20.50 / 34

Chocolate Tart

Chocolate tart filled with chocolate mousse served with almond ice cream, cherry and lemon


Creme Brulee

Vanilla, marscapone cheese and lemon

Panna Cotta

Passion fruit and mango with ginger biscuit


Poached Pear William

Toasted merignue, salad of orange and pear sorbet



Caramelised apple and cinnamon clafoutis served with vanilla ice cream (please allow 12 min cooking time)



Crozier Blue

Made by Henry and Louis Clifton Brown, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.

Pasteurised, vegetarian rennet, semi soft blue cheese made from sheep’s milk, rich, full and well rounded flavour

Clonmore Goat’s

Made by Tom and Lena Biggane, Charleville, Co. Cork.  Pasteurised, vegetarian rennet.

Hard goat’s cheese, milky on the palate, with a distinctive smooth flavour, served below room temperature


Normandy, France.  Pasteurised, traditional rennet, triple cream brie that is luscious, creamy and faintly sour.

Glebe Brethen

Made by David Tiernan, Dunleer, Co. Louth.  Unpasteurised, traditional rennet.

Gruyere style cheese, matured on spruce timbers, mellow, fruity and creamy


Produced in Normandy, France.  Pasteurised cow’s milk.

Soft, creamy, pale yellow in colour, with a smooth fine texture and a pungent aroma

Triskel Ash Rind

Made by Anne Leveque, Portlaw, Co. Waterford.  Unpasteurised, traditional rennet.

French style semi-soft goat’s cheese, with ash rind, clean flavours, a herbal finish with a hint of hazelnuts

Hegarty Cheddar

Made by Dan and John Hegarty, Whitechurch, Co. Cork.  Pasteurised, vegetarian rennet.

Cheddar made from their own Fresian herd, crumbly in texture, sweet and nutty flavour

All our cheeses are supplied by Sheridan’s Cheesemongers

Selection of Three Cheese €9.95

Selection of Five Cheeses €13.50


2009 Château Jolys, Jurançon (37.5 cl)

Full of ripe fruit and honey, round with good length

2005 Château Roumieu, Sauternes (37.5 cl)

Stone fruits, honey and candied fruits, botrytis and barley sugar on the palate

2007 Guido Gualandi, Vin Santo (37.5 cl)

Christmas cake mix with honey and raisons on the palate, slightly nutty and a long luscious length








Town Cappuccino – Absolut vodka, Amaretto, Kahlua and Vanilla Ice Cream


Amaretto Sour – Disaronno, Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup


Espresso Martini – Vodka, Kahlua, Baileys, Espresso


Flirtini – Absolut Vanilla Vodka, Fresh Rasberry Puree, Pineapple Juice, Prosseco



Hennessey VS

Courvoisier VS

Remy Martin VSOP



Bas Armagnac Delord



Drouin Pays d’Auge VSOP



Grahams 10yr Tawny

Taylors 2002 LBV


Irish Whiskey



Tyrconnell 10 yr

Tullamore Dew

Jameson 12 yr


Single Malt Whiskey


Johnny Walker Black

Bowmore 12 yr

Bushmills 16 yr

Talisker 10 yr

Bowmore 18 yr



Amaretto Disaronno


Limoncello di Sorrento




Crème de Menthe

Grand Marnier








Double Espresso


Hot Chocolate




Earl Grey





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