
With the help of a friend, I have come to a stark realization that despite my saying that I am grateful for things, I'm really not.

Okay, that sounded completely wrong...

I am VERY grateful about things...but I need to let it be known. For example, Travis has been there for me through thick and thin - I really need to give the guy more credit. And I also need to tell him a lot more how much I really appreciate him. It isn't fair if we coast through our relationship together without truly appreciating what the other has to offer.

This doesn't just have to apply to relationships, it can be friendships, family relationships as well - even a relationship between a furry friend.

You can be grateful for pasta, transportation, your favorite mascara, the sunrise & sunset, the internet, electricity, running water....

The possibilities are really endless.

But it's also important to let the world know what it is you're grateful for. You can't just harbor those feelings inside and not say anything - that's pointless! So I know that I've done gratitude lists in the past...but I also just quit after a list or two...I think it's important for us to do this every single day.

Now I know that many people dislike the Kardashians {immensely} but there is one thing that I used to see on their show that I could appreciate and that was when they sat at the dinner table they would tell of a low point and high point to their day. They would call it the Peak and the Pit...or the Pit & the Peak...whatever way you choose to go. I think that's important to do as well..instead of always being a negative nancy and complaining about how our days were crap and could have gone better we should also embrace the positive.

It also teaches us that the good really does outweigh the bad...because no matter how shitty your day got, it always got better...and I'm sure you felt loads better after realizing the peak of your day than the pit.

It's a great chance to put some perspective into our lives.

This man is my rock. I wouldn't be where I am today without his support and his help. We're like any other normal couple though, we go through our fair share of frustrating periods as well as love-dove filled months. I am so grateful to have him in my life. And I mean, look at that face. Pretty irresistible if I do say so myself. I am one lucky lady!

I really cannot get enough of these two. I love the quote "Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them...and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had". When I first got Lou'e he totally opened me up to an entirely new world of love and enlightenment. When Moo came in I didn't think my heart could grow any bigger but it did. These two are my lifelines. I love them so much and am so grateful to have them. They basically own ME! Lol. And not a day goes by where they don't make me laugh or smile and I think that's incredibly important.

Days like this.
Isn't this what we live for?
We finally started going to the beach this past year. It was pretty amazing...I mean, after nearly 10 years of being together we just started going to the beach??? Lol. Yea, I know. Almost every weekend we would go up to Long Point and lay in the sun and swim every chance we got. There were so many laughs...and so many great memories.

After battling quite a bit in my last few years...the gym is what has kept me sane. I don't think that I will ever stop going. For sure I have weeks where I take a break to give myself a physical and mental period of time where I can just be lazy and eat everything in my fridge {although this doesn't always leave me feeling good}, I never regret going to the gym. It's definitely my therapy at this point. And one which I'd like to take to the next level.

I am finally a driver. Yes, 30 years of age...lol. At least I got it! I never thought that I would get to this point. I never thought that I would ever drive a car..I was way too scared. The anxiety crippled me. But after being coaxed along and finally growing a pair of balls, I did it. I went to driving school, hopped into a car with an instructor and just did it.
Now I couldn't imagine life without a car (which by the way, I am beyond grateful to my parents for)...I don't have to wait. No more wasted time!! It was totally worth it.

So there you have it!
What are you guys grateful for today??

Happy Friday!!! :)


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