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Government Conspiracy Or Is Mysterious Craigslist Ad A Government False Flag Op?

We hope the New World Order got our demo reel…

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According to a recently published report, the report states Conspiracy-minded lunatic fringe websites are all a-twitter over a mysterious Craigslist ad asking for “crisis actors for a government emergency drill” in Houston July 4 weekend.

Pulled shortly after it was posted earlier this month, the ad lives on in screenshots and talk of false flag operations on sites like Revere Radio Network, which states that similar ads have proceeded “some type of disaster that involves real lives being lost and sometimes just actors of course to make it look real.”

The ad, which features a graphic pic from the 2013 Boston marathon bombing, offers $200 for people who “will be responsible for portraying different emergency scenarios in a simulated government terror drill. No experience is needed. Confidentiality agreements are required….Please message for details.”

Some sharp pontificating can be found on Fromthetrenchesworldreport.com, where astute trencher #1 NWO Hatr writes “I believe even the ad is bogus. I believe it is an open call only to those who’ve been doing this for a living. I seriously doubt they’d take their chances with just anyone off the street. I also believe they’re paid far more than $200. Perhaps the posting is simply to give the ‘drill’ the appearance of legitimacy. Naturally, we all know better.”

Damn straight.

On the same site, Mesphisto opines that this may be something of a false false flag, writing, “this may all be misdirection. I still believe New York makes such a ‘wonderful’ target as a ’2nd attack’ here would open a lot of old wounds of Americans that STILL believe 9/11 was ‘Islamic terrorists.’”

It seems Mesphisto “knows” the “truth.” He better watch his “back.”

Read More HERE  http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/2014/06/is_mysterious_craigslist_ad_a_government_false_flag_op.php

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