
Paleo diet is one of the most talked about diets today, thanks to its ancestral rules and dishes.

The diet is based on the discordance hypothesis that argues that it’s the departure from the nutrition and physical activity patterns of our hunter-gatherer ancestors that has contributed to the endemic chronic diseases of modern civilization, says nutritionist Glen Matten.

Paleo’s mantra is to ‘keep it clean’, stay away from any refined or processed foods.

So what exactly is the Paleo diet? HuffPost UK Lifestyle editor Poorna Bell enlisted a range of experts to explain.

Definition: This diet works on the principles of ‘what cavemen ate’ on the basis that our digestive systems have not evolved in the last 10,000 years. To complement our bodies, this means no grains, legumes, and meat needs to be grass-fed beef, fish and chicken.

Fitness author Sam Feltham loves this diet, saying: “It’s the one I most prescribe to as firstly, it bases its theory on evolution, and secondly on what biochemical reactions we have from eating different foods.

“In clinical studies the Paleo diet has been shown to out perform the Mediterraneann diet and a commonly prescribed diet for type 2 diabetics metabolically and aesthetically in better weight loss.”

See Also:

The Paleo Diet: Discovery Of Caveman ‘Junk Food’ That Rotted Their Teeth Casts Doubt On Healthy Diet

Paleo Diet For Men: Can You Exercise And Go Caveman At The Same Time?

Francesca Fox, diet and fitness expert from Francesca’s Fit Kitchen says: “In principle I love the unprocessed, natural, whole food endorsement. However some zealots preach without thinking – strawberries /broccoli (and protein powder!) for example were not around 2,000 years ago! A great concept in theory.”

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It’s Not Just Plates Full Of Bacon

Yes, the paleo diet involves eating meat, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll just be eating bacon and eggs for every meal. Protein is important, nutritionist Sarah Ramsden advises, but your diet needs to include healthy carbohydrates and fats as well. “You really only need to be eating as much protein as you need to recover from your day to day activities,” she says.

It Can Be Easier On The Digestive System

Many people feel an improvement of digestive symptoms once they switch to a paleo-influenced diet, Ramsden says, perhaps because it involves the cutting dairy and grains. “People report that persistent bloating, gassiness, and general discomfort clears up, thanks to the elimination of grains, legumes, and dairy,” she says, “which for many people have a negative impact on digestive health.”

It’s More Than Just A Diet

“Paleo is more than just a diet, it’s a lifestyle,” Ramsden says. For example, fitness and physical activity are encouraged. There is a focus on energy and getting quality sleep to ensure optimum health. And stress management is another area where work is done, she said. Paleo has a lot to do with what you eat, but Ramsden explains that it looks at improving or removing all of the unhealthy aspects of our culture.

It Might Help With Autoimmune Disorders

Ramsden first discovered paleo when she was looking at <a href=”http://mssociety.ca/en/information/” target=”_hplink”>holistic ways to treat multiple sclerosis</a>, and says she’s had success that shows up in her scans. “The typical Canadian diet is very inflammatory,” she says. There is some evidence that a paleo-focused diet can help with <a href=”http://paleospirit.com/2013/what-is-the-autoimmune-paleo-protocol/” target=”_hplink”>other autoimmune disorders as well</a>.

You Don’t Have To Join A CrossFit Gym

A lot of people instantly think of <a href=”http://www.crossfit.com/” target=”_hplink”>CrossFit</a>, the intense exercise program that focuses on strength, endurance and flexibility, when they think of the paleo diet, and vice versa. But while many CrossFitters do eat paleo, for a variety of reasons, you don’t have to fling tires around to give the diet a try.

It Can Help With Your Energy

When you cut out sugar and refined carbs, your metabolism and blood sugar can become more stable, which means you’ll have a more constant supply of energy. For that reason, going Paleo can help you fight that 3 p.m. crash. “It’s the kind of diet to really help give you energy throughout the day,” Ramsden says.

Paleo Can Help You Fight Sugar Cravings

Always looking for a chocolate bar? Because it eliminates sugar and encourages you to eat in a way that keeps blood sugar stable, the paleo diet can cut that “hangry” feeling and reduce sugar cravings, Ramsden says.

You Can Give It A Shot

If the idea of a wholesale switch is scary, Ramsden suggests committing to switching to a paleo-influenced diet for 30 days, then seeing what your results are and deciding on going forward from there. She is a Canadian representative for <a href=”http://www.whole9life.com” target=”_hplink”>Whole 30</a>, a “diet reset” program that aims to help followers decrease inflammation and improve metabolism health, among other benefits, and suggests a guided program as a way to test out paleo.

The Fats You Eat Are Healthy

Yes, there are fats in some of the foods more common on the paleo diet, for example, in eggs. But the point is to get healthy fats, Ramsden advised, particularly healthy animal fats from a healthy source.

You Should Add In Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are a great addition to any diet, including the paleo diet. Choices like kimchi and sauerkraut are full of healthy bacteria that will help with digestion and may improve your immune functioning.

You’ll Want Quality Sources Of Protein

Don’t just run to the supermarket for the cheapest cuts you can find, Ramsden advises. Because animal fat can store unhealthy additives like the hormones that may have been used to raise animals, you’ll want protein from as clean and high-quality a source as you can get. “People need to balance their budget with the cost of a better quality animal protein,” she says. If you are buying conventionally raised meat, go for leaner cuts with less fat.

It’s Not Necessarily Low Carb

Yes, paleo involves cutting out grains and legumes, which are sources of carbs. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have no carbohydrates in your diet — or that you should, for that matter. Root veggies like taro have carbs, as do other vegetables like broccoli and fruits like berries. “The low-carb myth also comes from the fact that we load up on pasta, bread, etc. to fuel life at our desk jobs,” Ramsden says. “We tend to eat far too many carbs to suit our activity levels, which has a significant impact on our health.”

It’s Friendly For The Gluten Intolerant

Because paleo diets cut out carbs like wheat and barley, which both contain gluten, it can be a good diet for those <a href=”http://www.livescience.com/39726-what-is-gluten.html” target=”_hplink”>who need to or wish to avoid gluten</a>. It’s also a way to see how your body responds if you remove gluten from your diet, or at least cut it back.

Dietitian Priya Tew is not a fan. “The Paleo diet cuts out food groups without evidence to suggest why. Cutting out a wide range of foods such as grains can lead to the diet being nutritionally depleted which could have a knock on effect on health.”


HuffPost UK blogger and dietitian Chloe Phillips is also not convinced about the exclusion of food groups. “I agree with elements of this diet but when the Paleo diet is followed religiously it can too easily lead to nutritional deficiencies in particular Calcium and Vitamin D. Yes, processed foods can typically be higher in salt, sugar and fat, but not always, and can actually play a role in a healthy diet when the right choices are included in moderation.”

Have a look at some delicious Paleo recipes:

One-Pan Crispy Bacon and Roasted Asparagus with Baked Eggs

Read more at <a href=”http://www.simplebites.net/breakfast-in-minutes-one-pan-crispy-bacon-and-roasted-asparagus-with-baked-eggs/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SimpleBites+%28Simple+Bites%29″ target=”_blank”>Simply Bites</a>.

Avocado Egg Salad Lettuce Wraps with Bacon

Read more at <a href=”http://www.simplebites.net/avocado-egg-salad-lettuce-wraps-with-bacon-paleo-dairy-free/” target=”_blank”>Simply Bites</a>.

Balkan Sausages

Find out how to make Balkan ćevapčići <a href=”http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2013/05/25/balkan-cevapcici-aka-cute-sausages/” target=”_blank”>here</a>.

Orange Beef & Broccoli Stir-Fry

Find out how to cook this recipe by <a href=”http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2013/02/14/heart-stirring-stir-fry/” target=”_blank”>theclothesmakethegirl.com</a>.

Artichoke Lemon Pesto Chicken Pasta

Read more at <a href=”http://paleomg.com/artichoke-lemon-pesto-chicken-pasta/” target=”_blank”>Paleomg.com</a>.

Roasted Red Pepper and Avocado Soup with Sausages

Want to make this great recipe? Head to <a href=”http://paleomg.com/roasted-red-pepper-and-avocado-soup-with-sausages/” target=”_blank”>paleomg.com</a>.

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