Hellooooo Friends, Just a quick post and some winners for today. A few weeks ago we were traveling and I discovered a beautiful boutique. It’s called Brass Tac.
I picked up three of these blank cards (made by Sapling Press) because I loved the sayings on them and the quality of the paper. I was thinking that they might come in handy during the challenge… ta da! that brings us today. Not a lot of time to color so I inked these blank cards up with the ever so funny Art Impressions and did some very simple watercoloring.
Later I will add more details and perhaps more color? Read the sayings … omg so funny! I also love that sentiment from Art Impressions, “I laughed so hard I had tears running down my legs” lol Loovveee that!! This stamp actually has three funny sentiments.
Can you believe they rubber stamp on their bags!!
Lookie what I scored!! I can’t wait to hang this. <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f642.png" alt="