
The Leading Health Source: A company striving to help the unhealthy


The leading health source is one of the few pioneers that battles against pharmaceutical giants, and allows people who suffers from multiple health disorders  caused by the side effects of prescriptions to use a natural alternative path to increase their health.

We found out by conducting a study, that there is a 94% ratio of health success, using such things as ‘Marine Phytoplankton, Real 0, and Garcinia Cambogia’ The study also suggested that only 5% of complaints were posted by users without identification and possibly hired by pharmaceutical advocates to give a bad reputation to natural health products that interfere with their prescription sales. This practice has been observed by other natural companies.

However, no health company has a 100% success ratio guaranteed. But those that re-ordered product from the Leading Health Source committed to the programs assigned by the nutritionist and saw major results.  


From a parameter sample taken from the companies book  130 seniors, of  117 reported a significant increase in health, and a cut back of prescriptions previously approved by their physicians. Re order rates came across 91% in most cases.

The study also showed that out of 117 success cases, 79 seniors never returned to their regular doctor , whereas 27, kept a close relationship with their physicians but did not want to continue their medications.

The investigation also found out that all nutritionist were licensed  and had about 10 years experience helping one-on-one thousands of seniors suffering from health issues. The nutritionist also helped seniors get natural advice about out-market related products.


Top 3 best sellers.



Oxygen treatments are one of Americas upcoming “almost cure everything” as they focus on allowing health treatments. Hyperbaric Chambers list among the best natural programs in the world, and also treatments  like “Real O” which is a more powerful natural product than the “stabilized liquid oxygen”  The Leading Health Source had a 93% sale rate on “Real O”



Marine Phytoplankton, was also ranked very high by the companies preference of choice due to its high demand, especially on the West Coast. 90% of seniors ranked the MP as better or just as good as the Real O.



Garcinia Cambogia, was the third most ranked product with a 89% rate of sales. Since it was featured in Dr. Oz and other health channels, it’s now Americas top weight reducer and its almost always out of stock.

(None of the natural products listed showed signs of side effects, except a minor diarrhea)

Why Americans are getting tired of Prescriptions?


It is calculated that the side effects from prescriptions medications caused  by such things as High Blood Pressure or Cholesterol are one of the leading reasons people react to natural alternatives.

The new study, just published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, concludes more drugs are prescribed because the threshold for what constitutes an “illness” keeps getting lower and lower, thanks in large part to Big Pharma’s influence.

For example, what was once normal blood pressure is now too high or, if approaching high, is called “pre-hypertension” and Big Pharma recommends treatment. And instead of telling someone with high blood sugar to lose weight and exercise and eventually they could improve or normalize their condition, it’s likely a doctor will emphasize that a person found to have type 2 diabetes will need to rely on medication for life, leading to other health issues within time.

The Daily Journalist also published a report (TDJ Report) conducted by the State Of New Jersey, that shows why drug addiction has become a serious issue amongst seniors and people who have serious health problem who are not recovering.

More than half of the patients studied were taking five or more drugs. Interviews with these people showed the cost of the drugs was often a hardship and the patients were often made sicker because of adverse side-effects.

Prescription drugs are now killing far more people than illegal drugs, and while most major causes of preventable deaths are declining, those from prescription drug use are increasing, an analysis of recently released data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by the Los Angeles Timesre vealed.

The Times analysis of 2009 death statistics, the most recent available, showed:

For the first time ever in the US, more people were killed by drugs than motor vehicle accidents

37,485 people died from drugs, a rate fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents

Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, and more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69



Concerns regarded have grown larger and larger and Michigan State University anthropologist Linda M. Hunt, PhD., decided to research and found out that Physicians were pushing drugs to their patients to get a better paycheck.

Dr. Hunt points out in her study that physicians are caught up in an “auditing and reward system.” That means doctors are rewarded by drug companies for prescribing more and more drugs. Perhaps most disturbing is what Hunt calls a “prescribing cascade.” Simply put, drugs are prescribed to help relieve side effects caused by other drugs. Then still more drugs can be prescribed to relieve any new side-effects from the recently prescribed drugs.

National Public Radio (NPR) said, “A big new study of statin use in the real world found that 17 percent of patients taking the pills reported side effects, including muscle pain, nausea, and problems with their liver or nervous system.”

That’s a lot higher than the 5 to 10 percent reported in the randomized controlled trials that provided evidence for regulatory approval of the medicines.

This study, which was published in Annals of Internal Medicine, looked at more than 100,000 people who’d been prescribed statins from 2000 through 2008 at two academic medical centers.

About two-thirds of people with side effects quit taking statins. All in all, half of all the people who been prescribed the drugs quit them at last temporarily. Twenty percent quit for more than a year.

Pharmaceutical companies lobby millions of dollars to prevent natural products, from taking statin drugs out of the market. As Dr. Alberto Ferry from University of San Juan, “Medications don’t cure, they just relieve pain but in a dangerous way”

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