
Global warming makes Australia look more like a malignant tumour than a country.

The denial we have at the speed and enormity of climate change is extraordinary to watch, terrifying to comprehend.

Global warming is occurring far faster than the scientists first considered...

He is best known for ground-breaking research in 2014 which revealed the rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appeared to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in this area from melting into the sea.

In an interview with the Herald, Rignot said while historical measurements stretched back a century, some of the most worrying discoveries in Antarctica had come only in recent decades.

…and it only getting more extreme…

Hurricane-force Atlantic storm to push North Pole to melting point in winter

A gigantic, powerhouse winter storm is charging through the North Atlantic and threatens to flood the high Arctic with abnormally mild air.

Arctic temperatures have blown past previous record highs in recent months, and this surge of (relative) warmth is just the latest in a long series that has amazed scientists.

For the fourth time in just over a year, the North Pole may near the melting point in winter, a previously rare event.

…the insane heat in Australia, the extreme weather events we are seeing here in NZ, the speeding up of melting glaciers and a North Pole facing hurricane winds spiking temperatures up in ways not witnessed before, this is global warming. This is what happens when you pump pollution into the environment without an sense of self control.

We are past the ability to stop what is happening, we need to start adaptation. Now.

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