
Over a working lifetime, the average woman will earn around half a million dollars less than the average man – and veteran campaigners will meet high school student leaders today to discuss the equal pay campaign.

Monica Briggs, the chief executive of YWCA Auckland, will join Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox MP and leaders from Wellington schools at an event in Parliament’s West Foyer.

“These young women are about to embark on their working lives, and they’re horrified that the average woman still earns 14 per cent less than a man doing the same job,” Ms Briggs says.

“That’s despite the Equal Pay Act being law in this country since 1972.”

Ms Fox will also receive some of the 10,000 postcards calling for the government to accept all the recommendations of the Joint Working Group on equal pay.

“Getting equal pay for work of equal value is a crucial part of this equation,” Ms Briggs says.

“Employers, government negotiators and unions agreed on the recommendations – and we want Cabinet to do their part.”

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