Today’s Daily Blog Watch Round-Up of matters that have attracted the attention, assessments, and articulations of this country’s leading bloggers and on-line satirists…
NZ Left Blogosphere
Starting of with the latest NZ Herald-Digipoll, which shows National UP and Labour DOWN, Danyl writes about Confidence men on The Dim Post contrasts National’s unpopular policies with it’s (apparent) popularity in the polls.
Apparently the ferals on Farrar’s right-wing blog are gnashing their teeth in a frenzy over Danyl’s up-coming book release (see below). In Today publishing, tomorrow the Ukraine, evidently the RWNJs haven’t been fed their daily meds…
On the issue of Danyl’s book, Scott on the Dim Post sez DON’T buy this book! – and gives three really, really, really good reasons.
Danyl also posts An apology from the Law Society to John Key. Kinda. Essentially, it all boils down to the fact that Dear Leader knows best and the rest of us should just STFU. As if public submissions really were necessary in the Grand Scheme of things.
I love
Big Brother
Dear Leader!
Frank does some Frankly Speaking on the Herald-Digipoll, and finds that they are more than a little dodgy. Dodgy polls, dodgy dealings, and a spot of fear-mongering looks at the poll’s short-comings; why we shouldn’t put our faith into State security apparatus; and de-constructs Key’s unabashed fear-mongering over the proposed GCSB amendment.
The only thing Key has left out is alien invasion by this lot,
Plus Frank has something to say When false advertising is hyperbole, so it’s ok.
Fightback announces that Papua New Guinea may pull out of trade agreement, and may opt for a regional agreement instead. Evidently the PNG may have come to the realisation that FTAs favour rich nations at the expense of developing.
PNG Trade Minister, Richard Maru, sez that Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) is a “a waste of time”,
“Right now if we enter into such an arrangement it will be one sided all the goods will be coming from Australia and New Zealand into the Pacific market. At the moment we are not really doing much trading with Australia and New Zealand. We can’t even sell taro there, we have no capacity to sell our greens it’s all one sided traffic so what’s the point of going into a trading arrangement with Australia and New Zealand”.
Forest & Bird reports a Successful mountain rescue for Hutton’s shearwater which will hopefully take to a new 2.1 hectare predator-proofed sanctuary outside Kaikoura. Previous efforts to create a safe haven for these birds was marred by those lovable, purring household pets – the moggy. Because cats are more impotant to some people than our wildlife.
The Greens have been busy on Frogblog;
A strike is what happens when all other avenues have failed, writes Denise Roche, in response to Simon Bridges Employment Relations Amendment Bill and Jami-Lee Ross’s strike-breaking Employment Relations (Continuity of Labour) Amendment Bill. Denise calls these proposed laws for what they are,
“ It is a hard decision for workers to go on strike. It is an action of last resort – they don’t get paid while they’re taking industrial action – and to have this final tool taken away from them again favours the employer in disputes and weakens the position of workers during negotiations. ”
Equal access for all to NZ Parliament is essential sez Mojo Mathers, who is campaigning to make Parliament more accessible to those New Zealanders who happen to have a disabilty. Mojo is looking at areas such as,
parliament buildings (e.g. access to buildings, signage in Braille, provisions for guide dogs)
parliament’s public processes, such as Question Time, select committees, etc.
public information, including parliament’s website and Parliament TV (e.g. NZSL video clips, plain language, captioning of parliament TV )
More power to her elbow. Any institution that professes to be democratic and inclusive cannot exclude people with disabilities and still maintain that they are democratic and inclusive.
Mojo Mathers sez there is Overwhelming support to end unnecessary animal testing, and points out,
“ Even without being forced to take the drugs, keeping animals in these sterile steel cages in isolation is bleak to say the least. ”
I’d go a step further and state categorically that testing “synthetc highs” on animals is an obscenity that shows the depths that our society is prepared to go, for selfish pleasure. Morons like ‘punkscience’ on the Comments section is either a troll – or his mummy never said “no” to this self-centered little prick.
On Hot Topic, Gareth presents The Climate Show #34: four Hiroshima bombs a second on the climate news. Gareth presents a lengthy list of extreme climate events from around the planet – something predicted as a consequence of global warming.
The Jackal posted yesterday why Farrar is a fool – but I thought it was so pithy that it merited re-posting. Again. And maybe tomorrow. And the day after. Because really, anyone like Farrar who posts inaccurate information just to score a political point deserves to be lampooned and laughed at.
On The Hand Mirror, Tildebhooks offers A post in which I overcome my guilt of watching Indian soaps through feminist analysis, and while I’m not too keen on reviewing “soap operas”, I found myself absorbed by her observations and insights. As a certain pointy-eared alien might say, “Blimmin’ fascinating, mate!”
The thing I like about Phillip Ure’s blog, Whoar, is that he presents a collage of events happening in New Zealand and abroad, in a quirky but interesting manner. You just want to click on his links and read further to his brief intros. We start of with “..Chris Trotter:..Okay! – Okay! – I’m Un-Surrendering. – Replace Shearer..” (self explanatory really) and more dodgy dealings in the UK; “..Police unit monitors 9,000 ‘extremists’..” On a similar issue, “..The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis..” (video..)
There’s a strong theme running through Phillip’s posts, and perhaps his style is apropos for the crazy world we find ourselves living in.
Following on from his excellent blogpost yesterday (National’s generic press release for introduction of new bill), Mickey Savage on Waitakere News asks What the Hekia happened to my OIA request? One gets the feeling that if the Nats could do away fro m the OIA, they damn well would.
The Civilian’s razor-sharp barbs are directed at Labour on this occassion, with an Opinion: I feel like I should write this while I’m still a public figure. !OUCH!
On today’s announcement that the Nats will support the central rail loop in Auckland, sometime in the distant future, Matt L on the Auckland Transport Blog has Further thoughts on today’s CRL announcement,
“ One gets the feeling that the government’s announcement today that they’ll fund half of the City Rail Link project (although construction only from 2020 onwards) occurred because opposing the project was no longer tenable: either in a practical sense (the weight of evidence produced by Council and Auckland Transport over the last couple of years) and a political sense – probably through polling but also the political pressure from Auckland business associations.
The fact that Friday’s announcement will be in front of the Chamber of Commerce suggests that groups like the Chamber and the Employers and Manufacturers Association have been pretty critical in pushing for government to have a change of heart towards the project. The government’s position in relation to Auckland’s transport issues of “gnah gnah gnah we’re not listening” really hasn’t gone down well with these key stakeholders – people who are pretty important to the government. ”
No Right Turn’s Idiot Savant has been toiling away, presenting issues with a new perspective, and telling it like it is (and the way the media won’t)…
“Reasonable force”
“ So, the police’s definition of “reasonable force” now includes pushing a compliant young girl over and smashing her front teeth in:
A police officer accused of assaulting a 15-year-old girl during a party in Auckland in February has been cleared of any wrongdoing by an internal investigation. ”
Yeah, I don’t get that either. Let’s wait an see if the IPCA comes to a different conclusion or just adds another coat of whitewash.
Police thuggery. Best done in a Third World banana republic. Like that Libertarian nirvana, Zimbabwe…
Spying on the innocent
“ So in addition to spying on its critics, the UK police spy on the innocent:
A national police unit that uses undercover officers to spy on political groups is currently monitoring almost 9,000 people it has deemed “domestic extremists”. ”
Savant wonders if our police force has a similar file on New Zealand activists?
If I were on iPredict, put me down for $1,000 for a “Yes” vote. I’d be surprised if they didn’t have such (illegal) files.
One thing we’ve been learning – the security/police/intelligence “communities” in the West are out of control like young, white, spoilt, drunk partygoers on the North Shore.
Winning the argument on Auckland rail – Savant makes a pretty good point when he sez we should lay of the Nats when they change policies and actually do something worthwhile. Otherwise, WTF is their gain if they do change policies? It’s called positive reinforcement, peeps!
“ Sometimes I really despair at our political culture. ”
The last resort of scoundrels – so that’s where youi’ll find Key and his cronies…
“ Having failed to win the argument for greater GCSB powers on the merits, John Key is now resorting to the unsavoury tactic of questioning people’s patriotism. Those who oppose giving the GCSB carte blanche to spy on everything are accused of not being concerned about public safety, specifically from crime and terrorism. But who are the GCSB actually after? Kim Dotcom and Nigerian scammers. ”
A polititician is in trouble when they have to resort to naked fear mongering or faux patriotism.
It’ll be interesting if the Masses fall for it. (Put me down for $100 that they fall for it.)
And finally, guess who the Muppets are?
QoT on Ideologically Impure pays homage to Badass prochoice hero of the day: Wendy Davis. Damn, this woman rocks,
“ For thirteen hours, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis filibustered a bill which would close 30 abortion clinics in the state, leaving only 5 to provide medical care to its 26 million inhabitants. ”
Amazing. By comparison, what do we get in our own Parliament…? Don’t answer. This is a family page.
Wendy Davis – Hero.
Meanwhile, over on The Standard,
Polls and the search for meaning – James Henderson also writes why the NZ Herald-Diigipoll is so much bunkum. (See Frank’s analysis linked above)
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear – Anthony R0bins writes,
“ Key is going off the rails on his proposed GCSB spying Bill. An interesting piece in The Herald yesterday begins as follows:
Prime Minister John Key says Labour opposition to the GCSB spy agency amendment bill could prevent New Zealanders being safe in an event like the Boston bombings.
Fear card fail. Hey John, America has any number of spying capabilities and patriot laws, and they did not prevent the Boston bombings. Massive surveillance in London did not prevent the London bombings. We can’t prevent such events either – some things can’t be prevented. Using this as an excuse to try and justify increased spying on Kiwis is just pathetic. ”
Unspeakable – IrishBill puts in a plug for Danyl’s book-launch next Friday (see below),
“ Just in case you don’t know, Danyl’s book, Unspeakable Secrets of the Aro Valley, is now available for pre-order…
... He’s also offered an open invite to his launch party in Wellington next week for anyone keen to drink VUP’s booze…”
From the Daily Blog
Don’t worry, the GCSB is only spying on you “incidentally” - Keith Locke writes,
“We know from the Snowden papers that the US NSA and the UK GCHQ use “selectors” – which could be key words – to filter millions of phone calls and emails – including those of New Zealanders. This is mostly done without warrants relating to specific individuals. ”
Winston maneuvers to the Right by voting for GCSB legislation - Martyn Bradbury writes,
“ Winston’s need to initiate the witch hunt against Dunne is driven out of the desire to kill off United Future as a possible coalition partner, it’s not from any moral or ethical conviction on the behalf of Winston. ”
The madness of Tim Groser - Gareth Renowden writes,
“ The irony here is that New Zealand’s farmers are amongst the most efficient and adaptable in the world, and have already made great strides in reducing emissions per unit of output, as Groser pointed out in his speech. To believe that they can’t cope with a carbon constrained future and need to be featherbedded while the rest of the economy pays their bills is to treat them with contempt. ”
Diversity demands a shift in politics – Efeso Collins writes,
“ Over the past years people have often queried me on what could be done to increase the participation of Pasifika communities, young people and south Aucklanders in the political process. Amongst Pasifika people there has been growing interest in the number of voters who are reconsidering their parents traditional support for Labour.
I have been intrigued at church, canvassing the number of our older voters who have split their votes between their local Labour candidate and a party vote for NZ First; whilst many of our younger voters are doing something similar – voting for the local Labour candidate then party-voting either Labour, Green or Mana. Its difficult for me to write these observations as I’d prefer they vote the way I think, but I’m excited by their political nous in assessing how they might best influence the election outcome by voting the way they do. ”
Mandela’s legacy tainted by the ANCs corruption and brutality - John Minto writes,
“ For the world he was the ultimate hero. The man who was able to heal a broken nation and shift it from vicious race-based laws to a democracy while thwarting the much-feared prospect of civil war…
… Mandela remains revered among most of South Africa’s black population. They don’t blame him but they increasingly despise the ANC. In some ways Mandela has been the glue holding South Africa together and with his passing, when it comes, the voices of discontent will rise and the ANC will face intense resistance. ”
Okay! Okay! I’m Un-Surrendering. Replace Shearer - Chris Trotter writes,
“ As the full dimensions of NZ Power began to emerge, the hurried and ad-hoc nature of that crucial joint press conference quickly became evident. It had been so many years since Labour had released anything even remotely challenging to the neoliberal status-quo that nobody in the Leader’s Office had foreseen – let alone prepared Shearer – for the firestorm of criticism which erupted immediately from the Right. ”
Blogpost of the Day
The Rule of Law, by Jan Logie, is a comprehensive look at twenty pieces of legislation that the Nats have implemented (or about to implement), that,
“ The Law Society in its report to the UN review of human rights in New Zealand (UPR) identified 14 separate pieces of legislation, 11 in the last two years, that undermine our rule of law and fundamental human rights. ”
Good to see someone keeping track of the Nats litany of laws that a Green-Labaour-Mana coalition government must overturn once they are elected into office in 2014.
Some, like the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Bill 2013 is a direct attack on our right to privacy and increases State encroachment into our lives. Others, like the NZ Public Health and Disability Amendment Act 2012 actually rob us of our right to seek judicial redress against unjust laws.
A new government will have it’s work cut out for them.
Free Plug for the Day
Right. Time for you lot to start pulling your weight redux – Danyl on The Dim Post has just released his book. Check out the details of the launch party on this Friday, 5 July, in Wellington.
This is your chance to mix it with a well known blogger; other bloggers
who will be attending to drink Danyl’s booze
present to support Danyl; and a lively evening to remember.
Action of the Week#1
Tree planting day at Poets Park alongside the Hutt River / Hutt River Trail, 10am, Saturday 13 July until trees all planted. All welcome. Bring your gumboots and a spade if possible (but not essential as a few will be available). Trees and equipment provided. Planting for a couple of hours or so, followed by sausage sizzle, hot drink and mingle. For further information contact George Butters, 027 632 1220. Organised by Greater Wellington and Friends of the Hutt River. Poets Park is first left after crossing the Moonshine bridge, see Google Map: Poets Park
Pat van Berkel
Friends of the Hutt River
0211 1459 789
Action of the Week#2
From Frogblog, Holly Walker writes about Electoral reform in the constitutional review;
This week the deadline for submissions on the Constitutional Conversation was extended by a month, so now we’ve got until July 31st to submit.
This is a great chance for all of us to have a say on how we want our country to be run, as well as to share our values and aspirations for Aotearoa New Zealand.
We’ve got a submission guide to help you have your say, which includes Green Party policy on some of the specific areas included in the terms of reference.
Two of the official areas under review that I’m really interested in are electoral matters and Māori representation, which include some pretty important issues like:
the size of parliament
the size and number of electorates
how long our parliamentary term should be
whether we should have a fixed election date
the Māori Electoral Option
Māori seats
I think it’s worth thinking about these issues in the context of our MMP system. MMP has brought fairness, diversity and proportionality to our parliament, and it’s important that these principles are reflected in any further changes to the way parliament and elections work.
Read more here.
Thought for the Day
~ Joe Blogger,
“The Daily Blog Watch” Editor, Imbiber of Fine Sugary Drinks, & moa tail-docker