
In a last minute type of thing we decided to take the show on the road down to the Cedar Fort spring cleaning sale.  If you are in Utah and wanna save a ton of money on some great books you need to check out this sale.

Cedar Fort Publishing & Media will be  hosting a spring cleaning clearance sale on April 11–13 from 10 a.m.

to 6 p.m. in its Springville warehouse at 2373 West 700 South. All items in stock will be discounted 10 to 80 percent off their retail  value.

In addition to food and giveaways, 24 of the publisher’s authors—all  of whom live in Utah—will be on hand intermittently to sign copies  of their books. Each of the publisher’s four genres (nonfiction,  fiction, cookbook/outdoors and LDS) will be represented during the  book signing portions of the event.

So we sat down with a few authors. Here are links to their books.

Betsy Schow-Finished Being Fat: An Accidental Adventure in Losing Weight and Learning How to Finish

Sherri Mills- Marriage 101 for Men: Why Taking Out the Trash Is a Turn On

Treion Muller-Mom Rules: Because Even Super Heroes Need Help Sometimes

Greg Ford-No Girls Allowed: Cookbook for Men

Even the Owner of the place stopped by.

We hope you enjoy.


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