
Picture L to R: Jason Verdigets, Constable Danny Thibodeaux, Judge Jessie LeBlanc, Justice of the Peace John Hebert, Constable Banana LeBlanc, Constable James E. LeBlanc, Deputy Constable Joel Louque and Justice of the Peace Leroy Laiche

On Thursday May 29, 2014, the Ascension Parish Justice of the Peace, Constables and Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office hosted their annual training course with the Justice of the Peace and Constables from Ascension, Assumption and St. James Parishes.

“Four years ago the organization was formed between the three parishes to continue the education needed to assist with performing our duties for the local communities,” stated Ascension Constable James E. LeBlanc.

Every year, the Justice of the Peace & Constables attend an annual Training Conference throughout the State of Louisiana hosted by the Attorney General’s Office.

“Ascension, Assumption and St. James Parishes continue that training throughout the year by hosting a training seminar in their parish during the year.This gives all our Justice of the Peace and Constables a chance to attend four different training sessions in a one year period,” stated LeBlanc.

This past week’s training seminar was assisted by Judge Jessie LeBlanc, Jason Verdigets of the District Attorney’s Office and several members of the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office. Also members of the Ascension Parish and St. James Parish Sheriff’s Office attended the informative seminar.

The local Justice of the Peace & Constables would like to thank Sheriff Jeff Wiley and members of the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office for providing the meal for the training session.

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