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Classic 'WKRP' turkey episode has become a Thanksgiving tradition - 1 Update
Mad Shelia Is the Chinese Mad Max Ripoff of Your Dreams - 1 Update
RED STATE treatment of a veteran... - 1 Update
Chad hates funky m - 3 Updates
what are some of chads' favorite movies? - 1 Update
what are some of chads' favorite tv shows? - 4 Updates
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone - 1 Update
So true So true - 1 Update
A frightening array of Islamophobes, xenophobes, homophobes, racists, and misogynists is assembling around President-elect Trump, - 1 Update
NBC has released the first trailer for their new series Emerald City - 2 Updates
Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner Reacts To WWE 2k17 Snub - 1 Update
Let's All Laugh at How Garbage CGI Was in the '90s - 1 Update
"Donald Trump's pick of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education proves that having a shortage of experience means nothing as long you don't have a shortage of money - 1 Update
California Is the Opposite of Trumpland—That's Why It Is Thriving - 1 Update
Toni Morrison: Fear of losing white privilege led to Trump's election. - 1 Update
On the German TV news tonight: possible hacking and vote reporting fraud in WI, MI and PA - 1 Update
Fox is shocked, SHOCKED I SAY, that people would actually dare to question an elected president's legitimacy - 1 Update
who are some of chads' favorite singers? - 2 Updates
Classic 'WKRP' turkey episode has become a Thanksgiving tradition
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 03:02PM -0800
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Mad Shelia Is the Chinese Mad Max Ripoff of Your Dreams
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 03:01PM -0800
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RED STATE treatment of a veteran...
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 02:58PM -0800
Threats force family of veteran denied meal at Chili's from home
Read more here:
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Chad hates funky m
robert stickler <>: Nov 24 11:09AM -0800
Hell yes
FunkyM <>: Nov 24 11:23AM -0800
On Friday, November 25, 2016 at 6:09:29 AM UTC+11, robert stickler wrote:
> Hell yes
I'm sad and afraid to say that it seems you are right.
I've got nothing but love for my fellow man and I think my ongoing quest to make him a better person is apparent for all to see. But for reasons I cannot fathom, he seems intent on unleashing all of his decades of bitterness and bile, not to mention his army of sock-puppets, upon me.
Fear not, Robbie. We *will* fix him.
robert stickler <>: Nov 24 02:13PM -0800
But you're the one who needs fixed
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what are some of chads' favorite movies? Nov 24 02:02PM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 12:58:37 PM UTC-5, The Chad wrote:
> robert stickler wrote on Wed, 23 Nov 2016 23:48:52 -0800:
> > just wondering.
> -The Blues Brothers
But they are on a "mission from God". Surely that would offend you.
Also, you are as fat as Ackroyd and as lazy as Belushi.
> -Schindler's List
I bet you only watch it for the nudity and cheer for the Nazis.
> -National Lampoon's Animal House
Makes sense since you look like Bluto.
> -Most of the Star Trek movies
I wish that they would beam you into space.
> -The Shining
Well you have Jack's psychosis, delusions, mental instabilities down......
> -Full Metal Jacket
You fit Private Pyle so closely that you could be his stand-in on a remake.
> -Carrie (1976)
Because you were also ostracized and made fun of frequently in high school.
> -Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
Sets made entirely out of food. Big surprise.
> -2001: A Space Odyssey
You would be one of the apes in the beginning.
> -Interstellar
Haven't seen it, don't care.
> -Across The Universe
See above.
> -Mr. Holland's Opus
> -Borat
> -Scarface
Say hello to my little sock puppet!
> -They Live
I wish Roddy Piper would kick your ass.
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what are some of chads' favorite tv shows?
robert stickler <>: Nov 24 11:08AM -0800
Unifarva is stupid
FunkyM <>: Nov 24 11:24AM -0800
On Friday, November 25, 2016 at 6:08:56 AM UTC+11, robert stickler wrote:
> Unifarva is stupid
If statistics show anything, it is that Unifarva is smarter than two out of three other posters.
In this thread... Nov 24 01:57PM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 12:59:43 PM UTC-5, The Chad wrote:
> robert stickler wrote on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 00:00:08 -0800:
> > i want to know.
> 90% of my TV watching is news, sports, & documentaries.
And yet, you still come across as an arrogant douchebag. Nov 24 01:58PM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 1:26:49 PM UTC-5, The Chad wrote:
> robert stickler wrote on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 10:23:06 -0800:
> > Unifarva tried saying you don't watch tv
> Chadlee Anvil says a lot of things that are complete bullshit.
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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone Nov 24 01:20PM -0800
Except Chad. I hope you die.
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So true So true
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 12:44PM -0800
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A frightening array of Islamophobes, xenophobes, homophobes, racists, and misogynists is assembling around President-elect Trump,
"Jason Todd!!!" <>: Nov 24 12:34PM -0800
On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 1:29:12 PM UTC-5, Journalist? wrote:
Well hell, they were already in place for Candidate Trump.
No suprises there.
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NBC has released the first trailer for their new series Emerald City
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 12:04PM -0800
"Jason Todd!!!" <>: Nov 24 12:07PM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 3:04:59 PM UTC-5, Journalist? wrote:
I liked it better when it was called "Lord of the Harry Potter Thrones"
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Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner Reacts To WWE 2k17 Snub
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 12:07PM -0800
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Let's All Laugh at How Garbage CGI Was in the '90s
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 11:23AM -0800
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"Donald Trump's pick of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education proves that having a shortage of experience means nothing as long you don't have a shortage of money
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 10:39AM -0800
Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he is appointing as education secretary Betsy DeVos, the billionaire Republican who is a major champion and founding funder of the modern education privatization movement. Bringing no significant experience in public education, DeVos is a billionaire member of a family that has cultivated extensive power and influence in conservative circles thanks to its fortune from the Amway Corporation.
Trump's appointment immediately provoked objection, with writer and historican Diane Ravitch slamming DeVos as someone who "does not hide her contempt for the public schools."
Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association, declared Wednesday that DeVos has "done more to undermine public education than support students. She has lobbied for failed schemes, like vouchers—which take away funding and local control from our public schools — to fund private schools at taxpayers' expense. These schemes do nothing to help our most-vulnerable students while they ignore or exacerbate glaring opportunity gaps. She has consistently pushed a corporate agenda to privatize, de-professionalize and impose cookie-cutter solutions to public education."
"By nominating Betsy DeVos," said García, "the Trump administration has demonstrated just how out of touch it is with what works best for students, parents, educators and communities."
Trump has also appointed white nationalist Steve Bannon as chief White House strategist, overt racist Jeff Sessions as attorney general and hawkish anti-Muslim crusader Michael Flynn as national security adviser.
DeVos is among a handful of billionaires who have created and underwritten the rapid expansion of charter schools since 2000. As detailed in an e-book published this fall by AlterNet's parent organization, Who Controls Our Schools? The Privatization of American Public Education, DeVos has long supported using taxpayer funds for voucher programs, parochial schools and charters, all of which undermine and replace public schools and locally-elected school boards. She neither attended public schools nor sent her children to them. (Click here to read the ebook for free.)
The former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, DeVos backed a failed ballot initiative in 2000 to amend the state constitution to allow students to use taxpayer dollars to attend nonpublic schools. She heads the American Federation for Children, which was described in Political Research Associates by Rachel Tabachnick:
The American Federation for Children is now the umbrella organization for two nonprofits that have been at the center of the pro-privatization movement for over a decade. In addition to the renamed Advocates for School Choice, it includes the Alliance for School Choice, formerly known as the Education Reform Council. Both entities received extensive funding from the late John Walton, one of the Wal-Mart heirs. The boards of the two related entities included movement leaders Betsy DeVos–scion of a Christian Right family who married into the Amway home goods fortune–William Oberndorf, Clint Bolick, John Kirtley, Steve Friess (son of Foster Friess), James Leininger, John Walton, and Cory Booker.
In a 2013 interview, Betsy DeVos indicated that she found inspiration in the article by notorious libertarian economist Milton Friedman titled, "The Role of Government in Education." Notably, Friedman stated in that article, which was published in 1955, that he is amenable to racial segregation in "privately conducted" schools. He wrote, "So long as the schools are publicly operated, the only choice is between forced nonsegregation and forced segregation; and if I must choose between these evils, I would choose the former as the lesser. Privately conducted schools can resolve the dilemma ... Under such a system, there can develop exclusively white schools, exclusively colored schools, and mixed schools."
But to understand DeVos's political footprint, it is necessary to examine her powerful family dynasty, whose well-heeled members chair the Orlando Magic.
As Benjy Hansen-Bundy and Andy Kroll previously noted in Mother Jones, "Members of the DeVos family rank among the most generous benefactors of the conservative movement and the Christian right, up there with the Bradleys, the Coorses, and the Kochs. Not only has billionaire Amway cofounder Richard DeVos Sr. cut checks to anti-union and anti-tax efforts, but these days he's also a fixture at the Koch brothers' invite-only donor summits. Name an organization—Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority, David Koch's Americans for Prosperity, the arch-conservative Heritage Foundation—and odds are a DeVos family member has donated to it."
Betsy DeVos is the sister of Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary company Blackwater that profited off of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Four of the company's employees were found guilty for a 2007 massacre in Baghdad's Nisour Square, in which 17 Iraqi civilians were killed, including a child as young as 9. Following bad publicity, the company has since changed its name to Academi, and Prince, no longer working there, is reportedly under investigation for money laundering.
Betsy DeVos's husband Dick played an instrumental role in pushing in 2012 for legislation to make Michigan a right-to-work state, and disgraced Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder responded to her appointment with accolades.
"Donald Trump's pick of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education proves that having a shortage of experience means nothing as long you don't have a shortage of money," Progress Michigan executive director Lonnie Scott said Wednesday. "The DeVos family has been using their deep pockets to influence the Michigan legislature for years and it looks like they have finally bought their way into a presidential administration as well. The DeVos family education plan has been a disaster for Michigan and we are truly saddened that Trump decided to import their failed ideas to Washington D.C. Progress Michigan remains committed to holding the DeVos family accountable and fighting for all children to have access to excellent public schools."
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California Is the Opposite of Trumpland—That's Why It Is Thriving
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 10:36AM -0800
California is now the capital of liberal America. Along with its neighbors Oregon and Washington, it will be a nation within the nation starting in January when the federal government goes dark.
In sharp contrast to much of the rest of the nation, Californians preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a 2-to-1 margin. They also voted to extend a state tax surcharge on the wealthy, and adopt local housing and transportation measures along with a slew of local tax increases and bond proposals.
In other words, California is the opposite of Trumpland.
The differences go even deeper. For years, conservatives have been saying that a healthy economy depends on low taxes, few regulations, and low wages.
Are conservatives right? At the one end of the scale are Kansas and Texas, with among the nation's lowest taxes, least regulations, and lowest wages.
At the other end is California, with among the nation's highest taxes, especially on the wealthy; toughest regulations, particularly when it comes to the environment; most ambitious healthcare system, that insures more than 12 million poor Californians, in partnership with Medicaid; and high wages.
So according to conservative doctrine, Kansas and Texas ought to be booming, and California ought to be in the pits.
Actually, it's just the opposite.
For several years, Kansas's rate of economic growth has been the worst in the nation. Last year its economy actually shrank.
Texas hasn't been doing all that much better. Its rate of job growth has been below the national average. Retail sales are way down. The value of Texas exports has been dropping.
But what about so-called over-taxed, over-regulated, high-wage California?
California leads the nation in the rate of economic growth — more than twice the national average. If it were a separate nation it would now be the sixth largest economy in the world. Its population has surged to 39 million (up 5 percent since 2010).
California is home to the nation's fastest-growing and most innovative industries – entertainment and high tech. It incubates more startups than anywhere else in the world.
In other words, conservatives have it exactly backwards.
Why are Kansas and Texas doing so badly, and California so well?
For one thing, taxes enable states to invest their people. The University of California is the best system of public higher education in America. Add in the state's network of community colleges, state colleges, research institutions, and you have an unparalleled source of research, and powerful engine of upward mobility.
Kansas and Texas haven't been investing nearly to the same extent.
California also provides services to a diverse population, including a large percentage of immigrants. Donald Trump to the contrary, such diversity is a huge plus. Both Hollywood and Silicon Valley have thrived on the ideas and energies of new immigrants.
Meanwhile, California's regulations protect the public health and the state's natural beauty, which also draws people to the state – including talented people who could settle anywhere.
Wages are high in California because the economy is growing so fast employers have to pay more for workers. That's not a bad thing. After all, the goal isn't just growth. It's a high standard of living.
In fairness, Texas's problems are also linked to the oil bust. But that's really no excuse because Texas has failed to diversify its economy. Here again, it hasn't made adequate investments.
California is far from perfect. A housing shortage has driven rents and home prices into the stratosphere. Roads are clogged. Its public schools used to be the best in the nation but are now among the worst – largely because of a proposition approved by voters in 1978 that's strangled local school financing. Much more needs to be done.
But overall, the contrast is clear. Economic success depends on tax revenues that go into public investments, and regulations that protect the environment and public health. And true economic success results in high wages.
I'm not sure how Trumpland and California will coexist in coming years. I'm already hearing murmurs of secession by Golden Staters, and of federal intrusions by the incipient Trump administration.
But so far, California gives lie to the conservative dictum that low taxes, few regulations, and low wages are the keys economic success. Trumpland should take note.
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Toni Morrison: Fear of losing white privilege led to Trump's election.
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 10:34AM -0800
And she's right, because working class black people didn't respond to Trump's message. But white people did, from all economic backgrounds.
"The comfort of being 'naturally better than' is hard to give up."
Toni Morrison has written a powerful essay in the aftermath of Donald Trump's election as president of the United States, and it gets right to the heart of why Trump won.
In a piece titled "Mourning For Whiteness" from the November 21 print issue of the New Yorker (published online Monday), the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist argues that Trump won due to the terror of privileged white men in the face of a rapidly diversifying country.
"Under slave laws, the necessity for color rankings was obvious, but in America today, post-civil-rights legislation, white people's conviction of their natural superiority is being lost," Morrison writes.
"There are 'people of color' everywhere, threatening to erase this long-understood definition of America. And what then? Another black President? A predominantly black Senate? Three black Supreme Court Justices? The threat is frightening."
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On the German TV news tonight: possible hacking and vote reporting fraud in WI, MI and PA
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 10:32AM -0800
If German TV thought it significant enough to report, then it's a sure thing other countries in Europe and Asia did, too.
The 1% or so margin of victory for Trump (only a third of that in Michigan) apparently did not jive with a lot of factors they were analyzing. Not only do they have no explanation for Trump's victory in those states, but they are practically saying something is very fishy, without coming right out and stating electoral fraud as a fact.
The reason this is news is because the total of these 3 states is 46 electoral votes, which, subtracted from Trump and added to Hillary's column, gives Hillary the presidency.
Is this worth fighting for? It's not my decision, because if it were, I'd be demanding recounts/investigations already. The anomalies in Wisconsin are already documented for some areas. If they are proven to be typical and systematic, then it's President Hillary, and let the right wing howl to the moon until their throats are sore (and howl they would!)
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Fox is shocked, SHOCKED I SAY, that people would actually dare to question an elected president's legitimacy
"Journalist?" <>: Nov 24 10:30AM -0800
Since their viwers are over 65 and have memeory problems,,,they won't remember the reaming Fox did to Obama for 8 YEARS
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who are some of chads' favorite singers?
FunkyM <>: Nov 24 01:49AM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 1:35:48 PM UTC+11, The Chad wrote:
> > That in no way proves that it is yours.
> Shut the fuck up, Dink.
I never doubted you Chad.
I knew only you could be proud of melamine shelving, a tiny home-brand monitor and yellow walls decorated by albums from the 70's and car license plates.
No wonder that a classy guy like you landed that puuuuuretty bride of yours!
FunkyM <>: Nov 24 01:50AM -0800
On Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 1:50:17 PM UTC+11, The Chad wrote:
> > none of this is stuff i would listen to
> That's because you have no taste, codeine cowboy.
> Now run along and try to play tag with a moose.
Why? Has your wife escaped again?
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