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is alabama's schedule this year the most difficult in college football history? - 8 Updates
cmsg cancel <> - 1 Update
SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics - Statics by Boresi, Schmidt - 1 Update
Shallow debate observations redux: Carly - 3 Updates
Another great article on trumps polling and place in the GOP field.... - 4 Updates
I'm thinking the Rolling Stone has the next P.J. O'Rourke - 4 Updates
High quality correction - 2 Updates
The new elites..... - 1 Update
Brad Delp has No More Feeling in 10-3-39 - 1 Update
is alabama's schedule this year the most difficult in college football history?
michael anderson <>: Aug 14 09:26PM -0700
On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 10:38:38 PM UTC-5, dnrapp wrote:
> > 2) be married to someone who went to that school
> > 3) live through those 1-10 seasons
> And Mia does not meet any of those criteria.
actually, here are the criteria: you have to have graduated from the school and have gone to at least 20 home games over the last 12 years. This requirement must be met with scanned tickets downloabable in adobe. You have to have at least a 3.4 gpa(to really show dedication to the university) and you have to be able to name 15 current players on the roster within 30 seconds when asked. Failure to meet any of these requirements makes one not a 'real' fan.
Jesus swanger says, Birmingham is full of tide fans. Anyone who has ever lived here knows that Alabama football is a huge part of the area. Alabama is thought of as the state team(with the exception of the eastern center of the state) for grads and non grads It's part of the fabric of the city. You don't see how absurd it is for someone who has lived in Birmingham, Alabama for the last 6 years to explain this concept to someone who has never lived here and lives on the west coast(?). The argument that Birmingham 'doesn't count' because it's not the city where UA is located is even more don't understand the local football culture here and how/why people identify with certain teams. I've tried to explain that local culture(seeing as how I'm part of it and live in it). When you vacation in Italy, do you give them a lecture on what real Neapolitan pizza is?
The idea that someone living in Birmingham, Al has to have another reason for being an Alabama fan is absurd. People in Birmingham are assumed to be bama fans unless otherwise noted.
michael anderson <>: Aug 14 09:32PM -0700
On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 5:47:36 PM UTC-5, unclejr wrote:
> > and I repeat once again: I live in the area. That's a legit reason. Anyone who says that Birmingham is not in close enough proximity to Tuscaloosa to be a fan based on geography alone doesn't understand the area.
> For 2015, my team is going to be tOSU. I mean, after all, Minneapolis is close enough and "in the area" to Columbus for me.
> No bandwagoning for me.
for something to be witty or effective sarcasm, there has to be some valid element for you to poke fun at. In this case, Tuscaloosa and Birmingham would have to be relatively far apart. But one quick look at a map shows that Tuscaloosa and Birmingham are, in fact, very close to each other.
Some dued <>: Aug 14 10:22PM -0700
You can't give the SEC 7 titles because one of them was a joke, Bama vs LSU does not count. (J. Hugh Sullivan): Aug 15 01:11PM
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:22:26 -0700 (PDT), Emperor Wonko the Sane
> the two wins were in the Texas and Liberty bowls). Why shouldn't we assume=
> that this SoS is once again ridiculously over-hyped?
I think it is equally honest to say, if Bama played in the Big TEAT
last year they would have beaten tOFU, and everybody else, by 50
Anyone who has had a hard day at work can agree with that. It's
tougher than sending one of the little bastards to collect the welfare
checl while sitting in the Lazyboy with a beer.
Hugh (J. Hugh Sullivan): Aug 15 01:15PM
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 22:22:27 -0700 (PDT), Some dued
>You can't give the SEC 7 titles because one of them was a joke, Bama vs LSU does not count.
You are right about one thing. Bama has made too many schools look bad
for a half century on the football field. You can't blame them for
catching up.
I believe that is 1 year in a row so far.
dnrapp <>: Aug 15 06:53AM -0700
On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 9:26:31 PM UTC-7, michael anderson wrote:
> > > 3) live through those 1-10 seasons
> > And Mia does not meet any of those criteria.
> actually, here are the criteria: you have to have graduated from the school and have gone to at least 20 home games over the last 12 years. This requirement must be met with scanned tickets downloabable in adobe. You have to have at least a 3.4 gpa(to really show dedication to the university) and you have to be able to name 15 current players on the roster within 30 seconds when asked. Failure to meet any of these requirements makes one not a 'real' fan.
Looks like you fail to meet all but the naming the players requirements.
jim brown <>: Aug 15 03:31PM -0700
On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 8:52:54 AM UTC-5, michael anderson wrote:
> > > I live 50 miles from campus. That's pretty close.
> > You did not go to school there. you did not grow up there, you never lived there you aren't related to anyone there. So you should not say "we"
> and I repeat once again: I live in the area. That's a legit reason. Anyone who says that Birmingham is not in close enough proximity to Tuscaloosa to be a fan based on geography alone doesn't understand the area.
I generally agree with that line of thinking....except for the fact that you have proven yourself again and again to be a bandwagoning whore who will surely jump ship the minute 'bama goes 7-6 two years in a row and another dominate team surfaces somewhere near Dixie.
michael anderson <>: Aug 15 04:21PM -0700
Jb, the issue is this time is different because of the geography. So you could say "well what if he jumps ship again" which would be a fair point if the circumstances weren't different. To keep going with this theme, I've already made a commitment by staying in tide country partially because of Alabama. Proximity to Bama/Tuscaloosa wasn't the only reason in that decision, but it was an additional reason.
1) I live in what is unmistakably crimson tide country
2) I identify myself as a crimson tide fan, and have done so for several years now
3) I go to at least a game a year, and have done so for the last several years
Regardless of a persons history, the above 3 facts make me being a real tide fan pretty much beyond questioning.
Hell, some people here would argue that you HAVE to pick between Bama and auburn. So if I'm not a legit Bama fan, that would make me a legit barn fan by definition. Which I'm certainly not. I don't neccessarily subscribe to this line of thinking(that you have to pick), but that goes to show what local football culture is like here in birmingham.
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bleachbot <>: Aug 16 12:40AM +0200
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SOLUTIONS MANUAL: Engineering Mechanics - Statics by Boresi, Schmidt Aug 15 03:40PM -0700
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Shallow debate observations redux: Carly
Some dued <>: Aug 15 01:54PM -0700
I was considering McCain before Palin, her selection was the slap in the face I got for that.
michael anderson <>: Aug 15 02:20PM -0700
On Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 3:54:06 PM UTC-5, Some dued wrote:
> I was considering McCain before Palin
that seems very very hard to believe. (based on the views you have expressed in previous posts) (J. Hugh Sullivan): Aug 15 09:34PM
On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 14:20:22 -0700 (PDT), michael anderson
>On Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 3:54:06 PM UTC-5, Some dued wrote:
>> I was considering McCain before Palin
>that seems very very hard to believe. (based on the views you have expressed in previous posts)
I was considering vacating the office of president that election.
America lost.
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Another great article on trumps polling and place in the GOP field....
michael anderson <>: Aug 15 11:52AM -0700
Pretty much what I and Nate silver have been saying for some time(even before the recent dip and soon to be further fall....which is just as meaningless as his fake rise)
"Those polls don't mean what you think" and "trumps actually doing very poorly" are of course the corrected responses in this ride.
I don't think ALL the left and the media are stupid. And I don't think ALL the left and media are deliberately misinterpreting what's going on for gain(either to push a story that leads to ratings or make the GOP look bad). I think it's a combination of both. Not sure which is worse. (J. Hugh Sullivan): Aug 15 08:13PM
On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 11:52:47 -0700 (PDT), michael anderson
>I don't think ALL the left are stupid.
Anybody who prefers legislated equality to competition is stupid.
"Wolfie" <>: Aug 15 05:04PM -0400
"michael anderson" wrote
> "Those polls don't mean what you think" and
> "trumps actually doing very poorly"
Free clue: no serious person thinks Trump will win a
primary, let alone the nomination.
Of course the 'right answer' is that doesn't matter.
It's NOT whether he can or will "win", it's always
been about the damage he's doing to the eventual
nominee. And THAT is something he is unquestionably
doing VERY, VERY successfully.
michael anderson <>: Aug 15 02:18PM -0700
On Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 4:04:53 PM UTC-5, Wolfie wrote:
> been about the damage he's doing to the eventual
> nominee. And THAT is something he is unquestionably
> doing VERY, VERY successfully.
where is the evidence that he is doing any damage at all to the eventual nominee? Seems to be just msm and leftist wishful thinking to me
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I'm thinking the Rolling Stone has the next P.J. O'Rourke
Some dued <>: Aug 14 11:24PM -0700
The article is in no way "biased hard left". Politics are scarcely mentioned at all, the article is however anti right as any honest intelligent article should be.
"Con Reeder, unhyphenated American" <>: Aug 15 05:13AM -0500
> The article is in no way "biased hard left". Politics are scarcely
> mentioned at all, the article is however anti right as any honest
> intelligent article should be.
"Officer, it wasn't theft. It was anti-property rights!"
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Some dued <>: Aug 15 07:43AM -0700
Calling anti-extremism extremism doesn't make it so.
michael anderson <>: Aug 15 11:42AM -0700
I'll disagree with most of you guys in that I didn't think it was was just a rehashing of what you will see on any leftist blog...but a lot longer. What was funny about it?
But personally, I like the idea that liberals don't think very highly of our presidential candidates. It would be a problem if they did.
When looking at the top 6 or so candidates, this is by far the strongest(objectively) field in my lifetime. You've got several proactive govs running for example, which is generally seen as the most desirable of all candidate rypes(in either party).
Contrast this to the 2004 dem primary, where at one point the remaining candidates were:
John Edwards
John Kerry
Dennis kunicich
Al sharpton
Yes, that actually happened.
The fact that dems and liberals are giggling amongst themselves at the supposed inadequacies of our candidates considering their field is hilarious. The number 2 candidate in their primary is such a pussy that whenever deranged trespassers crash his events, instead of throwing them out on their ass he shrinks like a frightened turtle. If I guy can't stand up to a few clueless hate mongerers crashing rallies, how the hell is he going to stand up to Putin.
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High quality correction
Some dued <>: Aug 14 10:46PM -0700
A winger complains about income disparity. (J. Hugh Sullivan): Aug 15 01:24PM
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 22:46:01 -0700 (PDT), Some dued
>A winger complains about income disparity.
I don't even complain about the lack of intelligence that elected an
anti-American socialist like Obama. I tell it like it is without
regard to what others think about it. And I post a few quotes
ridiculing people I consider worthless.
If I had a complaint it would be that I will not have the chance to do
it all over again the same way I did it this time.
People like you should not fault a level playing field - it's the only
chance you have to compete with your superiors.
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The new elites.....
Some dued <>: Aug 14 11:28PM -0700
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
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Brad Delp has No More Feeling in 10-3-39
Ken Olson <>: Aug 15 01:06AM -0400
On 8/14/2015 7:59 AM, The Cheesehusker, Trade Warrior wrote:
>>> Okay and how many multi platinum albums have you recorded asshats?
>> Why are you resurrecting an 8-year-old thread?
> I dunno but chyxz who say "asshat" make me horny
The 1st person I thought of was Peach.
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