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Klass tears Red Ed a new arsehole - 1 Update

Larry, Moz was tony benn right about not joining the common market? - 1 Update

Ron do you know Tony Benn once told David Davis - 1 Update

Red Ed can't handle daytime TV no marks. How would he fare against Putin or Merkel? - 1 Update

America Rightards can't comprehend treating others fairly, for their love of personal Liberty, is near, non-existent - 2 Updates

"no ifs, no buts" pledge to reduce - 7 Updates

the only Australian of note on Cameron - 1 Update

Thawe goes into twitter tailspin over Ferguson shooing - 4 Updates

WWN buring tonight along with WHF - 2 Updates

Save WWN ,Stop the WHF Riots - 2 Updates

congratulations - 1 Update

Obama's Free Pass To Illegals - 1 Update

Klass tears Red Ed a new arsehole

]v[etaphoid <met@phoid.con>: Nov 28 12:52AM +1100

It happens that Baldoni formulated :

>> All she did was talk over him the selfish cow :-@

> Pay her no heed Ron I've met many of her type hanging around the sodoms of
> the Mekong Delta !

To everything there is a season...

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Larry, Moz was tony benn right about not joining the common market?

Mozzer <mozzer.mozzer@Yahoo.co.uk>: Nov 20 09:41PM

On 20/11/2014 21:32, Ron wrote:
> the election manifesto of 2 and 3 and make up my mind,unlike me i did
> not hate my father and will make up my own mind and not just go the
> opposite of him.

I am thinking of voting for the BNP who believe we should kick all
"Darkies" out of the county


The Socialist Workers Party who believe everyone in the world should be
allowed in

I will look at the election manifesto of the above and make up my mind.

Does that sound retarded Ron?

You bet your boots it does,

Goodnight Mate, Goodnight

lol :-)

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Ron do you know Tony Benn once told David Davis

Mozzer <mozzer.mozzer@Yahoo.co.uk>: Nov 20 07:08PM

That he is so left wing that if he joined the Labour Party he would be

The were best friends.

True story mate.

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Red Ed can't handle daytime TV no marks. How would he fare against Putin or Merkel?

Darth Simian <great_sage_equal_of_heaven_@hotmail.com>: Nov 20 07:02PM

An academic question obviously, it's not going to happen.
I have never before seen a girl group air head slap a party leader
around like a ginger step child and sink his flagship policy without a
trace. Labour MPs in marginal seats must be cringing. PMSL :-)
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder
respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
George Orwell

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America Rightards can't comprehend treating others fairly, for their love of personal Liberty, is near, non-existent

FOR REAL <kingjohnnyforpresident@gmail.com>: Nov 19 12:24AM -0600

The King Johnny for President Network

Johnny Words with Stephen Colbert

Don't forget to mention the stolen 16
trillion with Bernie loser.. . the Audit..
Have you forgotten your place as the
self-described greatest American near
ever? Don't care to serve as protect
if you can further get away with it here?
For how long do you thing you won't
ever be found out about your glaring
discrepancies? Obama and crew stole
16 trillion whiole you lie to die innocent
victims in the Democracy or Syria
and the Ukraine.. FACT.. Will to pretend
you have no compunction to do right
as being honest, and now, you will be
known of as so.. condemning yourself
without any more need for life to
beg further.. We know who you are..


Loving Justice brings a a glee to those of
Humanity who see rightly end, the American
good for nothing evil enemies of God and
Humanity.. Warring Democracies, stealing
trillions.. raping, pillaging.. Who cares for
our rights stolen happy happy dying

How certain can one be on God's foolishness at being
a conman to whom again? Americans are Satanic
enemies of Life, so they care not for the millions of
innocent Peoples mass murdered in Libya for the
demon antichrist, or those who lost their lives in
NYC... Lawless godless filth, as a nation of bigots
who routinely falsely on purposes to deceive, lie
in GOD's stolen name to mass murder more who
support fair say in Democracies..?

Will Rightard Commie Pinkos ever
fail to express their mindless bigotry
as less than good for nothings..?
Likely not being so TRULY
compromised as un-American,
un-Godly, and just plain
evil.. Bush and Cheney closed 911
police investigations immediately
after the crime occurred with Condi,
General Ahmad, and David Ozolek..
ightard Commie Pinkos care not for
Americans falling as mass murder
victims for stolen prophets.. Not for
long is the short of this obviously
for those who can judge one fairly..

Hey thank you for being human.. Yeah,
it seems as an easily provable fact..
that surrealistically, all is truly
revealed.. I can tell who as how Sandy
Hook happened too for example, or that
Banksters have stolen trillions as
proven rock solid certain as well..
And so much more on the true nature
of the Cosmos..I'm dead serious..
But guess what my friend? These
less thans only will such infos not
to be forwarded to save innocent
lives, for fear they will be found
out too being not all we can be,
followers of the golden rule, or
to, as the founding fathers put it,
and an astue atheist perhaps,
probable cause..

They' don't like wise men or women
speaking, that know a thing or two
about following probable cause at a
crime scene to nab the true evil
doers is why. However, "We" truly
exist being robbed a fair say this
way, until denying the truth will
not be optional to the less than
good for nothing. cheaters to LIFE
(aka God or Chaos' timeless order
not bound by mass...) of which is
a good thing over all.. hopefully
for the majority of US communicating
freely for a bettering world..

The King Johnny for President Network

Found unbound not separate from
timeless existence, is the natural
being all we are approaching,
hopefully, a crossroads of self
discovery, to save our Humanity
the further onslaught of the illiterate
lawless bigot lunatic TV Americans,
warring Democracies with the worst of
hateful dictatorships, with shit eating
grins all over their Rightard Commie
Pinko entertainment channels,
dedicated without any reasonable
question, on stealing even more
forsaken innocent lives to profit
again as godless thieves of Life
ourselves.. Waring Freedom, warring
Creation, warring GOD..- you don't
choose to be honorable doing right,
you just are as trying to be fair here.
And if that makes one an X-Man, it
is as only so because of the humanity,
not the lack thereof..

God, AS CHRIST, wills Justice, Americans,
the tv bigot, will crime victims for death to
profit further over censored.. 9/11 police
investigations never happened, and
godless lawless shit head America
does not care to be true as honorable
here - but to lie as stealing further
a fair word from near everyone warring
Democracies with the worst of
dictatorships.. FOR REAL.

The King Johnny for President Show

Who again is the felons?

Title 18 U.S.C. § 3. Accessory after the fact. Whoever, knowing
that an offense against the United States had been committed,
receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order
to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is
an accessory after the fact.

The Hidden Secrets of the Sandy Hook Massacre

On December 14, 2012, twenty children and six adult staff members
were shot dead in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School
in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza
was found shot and killed in the school, while his mother Nancy
Lanza, back at their Newtown home.

On March 28, 2013, court documents released from the investigation
showed that the school shooting must only occur in the space of
less than five minutes with 156 shots fired, because some of the
Sandy Hook Newtown police department arrive there in at about 90
seconds reporting no guns being fired as they roam about without
a dire alarm for help. This is where it all started to unravel,
in part, by an intrepid reporter named King Johnny who discovered
a hidden audio track given out without choice, by the order of
the State's Supreme Court. It was fought desperately not to happen
but justice has a way of getting the bad guys hidden sometimes.
Anyways, long Court transcripts yet to be written shortened: "PD
Commanders" are ordered early on, not to allow any officers to
enter the school to save peoples lives, or check for a presumed
second suspect, nor so, were EMS allowed entry either. Despite
"Numerous Police Departments" demanding so, as now exposed being
radio transmitted. Sally Cox, an eye-witness to a gunman entering
through the front, claimed on international television interviews,
repeatedly, that she saw directly, a culprit's "boots", while the
photographic evidence given to we through the Supreme decision,
documents Adam Lanza wearing sneakers.. as a small statured man
looking to be about 12 years old according to one officer's
accounting, at the scene, recorded within the report. As well,
the evidence publicly fairly exposed, is that they never did
check the shopping center sized school gym, closets, air-ducts,
ceilings, cupboards, sofas, and so on - of which even if they
had, would have taken closer to days, maybe a week, not two
hours and twenty minutes from the first 9/11 call, to where they
have near everyone then, sent away to be lost without leadership,
or just a, honest to humanity concern for doing what's right on
our affairs fairly speaking. For justice willing freedom truly
defended. Here's where John comes in to tell the story's happy
ending, in where Sally Cox now, four hours later, appears
slinking out of a closet - right at the crime scene not checked.
Yet. Don't miss it.

I need a resolution on this, to begin new
legal matters in respect to my business
being punished for willing fair say here,
defending innocent lives forsaken to the
whims of those who claim we have no
power to speak freely.

--------- - - - - - - - - -

andy <andrewrichardwainwright@hotmail.co.uk>: Nov 19 11:20AM

On 19/11/14 06:24, FOR REAL wrote:
> whims of those who claim we have no
> power to speak freely.

> --------- - - - - - - - - -

Love your nick. For real is the Dan To Shingai (or Mark To Amy) Version
of Never Forget You. It's based on Baby It's You (Think George Harrison
and Estelle Bennett) but instead Andy W to Amy W


just look up 4 real or for real by stellar art wars

as Amy/Shingai and Mark/Andy be bro and sis (though not brought up as
such due to adoption)

See also Valerie (Zutons version too) , Never Forget You, Rehab etc

All the same thing.

There's even a baby noisette and she's sweet natured and good looking
too :) Sort of a cross between Leona Lewis, Kelly Brook and Cathy Dennis
but more innocent and geeky. Beyonce Nurding sort of stuff!

The sort of lady that was she to go on Britain's Got Talent, Simon
Cowell might propose etc...

On my YT channel, simply Andy Wainwright you can find loads of cool
unofficial Carter USM, Noisettes and Lily Allen as well as Cathy Dennis
and even a reality TV The Only Way Is Essex real wedding with Kelly
Brook as the Wedding Singer. With the real West family and Cathy/Kylie's
mom Carol M too!

And loads more brill lo-culture comedy...

The song has various versions because it means various things to
friends, family and relatives.


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"no ifs, no buts" pledge to reduce

Ron <ihatespam@blueyonder.co.uk>: Nov 26 05:04PM

]v[etaphoid pretended :
>> you look at everything Thatcher did it was fucked, like the invention of
>> "new Labour"

> Hate to break it to you, but the rest of the world don't see it that way...

The 1% maybe

chuck-spears <fishbowl2011@gmail.com>: Nov 26 06:43PM

On 26/11/2014 17:04, Ron wrote:

>> Hate to break it to you, but the rest of the world don't see it that
>> way...

> The 1% maybe

It might be difficult to get a balanced view of the world when 11 of
the 12 capital city daily papers in Australia are owned by just 2
companies. Maggie was one of Murdoch's most obedient servants after all,
why would he let anyone paint her in a bad light?

Paul Pot <PMD@SIBU.HQ>: Nov 26 08:56PM

michael adams formulated the question :

> Are you sure you've really thought this through ?

> michael adams

> ...

He'll be the first to vote for the New World Order.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Paul Pot <PMD@SIBU.HQ>: Nov 26 09:09PM

chuck-spears spewed this twaddle:
> the 12 capital city daily papers in Australia are owned by just 2
> companies. Maggie was one of Murdoch's most obedient servants after
> all, why would he let anyone paint her in a bad light?

This country is out of control when you have one private individual
with enough power to de-stabilise a government and change public
opinion. This country needs radical change in it's political and
banking syetems just to get it back to normality. The problem is, most
wealthy and influential people care about the here and now, not the
future, hence the national debt and international banking fraud which
enslaves us all.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Nark <Nark@shitter.net>: Nov 26 10:37PM

It happens that Ron formulated :
> how's that workin out for you Dave?
> Mozzer bewildered,the mail hasn't told him how to think.
> lol :-? :-? :-? :-?

Ol' Cast Iron Dave - what a tosser

chuck-spears <fishbowl2011@gmail.com>: Nov 26 11:48PM

On 26/11/2014 22:37, Nark wrote:
>> Mozzer bewildered,the mail hasn't told him how to think.
>> lol :-? :-? :-? :-?

> Ol' Cast Iron Dave - what a tosser

I think Cameron is a dead ringer for Data, the android that hangs about
in Star Trek with bemused look on it's face.

Ron <ihatespam@blueyonder.co.uk>: Nov 27 12:07AM

chuck-spears wrote :

>> Ol' Cast Iron Dave - what a tosser

> I think Cameron is a dead ringer for Data, the android that hangs about in
> Star Trek with bemused look on it's face.

+1 lol

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the only Australian of note on Cameron

Ron <ihatespam@blueyonder.co.uk>: Nov 26 11:37PM

The Prime Minister is a PR man by trade, and not a very good one.
That's all he is. He shouldn't be taken seriously, he just has the
position. That position allows him certain aspects of power. But the
real power resides in propaganda and the media.

John Pilger


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Thawe goes into twitter tailspin over Ferguson shooing

Lawrence Jenkins <lawrence13@sky.com>: Nov 26 12:05PM -0800

On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 05:39:22 UTC, Darth Simian wrote:
> chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, once observed, "but I have
> never heard a plausible justification of Nagasaki"--which he labelled a
> war crime.

Of course you would, it would be seen as a makeover.

Paul Pot <PMD@SIBU.HQ>: Nov 26 08:28PM

Darth Simian spewed this twaddle:

> If he starts vandalising the WHF estate in protest would you be able
> to tell?

> LMFAO :-)

All the tweets I can see are about Camerong and the Tories but didn't
the fuckah vote Tory at the election?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


On 26/11/2014 05:39, Darth Simian wrote:
> chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, once observed, "but I have
> never heard a plausible justification of Nagasaki"—which he labelled a
> war crime.

I have looked after these people for 20 years and sent off their Daily
Sun Holiday tokens on their behalf and what do I get in return?

My shop is burning tonight. All the Jerk Chicken and Ace Cider is ruined .


Darth Simian <great_sage_equal_of_heaven_@hotmail.com>: Nov 26 11:13PM

On 26/11/2014 20:28, Paul Pot wrote:

>> LMFAO :-)

> All the tweets I can see are about Camerong and the Tories but didn't
> the fuckah vote Tory at the election?

He votes for whomever his uncle Rupert tells him, via his favourite
daily tabloid.
"His independence showed when Great-granddad Beaton died and made him a
bequest of his Masonic regalia. For moral reasons, Dad refused to
accept it or to become a Freemason and the Past Master's apron passed to
my Uncle John. I have always been proud of that demonstration of
Sir Alex Ferguson in his autobiography 'Managing my Life'.

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WWN buring tonight along with WHF


Why do these rioters treat me like this? I am not the police. I have
served them Jerk Chicken, Ace Cider and The Daily Sun for over 20 years.

I collected their £9.95 Sun holiday tokens year in year out and sent
them off to Rupert Murdoch on their behalf and this is how they treat me.

Not funny tbh :-(

Darth Simian <great_sage_equal_of_heaven_@hotmail.com>: Nov 26 11:08PM

On 26/11/2014 21:02, FAZAL wrote:

> I collected their £9.95 Sun holiday tokens year in year out and sent
> them off to Rupert Murdoch on their behalf and this is how they treat me.

> Not funny tbh :-(

Word is you've been dealing Fazal: Selling the Daily M*rr*r to school
kids. You're sort is considered lower then a snitch on the WHF estate
mate. Uncle Rupert has put a price on your head.
"We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from
Freemasonry and to let it be seen as it really is" warned Pope Leo XIII
in his monumental encyclical Humanum Genus( 1884). Referring to Masonry
as "this foul plague," Leo XIII urged pastoral sermons warning the
Faithful that Masonry and related secret societies were "seducing men
and enticing them into their ranks" in order to fill them with "the
depravity of their opinions and the wickedness of their acts". Leo XIII
was by no means the first Pope to warn of the evils of Freemasonry. Pope
Clement XII had been the first to do so in 1738, then Benedict XIV, Pius
VI, Leo XII, Pius VII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, and Pius IX. In Human
Genus, Leo XIII emphasized the urgency of the earlier warnings and
stated that the Freemasons "are boldly rising up against God Himself.
They are planning the destruction of Holy Church ... and this with the
set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom ..."

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Save WWN ,Stop the WHF Riots


Do not forget, we're the only shop to still supply the Daily Sun to
Liverpool supporters up to tonight and not get burned down.

SAVE WWN. Save the Daily Sun deliveries to WHF.

This is not Ferguson.

Do not forget.

Darth Simian <great_sage_equal_of_heaven_@hotmail.com>: Nov 26 11:05PM

On 26/11/2014 21:22, FAZAL wrote:

> SAVE WWN. Save the Daily Sun deliveries to WHF.

> This is not Ferguson.

> Do not forget.

You couldn't make this up. Check out WWN on google maps street view,
and you find a photo of an overweight gentleman of Afro-Caribbean origin
more than likely on his way to buy copy of the Daily Sun, 2l of white
cider and some 'Soul Food':


"Filled with the spirit of Satan, who knows how to transform himself
into an angel of light, Freemasonry puts forward as its pretended aim
the good of humanity. Paying a lip service to the authority of law, and
even to the obligations of religion, it aims at the destruction of civil
authority and the Christian priesthood, both of which it regards as the
foes of human liberty." -Pope Leo XIII

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Nark <Nark@shitter.net>: Nov 26 10:38PM

After serious thinking Neal wrote :
> opportunity, I would have bet the house.

> Amazing to see us in 4th spot now. Just waiting now for confirmation from
> Kwame.

4th - how did that happen? - Best league in the world my bollocks

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Obama's Free Pass To Illegals

Paul Pot <PMD@SIBU.HQ>: Nov 26 08:41PM

Darth Simian wrote on 11/26/2014 :

> http://www.realjewnews.com/
> http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/
> http://brovids.com/

Have you not notice that the borders in the UK and USA have virtually
disappeared? Funny that, that both countries' border control happens to
be in chaos at exactly the same time. Couldn't be a possible shared
globalist hidden agenda at work, could it?


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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