
If you're interested, they are after the jump:

The Department of Finance and
Economics in the McCoy College of Business Administration at Texas State
University - San Marcos anticipates one tenure-track opening in Business Law
effective Spring 2014 or Fall 2014. 
Duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate business law courses,
conducting research leading to peer-reviewed publications, and providing
service to the students, department, profession and university.

 Initial review of applications
will be completed by November 1, 2013, but may continue until


Required: Candidates
must have a J.D. from an ABA accredited school of law.  Significant experience in the practice of law
is also required.

Preferred: Preference
will be given to candidates with membership in a state bar association,
previous excellence in teaching law at the university level, a history of
scholarly research and publications, law review membership, experience as a law
clerk at the appellate level, and/or an undergraduate degree in business and/or
an MBA degree from an AACSB-accredited college or university.  

Application Procedures

To apply, send a letter of application
addressed to Dr. Alexis Stokes, vita, Texas State Employment Application
(available at: http://facultyrecords.provost.txstate.edu/faculty-employment/application.html),
graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, student evaluations of
instruction, and evidence of research potential.  Application materials should be sent via
email to B-LawFacSearch@txstate.edu.  To ensure full consideration, submit the
above materials by November 1, 2013.

Members of the Search
Committee will be available to meet with prospective applicants at the ALSB
Conference in Boston in August.  If you are interested in meeting with the
committee in Boston, please contact Alexis Stokes, Associate Professor of
Business Law, at as44@txstate.edu no
later than Tuesday, August 6th, to schedule an interview.

Texas State University -
San Marcos is a
doctoral-granting Emerging Research University located in the burgeoning
Austin-San Antonio corridor, the largest campus in The Texas State University
System, and among the largest in the state.  Texas State’s 34,000 students
choose from 97 undergraduate and 87 master’s and 12 doctoral programs offered
by ten colleges (Applied Arts, The Emmett and Miriam McCoy College of Business
Administration, Education, Fine Arts and Communication, Health Professions,
Honors, Liberal Arts, Science and Engineering, the Graduate College, and the
University College).  With a diverse campus community including 37% of the
student body from ethnic minorities, Texas State is one of the top 15 producers
of Hispanic baccalaureate graduates in the nation.  There are approximately
1,100 full-time faculty and nearly 2,000 full-time staff.  Research and
creative activities have led to growing success in attracting external
support.  For FY 2011, Texas State had an annual operating budget of $436
million and research expenditures of more than $33 million.  The Alkek
Library has more than 1.5 million titles in its collection.  Additional information about Texas State and
its nationally recognized academic programs is available at http://www.txstate.edu.


Faculty are eligible for life, disability,
health, and dental insurance programs.  A
variety of retirement plans are available depending on eligibility.  Participation in a retirement plan is
mandatory.  The State contributes toward
the health insurance programs and all retirement plans.  http://www.humanresources.txstate.edu/benefits.htm

Texas State University-San Marcos is a tobacco-free campus.
Smoking and the use of any tobacco product will not be allowed anywhere on
Texas State property or in university owned or leased vehicles.

The Community:

San Marcos, a
city of about 45,000 residents, is situated in the beautiful Central Texas Hill
Country, 30 miles south of Austin and 48 miles north of San Antonio.  Metropolitan attractions plus outdoor
recreational opportunities makes the community an attractive place in which to
live and work.  Other major metropolitan
areas, including Houston and Dallas-Ft. Worth, are within four hours.  Round Rock, a city of 99,887 residents, is
located 15 miles north of Austin in the Central Texas Hill Country. 

Some positions may require teaching on the main campus and
at the Round Rock Higher Education Center.

Texas State University-San Marcos will not discriminate
against any person in employment or exclude any person from participating in or
receiving the benefits of any of its activities or programs on any basis
prohibited by law, including race, color, age, national origin, religion, sex,
disability, veterans’ status, or on the basis of sexual orientation.
 Equal employment opportunities shall include: personnel transactions of
recruitment, employment, training, upgrading, promotion, demotion, termination,
and salary. Texas State is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty
and senior administrative positions. Texas State University-San Marcos is a member
of The Texas State University System. Texas State University-San Marcos is an


of Kansas School of Business seeks an Assistant Professor in Business Ethics
and Organizational Behavior. This is a full time, unclassified,
tenure-track position beginning mid-August 2014. 

A Ph.D. or D.B.A. degree in business ethics, organizational behavior, or
closely related field, demonstrated potential for conducting high quality
research in business ethics and organizational behavior, and demonstrated
potential for high quality teaching in business ethics and organizational

Preference will be given to candidates with established research records as
demonstrated through publications in top-tier academic journals and
presentations at national and international academic conferences.  Preference
will also be given to candidates with flexibility in teaching and a desire to
engage in interdisciplinary research with colleagues in areas both within and
outside of business ethics and organizational behavior.  Finally, the
University of Kansas is especially interested in hiring faculty members who can
contribute to four key campus-wide strategic initiatives:  (1) Sustaining
the Planet, Powering the World; (2) Promoting Well-Being, Finding Cures; (3)
Building Communities, Expanding Opportunities; and (4) Harnessing Information,
Multiplying Knowledge.  For more information, see:  http://www.provost.ku.edu/planning/themes/. 


procedures: To be considered, apply online and submit an application letter
that addresses both the required and preferred qualifications listed above,
curriculum vita, research statement, teaching statement, and three letters of
recommendation to http://employment.ku.edu.
Select “Search Faculty Jobs”, search with keyword “ethics”. 

evidence of teaching effectiveness, research papers, supplemental materials and
questions concerning this position to Management Search (E-Mail: Ethics_OBsearch@ku.edu;
Ph: 785-864-5308; Mail: 1300 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas  66045).

received prior to September 1, 2013 will receive priority consideration. 
Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.  EOE

University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color,
ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as
a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender
identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University's
programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle
inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of
Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA@ku.edu,
1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-6414, 711 TTY.


Public Law Business Studies ---
Assistant/Associate Professor

The School of Business at Richard
Stockton College of New Jersey invites applications for one full-time
tenure track assistant or associate professor of business to teach public law
and business ethics available September 1, 2014.  An earned J.D. or
equivalent is required. Evidence of potential for teaching, research and
service in the business law field are required. 
Related legal or business work experience is a plus, as is exposure to
or experience within the liberal arts. 

Stockton, located in the New Jersey Pinelands 12 miles from
Atlantic City and one hour from Philadelphia is known for its distinctive
academic programs and an interdisciplinary approach to learning. The position
primarily involves teaching undergraduate and MBA courses in business law, the
legal and ethical environment of business, and related courses. Candidates may
also teach courses in other business disciplines, depending on academic
credentials and professional experience. 
All Stockton faculty members also are required to teach courses in the college’s
interdisciplinary general studies program.

Other requirements include scholarship and providing
college service.

Along with a track record of excellence in teaching,
the Candidate will be expected to maintain a scholarly record that includes
appropriate publications in law review or peer-reviewed legal or business
journals. The School of Business is currently a candidate for AACSB

Please send a letter describing your interest
in the position as well as your curriculum vitae, recent teaching evaluations
(if available), one paper that represents your research capabilities, and three
letters of reference to Dr. Janet Wagner, Dean of Business, The Richard Stockton
College of New Jersey, AA206, P.O. Box 195, Pomona, NJ 08240.  Electronic submissions to busn.school@stockton.edu
are encouraged.

Screening of applications will continue until
the position is filled. Stockton is an equal opportunity institution and is
committed to building a culturally diverse faculty and staff.


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