
Guest Post Legal Blog Writers Wanted:

Calling all individuals looking to market themselves and their website by writing quality legal blog posts. Currently, www.thecompletelawyer.com is looking for qualified, competent and experienced writers to publish legal blog posts on their website. These posts need to be both informative and educative for our viewing audience. Our website is not only geared towards providing quality information to legal professionals and attorneys, but also to the general public looking for legal advice. Consequently, every blog post needs to be written in a general tone that can be understood and enjoyed by both attorneys and non-legal individuals. In return for posting shareable and linkable content you will receive exposure and attention to your biography and website if desired.

What we Look For in a Blog Post:

No one ever said that writing was an easy job. A well-written blog post or essay requires time, energy and effort.
Prior to deciding to write a blog post for our legal website take time to determine whether or not you are ready to put in the effort to create a high quality and informative post. The better your post, the more traffic our website will receive and the more visibility your article will have to legal experts and the general public. Consequently, it is imperative that your submission be on an interesting and traffic-generating topic.

The ideal blog post is written on a subject matter that is of interest to our readers and can include topics such as: current events, privacy laws, military law, DUIs, criminal law, accident law and more. Prior to writing a post ensure that it is not full of generic and boring information. We want articles with a strong and attention grabbing title that instantly draws the reader into the rest of the post.

Here are some of the things that we look for in a blog post:

-Original work that is not plagiarized nor merely rewritten from another article

-Well-written, spelling mistake free and grammatically correct

-Content that inspires interest from any individual. Topic should not be boring and should express original ideas

-Link-bait title

-Links to other authoritative blogs and websites used for research purposes

When writing an article for The Complete Lawyer be sure to ask yourself questions as you write to help generate additional and interesting content.

Some questions to think about are:

Why does this information matter?

Who is affected by the information?

What is your opinion of the information?

Answering these questions will provide for more enjoyable content that inspires debate and comments from our visitors. Every pitch submitted to The Complete Lawyer needs to be capable of getting thousands of views and provide multiple links. In order to accomplish this task, we ask for every potential writer to submit links to your published articles to prove your success and ability to generate traffic to our website.

thecompletelawyer.com Can Help:

It is important to note that not every guest blog post submitted to The Complete Lawyer will be accepted. Our editorial staff maintains high standards for every guest post written that must be met before the article is published. However, we are available to help assist guest bloggers in creating topic ideas and crafting the perfect legal post. For a fee of $10 individuals interested in writing a guest blog receive assistance from our staff to create an interesting and intriguing topic. Therefore, if you are having trouble coming up with an original content idea let The Complete Lawyer work with you to create a mutually beneficial post.
In addition, our second package at a price of $20 will assist writers in creating a post from start to finish.
However we don’t accept paid sponsored posts and can’t guarantee that any post will be published to ensure the integrity of the site’s work.

For writers who have never submitted legal content, but have the knowledge, education and ability to produce quality posts this is the best option. For writers who have had work rejected or have been asking for assistance please choose one of the above two packages. Once a package has been selected and paid for we will work with you to select an excellent pitch and assist in crafting a great article. The best posts are of topics that generate debate with comments and encourage other individuals to link our blog to their websites to earn long-term search rankings for thecompletelawyer.com



guest post legal blog writers wanted is a post from: The Complete Lawyer

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