
How to Write the Perfect Legal Guest Post:

Writing a legal post can be a time consuming and challenging task.  No one ever said that understanding the law was an easy or uncomplicated process. Consequently, when writing about a legal subject matter it is imperative to have a clear, concise and well-defined topic to address. However, for the right individual writing about a legal subject can be a rewarding and interesting experience. If you are interested in offering advice to individuals facing legal issues consider submitting a legal guest post.  Once a legal guest post is submitted and approved you’ll receive the benefit of assisting other law firms, advertising your skills and offering advice to readers needing legal information.

We hope you’ll consider sharing your work on The Complete Lawyer, an authority legal law community site to showcase your legal knowledge .

What we Look for in a Blog Post:

-Original and Interesting Legal Content

-The content must not be found by searching elsewhere online

-All source material must be given proper credit and citation

-Well-written and grammatically correct writing

-Submissions should be between 750 and 1500 words

-Authoritative Language

-Writer with previous legal experience

Share links to prove where you have been published and what metrics of success have you had from it?

-Unique quality content that draws in new readers and traffic

Pitch a strong title and how you think it will create links

-Quality and useful links to other authoritative websites and blogs

Provide links that show you did your research on the topic ideal.  Also be sure we know who you want to earn an author bio link to?

The Do Not Do List When Writing/Submitting a Legal Guest Post:

-Do NOT plagiarize someone elses work on the Internet or in another publication

-Do NOT spin previously written articles by simple rewriting the posts with different words

-Do NOT choose a topic that has already been written about

do you know many pitches we get for

“How to select (insert X type) of lawyer”  or “what does (insert X type) lawyer do for you” or “top 10 (X type) lawyer cases/crimes/stats etc..

-Do NOT submit an article that is factually incorrect

Do your research with source proof.

-Do NOT submit an article that has not been proofread. All articles should be read and then read a second time to ensure that they are without any spelling and/or grammar mistakes

-Do NOT choose a subject matter that is not of interest to the legal community

That’s great that you want to promote a debt consolidation or electric cigarettes client… but how is that a legal article?

-Do NOT choose a pitch that that lacks unique content or material that will generate social media interest and buzz

This is what we want to gain from  your work.  We have great writers, we don’t need your farmed out 500 word content.  We want creative, share-able & link-able work that takes real talent to come up with a strong idea.

Trouble Determining a Topic:

Ask For Help! Package #1

Often bloggers are hit with a writer’s block as they try to create new, interesting and creative content. Luckily, thecompletelawyer.com is willing to assist qualified guest post authors in creating topics for a small fee of $10.  For this fee, authors can expect to receive assistance in creating and thinking of an appropriate legal topic to write about. By requesting our assistance, you’ll be afforded the opportunity to write a guest post on a topic that we require more information about. Ultimately, the best guest posts will be ones that mutually benefit both the author and www.thecompletelawyer.com. Therefore, each submitted post needs to contain interesting and relevant material that will lead to increasing viewership of our blog and webpage.

Before hitting submit ask yourself: How will my article attract more social media attention?

If your pitch was rejected or your asking us for what we would approve. Then please paypal us to kindly get the help you need.


With the first hurdle of selecting an appropriate topic complete, you’ll be left with the task of writing a complete, coherent and interesting post.

Those That Need Help Selecting and Writing a Legal Post:

Package #2

No one ever said that writing a legal post was an easy task. In fact, even for the most educated and intelligent individuals writing on a legal subject can be a challenging and stressful job. For guest writers who are seeking more guidance and assistance in writing a legal blog post our website offers help in selecting a topic, writing the article and editing the information. The $20 package is an all-inclusive deal that will help to educate our bloggers in creating the perfect legal post. This is the ultimate package for first time posters who are unaware of how to create interesting pitches that will generate additional leads and readers to the blog. By selecting this package, writers who have not proven their ability to write quality legal content can receive guidance and support from qualified staff members. It’s pretty much a sure bet that after selecting this all-encompassing package you will be well on your way to writing unique blog content time after time.

** Disclaimer

In no way will we guarantee that your post will be published. We have editorial standards that your guest post needs to meet. This is not a paid guest post, your only paying for help to justify our time to work with  you.

Tips to Writing the Perfect Post

-Have an interesting and intriguing subject matter

-Have prior legal experience

-Draw the reader in immediately with a link bait title to grab their attention. Your title/headline will be read more frequently than anything else in the post.

-Do research prior to writing any post to show you have a strong share-able angle

-Use subheadings to break up the content and provide the reader with the topics of each subsequent paragraph

-Close with a strong conclusion that sums up your main points and leaves the reader satisfied and with more knowledge about the topic

-Keep the reader engaged with entertaining and interesting content

-Don’t alienate the viewers by using language that is neither too simplistic nor complicated.

Examples Of Great Law Firm Guest Posts 

The best example is the proof that it gained links or traffic.

Do a search for your keyword topic plus how many links it gained all time at Topsy.

See example http://topsy.com/s/law+firm/link?window=a

An example of an excellent legal blog can be found at www.eff.org. This blog offers easy to read and understand posts that any visitor can enjoy. The posts are well written, well researched and interesting for either a lawyer or an individual.

For more top legal blogs visit the website http://www.avvo.com/stats/top_legal_blogs.  Dedicated to assisting lawyers and providing legal advice to the general public, AVVO’s blogs are the ideal example of perfect legal posting content. The blogs listed on the website can be used as an additional resource prior to writing and submitting a guest post. Be sure to not copy another author’s ideas, but instead create unique and original content.


Writing a guest legal post does not have to be an arduous challenge by selecting one of the aforementioned packages or opting to submit a blog post on your own. Ensure that your blog post meets our quality and content standards by following the above tips and suggestions. The best legal blog post contributions will not only be both informative and interesting, but also well written and grammatically correct that sparks not just a good read but call to action to make people want to debate it with comments, share & link back to this authority piece of work that will then earn long term search rankings for.


Ultimate Guide for Legal Guest Post Requests is a post from: The Complete Lawyer

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