
The Common Sense Show Health Report with Katy Whelan.


Government data shows U.S. being bombarded with Fukushima radiation 1,000 times higher than normal




(NaturalNews) Government data shows that the U.S. is being bombarded with Fukushima radiation 1,000 times higher than normal.

In the months following the 2011 meltdowns at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, residents of Los Angeles were being exposed to levels of dangerous alpha radiation nearly 1,000 times above normal levels, a government study found.

The data came from a July 2012 presentation at the National Conference on Radiation Control. The presentation was given by Joji Ortego, Principal Radiation Protection Specialist for Los Angeles County Radiation Management.

Following the Fukushima meltdowns, Los Angeles county heard many concerns from residents about the potential health impacts of radiation crossing the Pacific Ocean from the disaster. So they commissioned a study of radiation levels in the area. The report notes that federal agencies delayed in providing information to the county, and that the state Radiologic Health Branch was unable to provide inspectors due to budget constraints.

The state lab was unable to provide a reasonable turnaround time for sample analysis, so the county instead hired a local radiation monitor manufacturer for the analysis.
Perhaps if Gov Brown realocated the 10/s of millions he is spending on the BOGUS greening of California campaign and more on the radiating of California, the tax payers would have the security and safety they pay taxes for!!!

I covered something last week about thyroid health and a listener sent me some links that show the levels of radiation poisoning from Fukishima that are linked thyroid cancer and thyroid dysfunction. You can find them posted on my blog by tomorrow. And there are many! hat tip Larry Miller!

Radiation levels exceed federal thresholds

Samples were taken between April 29 and May 2, 2011, approximately seven weeks after the radioactive releases from Fukushima. The county found that gross alpha radiation levels at a location in Los Angeles were 300 femtocuries per cubic meter (fCi/m3), and levels at a Hacienda Heights location were 200 fCi/m3.

For context, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reports the average (annual median) level of gross alpha activity for the state of California as just 0.38 fCi/m3 – that is, 790 times lower.

The levels detected in Los Angeles County were a full 100 times higher than the level that requires an investigation at a U.S. nuclear laboratory, according to the Environmental Monitoring Plan at Brookhaven National Laboratory: “If the gross alpha activity in the [air] filters is greater than 3 fCi/m3, then collect more samples in the vicinity, and project manager will review all detections above the limits … All values greater than the above-stated gross alpha/beta concentration shall trigger an investigation.”

Finally, the Los Angeles County levels were almost 15 times higher than the federal regulatory limit for alpha radiation, which is 21 fCi/m3, according to a 2010 document from Idaho National Laboratory.

Even worse than it sounds

What do all these numbers mean for human and environmental health?

Alpha radiation is one of four major types of radiation emitted by radioactive atoms. It is also referred to as “alpha particles,” or a “Helium nucleus.” Other types of radiation are beta radiation, gamma radiation and neutrons.

Of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, alpha radiation is by far the most dangerous if found inside the human body. That’s because unlike beta or gamma radiation, alpha radiation is easily absorbed by cells, where it can cause serious damage, including to DNA. Alpha particles can enter the body if they contaminate food or water, or if they are breathed in – hence the concern among both nuclear laboratories and Los Angeles county about airborne levels of alpha radiation.

The alpha radiation detected from the Fukushima disaster most likely comes from plutonium 239, which is produced as a byproduct in many nuclear reactors. No alpha radiation, however, is emitted by cesium-137, which is probably the most prolific isotope emitted by Fukushima that is still circulating in the environment (iodine-131, also emitted in large quantities, has a very short half life and has probably mostly vanished from the environment by now).

But whereas the beta and gamma radiation emitted by radioactive cesium may not be as dangerous from within the body, it is actually far more dangerous if found outside the body – for example, in the contaminated water and soil around the Fukushima plant, or the contaminated water being dumped into the Pacific Ocean. That’s because beta and gamma radiation is far more able to penetrate the body’s external defenses, and tear apart cells and DNA as it passes through.

More links to cancer from Fukushima fallout.

























GMO Monsanto to be put on Trial for Crimes against Nature and Humanity






By Catherine J. Frompovich Has the ‘genetically-modified-worm’ turned and not in favor of GMO giant Monsanto? Let’s hope so!

In Paris, France, during the Climate Conference several groups (Organic Consumers Association, IFOAM, Navdanya, Regeneration International) declared via a Press Release that they will put Monsanto on trial for “crimes against nature and humanity, and ecocide, in The Hague, Netherlands, next year on World Food Day, October 16, 2016.”

The announcement was made at a press conference held in conjunction with the COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change, November 30 – December 11, in Paris.

Here is the Press Release, which I encourage everyone everywhere to read and support.

We have to take back our food, our planet and our lives!

2016 truly should be a year for dramatic changes, especially for challenging the poisonous foods we are forced to grow, purchase and EAT. Please do what you can financially to support this long-overdue challenge to global food piracy by vested corporate interests. Future generations will thank us.

Just say no: Processed food turns Americans into malnourished, dumbed-down addicts




NaturalNews) Authorities often call marijuana an addictive “gateway drug.” The US Drug Enforcement Agency classifies cannabis as a Schedule I drug, more addictive than methamphetamine and cocaine. SWAT teams are deployed on growing operations and legal dispensaries. People can be jailed for months to years when caught with various amounts and parts of this plant.

At its worst, cannabis allows people to relax and have a good time. Indulging in the recreational “high” of the THC of cannabis isn’t physically addictive. At its best, cannabis can be bred for other cannabinoids that assist the body in healing seizures and cancer, among other health issues. In other words, cannabis is not something that we should be at war with.

If we should be fighting a war, it should be against a much more addicting substance called processed food.

Food addictions more rampant and more dangerous than drug addictions

A new study from the University of Michigan confirms that highly processed food like pizza, doughnuts, French fries, boxed pastries and chocolates are more addictive than any other substances that we put in our bodies. The euphoria that processed food brings to the taste buds and the brain is short-lived, and yet the consequences of this addicting food include some of the most deadly and destructive health conditions — diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease.

The added fat and refined carbohydrates, as found in white flour and sugar-based processed food products, are the real addictive substances destroying mankind. These addictive food substances can easily dominate a person’s life, causing substance dependence. This substance dependence causes people to become dumbed-down addicts who only look to get their fix of junk on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter how miserable they become — they seek their processed food “high” despite the health risks.

The irony: A gun-wielding, doughnut-toting authority figure consumes more addictive contraband (in the form of white flour and sugar pastries) than the person he jailed who was just smoking a little bit of cannabis.

Food addictions leave people malnourished, destroying their quality of life

The lead author of the study, Erica Schulte, a U-M psychology doctoral student, said they studied several individuals who actually showed severe symptoms of food addiction. Those with a higher body mass index had the worst problems overcoming their addiction to processed foods. Many were sensitive to the “rewarding” properties of the foods. The processed foods trick their minds into thinking that they are full, but in reality the junk is only starving the person of nutrition.

In contrast, unprocessed foods, like brown rice and salmon, did not inflict addictive-like eating behavior. Schulte said, “If properties of some foods are associated with addictive eating for some people, this may impact nutrition guidelines, as well as public policy initiatives such as marketing these foods to children.”

Co-author Nicole Avena said that preventing food addictions should be prioritized right along with preventing drinking, cigarette smoking and harmful drug use. “This is a first step towards identifying specific foods, and properties of foods, which can trigger this addictive response,” she said. “This could help change the way we approach obesity treatment. It may not be a simple matter of ‘cutting back’ on certain foods, but rather, adopting methods used to curtail smoking, drinking and drug use.”

As a culture, we are focused on demonizing a plant like cannabis and jailing people over it, yet we continue to consume much more addicting and destructive processed foods en masse on a daily basis.

Boost your brain power with a single dose of coconut oil




December 11th, 2015, by Vicki Batts

It’s no secret that coconut oil is extremely beneficial to your body. Topically, it treats dry skin, repairs hair and nails and can soothe skin conditions and acne. When consumed, its wide array of nutritious fats can be absorbed throughout the body. The medium chain triglycerides (MCT) found in coconut oil may have an even greater benefit to you though – they can help keep your brain healthy. In fact, a single 40mL dose of these fatty acids has been found to improve cognition and memory after consumption.

An impressive study published by the journal Neurobiology of Aging in 2004 found that several patients with Alzheimer’s disease or other mild cognitive impairments exhibited improvements on the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale after being given MCT.

How could that possibly be? Well, the explanation is found in both the unique needs of the brain and the makeup of MCTs. Basically, as people age, their glucose metabolism tends to slow down. Glucose is the primary energy source for the brain. But, the medium-chain triglycerides act as a secondary energy source for the brain in the form of ketones. This recharges the metabolic processes in the brain, improving cognitive function.

Coconut Oil to Fight Off Candida Yeast Infections






The most common yeast infection plaguing humans is Candida albicans or C. albicans. It’s usually the result of our standard American diet (SAD) that includes processed foods and beverages with lots of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates that act almost like sugar.

These faux food items feed candida yeast to grow and expand to the point of overthrowing the beneficial gut bacteria that keeps the yeast in check.

Antibiotics destroy a lot of beneficial microbial content in the gut, leaving the good bacteria vulnerable to being overthrown by yeast colonies because their helpful digestive and immune contributing numbers. There are some medical experts that believe fungal colonies provide a symbiotic environment for cancer cells and tumors. Some even think those fungal colonies create cancer. It’s safe to say there’s an association.

And the low nutritional, high-sugar processed foods keep feeding what was once a somewhat valued small army. That little army grows enough to become a bully to the good bacteria. This causes a microbial imbalance leading to C. albicans fungal infections.
Even lesser levels of candida consequences are harmful. Usually chronic fatigue, poor digestion, bloating, flatulence, and external fungal infections ensue. Other diseases and infections can ensue to debilitating levels due to impaired digestion and lower immune function.
Conversely, when properly balanced gut microbial colonies are around 80 percent beneficial to 20 percent yeast or pathogenic, one’s health tends to balance out with gut bacteria providing at least 60 percent of one’s immunity.

A group of scientists at Tufts University Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts decided to do an animal study comparing three fats’ effects on C. albicans: coconut oil, beef tallow, and soybean oil. It had been noticed previously that coconut oil had positive results against fungal colonies in earlier in vitro (lab cultures) studies, but it hadn’t been tried in vivo (live animals).

The study is available from the first source link below. Summarizing the study, coconut oil won out with a 90 percent fungal reduction in mice, leading to their conclusion that adding coconut oil to human diets may reduce the potential of excess candida yeast infections.

Only 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil Produces Powerful Health Changes, Study Confirms





Sayer Ji, Green Med Info
Waking Times

A simple tablespoon daily of coconut oil could promote weight loss and improve cardiovascular health, reveals a new clinical study.

A new study titled, “A coconut extra virgin oil-rich diet increases HDL cholesterol and decreases waist circumference and body mass in coronary artery disease patients,” holds great promise in those suffering from overweight, obesity, and heightened cardiovascular disease risk, and against which pharmaceutical approaches often fail.

was once considered a “bad fat,” as it contains saturated fatty acids which conventional nutritionists did not distinguish from synthetically produced ones such as margarine. We know far better now, and increasingly, natural sources of saturated fats are gaining appreciation as not only “not-bad,” but actually beneficial, particularly for the brain. You can check out the first hand literature on coconut’s helath benefits on the GreenMedInfo.com database, or read our article,13 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.

The new study evaluated the health effects of a nutritional treatment with extra virgin coconut oil, focusing primarily on how it affects HDL cholesterol and a range of anthropmetric measurements (e.g. body weight, size, circumference).

The average age of the participants was 62.4 ± 7.7 years, with 70% of elderly individuals, and 63.2% of males. All of them were hypertensive and 94.5% had blood lipid profiles indicating “dyslipidemia” and on standard, cholesterol lowering drug treatment.

In the first phase, a three month period, 136 enrollees were put on a standardized diet. From the third month onward, the 116 who completed the first phase were place in two intervention groups: 22 remained on the diet, and 92 were put on the diet + 13 ml (.43 ounces) daily of extra virgin coconut oil, which is equivalent to about 14 grams, or about 1 Tablespoon (15 grams).

The results of the the three-month coconut oil intervention showed that relative to the standard diet, the coconut group saw a decrease in all six of the bodily parameters measured, including:

Weight: -.6 kilograms (1.322 pounds)

Body Mass Index: – .2 kg/m2

Waist Circumference: -2.1 cm

Neck Perimeter: -4 cm

Systolic Blood Pressure: -3.3 points

Diastolic Blood Pressure:  -3.5 points

Additionally, the coconut oil intervention group saw a 3.1±7.4 mg/dL increase in HDL cholesterol.

The researchers concluded:

“Nonpharmacological interventions are essential for risk factor control in secondary prevention among patients with coronary disease. Our study showed that a diet rich in extra virgin coconut oil seems to favor the reduction of WC and the increase of HDL-C concentrations, aiding with secondary prevention for CAD patients.”


This study is far more powerful than may first meet the eye. For instance, at present, pharmaceutical interventions to raise HDL cholesterol lack solid scientific support. Only yesterday, I reported on a new JAMA review which revealed anastounding number of medical procedures have no benefit, even harm, wherein it was concluded that ,”In patients with low HDL-C levels who are treated with statins, there is no clinical benefit to HDL-C–targeted therapies.” Considering the fact that pharmaceutical interventions to lower HDL cholesterol have a wide range of serious side effects, the new finding that coconut oil may provide a natural alternative with side benefits, is all the more encouraging.

Additionally, midsection fat, also known as abdominal obesity, is a serious risk factor for cardiovascular events and cardiac mortality. In fact, a 2007 study published in the journal Circulation found that of three risk factors evaluated for heart attack, namely, abdominal obesity, abnormal lipids, and smoking, abdominal obesity was the most powerful: 48.5%, versus 40.8% for abnormal lipids, and 38.4% for smoking.

When one considers these two factors, any safe, diet-based lifestyle modification that can safely raise HDL-C cholesterol, and reduce midsection fat and related anthropometric parameters such as BMI and midsection circumference, is a home run.

This is, of course, not the first time we have reported on the powerful health benefits of coconut oil. In fact, it doesn’t take months, or even days, to observe positive changes in certain populations. We reported previously on what can only be described as an amazing study where just one dose of coconut oil derived medium chain triglycerides produced positive cognitive changes in Alzheimer’s patients in only 90 minutes. You can read about it in greater detail here:  MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose.



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The post CSS Health Report: Fukushima Radiation Will Prematurely Kill Millions of Americans appeared first on Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show.

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