

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity from Microwave Technology Finally Medically Proven






By Catherine J. Frompovich
Finally, there’s documented medical proof that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a real-time health issue that actually can be verified using standard medical procedures and testing capabilities.
An international group of researchers aced it when they published their findings from the clinical study “Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive Subjects as a Feasible Tool for Diagnostics and Intervention” in the November 2014 issue of Mediators of Inflammation.

So, the million-dollar-question has to be, “When will utility companies get up to speed on the latest in microwave technology damage to the human body?” Also, “When will public utility commissions nationwide institute proper procedures to protect consumers from such damage?”

Pennsylvanians currently are being bombarded by non-thermal health problems from public utility companies’ electric, natural gas and water Smart Meters, which operate using microwave technology.
Furthermore, the PA House Consumer Affairs Committee Chair Robert Godshall sits on Opt-Out Bills that will permit electrosensitive consumers and others to keep safe analog meters, which have been in use for decades.

Below is the Press Release Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness (PASMA) released November 19, 2015, which discusses pertinent issues to EHS and Smart Meters.



Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or electrosensitivity (EHS), is a condition affecting more and more individuals who are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequencies (RFs) from radios, televisions, Wi-Fi, “dirty electricity” coming over household wires from utility companies smart meters (SMs), microwaves, photocopiers, plus cell phones and towers. Worldwide, the numbers of people affected by EMFs and RFs increase exponentially, and add to other environmentally sensitivity-related illnesses such as multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), sick building syndrome, Persian Gulf War veteran syndrome, and amalgam disease.
In Pennsylvania, children’s and adults’ health is being harmed by electric, natural gas, and water utility companies’ smart meters!

The World Health Organization (WHO), in a December 2005 Background paper, stated:

EHS is characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms that differ from individual to individual. The symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. Whatever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the affected individual. [….] For EHS individuals with long lasting symptoms and severe handicaps, therapy should be directed principally at reducing symptoms and functional handicaps.This should be done in close co-operation with a qualified medical specialist (to address the medical and psychological aspects of the symptoms) and a hygienist (to identify and, if necessary, control factors in the environment that are known to have adverse health effects of relevance to the patient).

Treatment should aim to establish an effective physician-patient relationship, help

develop strategies for coping with the situation and encourage patients to return to work and lead a normal social life.
WHO published online information about that workshop on electromagnetic hypersensitivity in 2004 here.

Till now, no causal relationship between electromagnetic fields exposure and onset of clinical symptoms has been clearly proven. [….]

Smart Meter technology is based on microwaves, which is damaging the health of Pennsylvanians; has to be corrected by the PA legislature and PA PUC, since it’s counter to and, undoubtedly, violates the Nuremberg Code, including the Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons…shall not be violated.”
Certainly, Pennsylvania’s children’s and adults’ health status is being compromised and violated 24/7/365 from EMFs, RFs, and the dirty electricity produced by Smart Meters.

Read the full article here

Print out these research papers and articles and take them to your city council meetings, your utilities board and your local Utility company and show them. Get a coordinated team of writers to send in letters to the editor in your local paper, talk to your local new stations and ask if they will present your evidence in one of their I-Team investigations or on a health segment. GET the word out.e

The First GM Human Could Exist Within 2 Years




*That’s nonsense. We already have them, and probably have since the end of WW11.

The biotech firm Editas Medicine says that humans who have had their DNA genetically modified could exist within the next 2 years. The company announced that it will soon start the first trials of what it calls a groundbreaking new technique.
U.S.-based Editas is striving to become the first lab in the world to edit the DNA of patients suffering from leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a genetic condition that causes severe vision loss at birth. Some LCA patients also experience central nervous system conditions, such as epilepsy, developmental delays and motor skill impairment.

LCA is said to be caused by defects in a gene responsible for the creation of a protein that is vital to vision. Editas Medicine scientists believe they can fix the mutated DNA using gene-editing technology known as CRISPRs.
CRISPRs, which stands for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” allows scientists to edit genes “with precision, efficiency and flexibility,” Gizmodo explained in a May 5, 2015 article. Researchers have reportedly been able to create monkeys with targeted mutations and prevent HIV infection in human cells using this piece of biotechnology.

In early May, Chinese scientists said they’d successfully applied CRISPRs to nonviable human embryos, suggesting that the technology could someday be used to treat any genetic disease.
Katy‘s notes..     The dilemma I see is breakthrough science without a moral compass….this is the hype they give us to advance their cause when in fact this technology will get into the wrong hands. They intend to use these new technologies under the cover of advancement. Question: what kind of advancement?

It might even be used to create “designer babies” in the future, though that day is a long ways off.
Editas Medicine hopes to start a CRISPR trial with blind patients in 2017. It would be the first time the technology was ever used on humans.
But there are reasons to proceed cautiously. Every “good” medical breakthrough comes with risks and is a double-edged sword. Even penicillin, perhaps one of the simplest and most life-saving inventions in recorded history, is now overused and contributes to antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

And this from the piece gives balance to my point about science void of a moral compass… This comes from the journal New Eastern Outlook:

“In reality, all genetic editing, especially when it alters the genetic material of subsequent generations, represents a potential threat to the genetic heritage of the entire planet with potential consequences we may still not fully understand. In a world where the “science is final” regarding humanity’s impact on the planet’s climate, demanding “urgent action” to stop or reverse it, the absence of a similar impetus behind stopping the contamination of our planet’s genetic heritage seems suspiciously hypocritical if not utterly reckless and even intentional.

Weaponization, accidents and even the prospect of globalized corporations finding, then making inaccessible the cures to diseases and conditions affecting millions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease are all threats we now face, whether we would like to admit it or not. One point the West correctly made upon its hand wringing over China’s most recent and reckless leap forward, was that the matter of biotechnology’s profound impact on the human genome and the genetic heritage of the entire planet is no longer the subject of a “future” scenario. It is a matter of present concern.”

Read the full article here:

US Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans











By Janet Phelan
Fundamentally, biological warfare is sneaky. It involves a microbial sucker punch to its intended target, often accomplished in a manner in which the aggressor can claim clean hands, while his victim may suffer or die.
Biological warfare can take a number of forms. The question—how can you get a bacteriological or toxic agent on board without the target being alerted– has been asked and answered. In addition to using humans and animals as vectors, biological warfare agents can be airborne, waterborne, foodborne or put into pharmaceuticals.
Substantial concerns have been voiced concerning the potential for inserting bioweapons into vaccines. Indeed, given the history of known contaminated vaccines, this is hardly a matter of speculation. Polio vaccines have been found to contain cancer.

I reported on this story back on the Sept 13th segment from …




INVESTMENTWATCHBLOG- The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which WAS cached here (since removed by google so you can view an image of the cache here), admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.

A Merck rotavirus vaccine was found to be contaminated with a pig virus. Another Merck product, the Hepatitis B vaccine, was reported to have been laced with the AIDS virus. In addition, a tetanus vaccine distributed in the Africa and parts of the Third World was found to contain human chorionic gona-do-trophin, an anti-fertility agent known to produce spontaneous abortions.

A Bill has just passed the US Senate, mandating that the US Department of Veteran Affairs ensure that all veterans receive immunizations (vaccines) per a draconian schedule. At this juncture, active military must receive over a dozen vaccines. This piece of legislation is therefore an effort to extend the vaccine mandate to those who have previously served their country.

Sec. 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, states that the Department of Veterans Affairs will be tasked with the mandate to “ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule.”

The schedule referred to above is frankly staggering. Over ninety vaccines are listed.

Pennsylvania Proposes Much Stricter New Vaccine Rules




Pennsylvania’s health and education departments announced Thursday that they will propose that students must have all of their vaccines within 5 days of starting school or provide a medical certificate saying when they would receive the shots. [1]
Under current law, students have 8 months to receive all of their vaccinations as long as they receive the first dose by the time they start school. Students would still need to receive their first inoculation by the start of school under the new proposal.

Additionally, teens entering grade 12 would be required to receive a pertussis and meningitis vaccine.
Under the proposal, parents would still be able to exempt their children from immunization based on philosophical, moral or religious reasons. [2]

The departments say that Pennsylvania’s rate is too low to create “herd immunity,” a situation in which the group of unvaccinated individuals is said to be small enough to ensure a disease won’t spread among them. The proposed rules are intended to create herd immunity in schools.

It will take from between 9 months and 2 years to work through the regulatory process, which will require reviews from advisory boards and opportunities for public comment.

The changes would apply to students in public, private and parochial schools – including vocational schools, intermediate units, special education and home education programs, cyber schools, and charter schools. [3]

The MMR vaccine has been a controversial topic, especially in the last year. A CDC whistleblower has confessed that he played a role in the agency’s cover-up of a reported link between the vaccine and an increased risk of autism in children. Dr. William Thompson claims that he and CDC colleagues threw away data that showed a 250% increased risk for African-American boys who were given the MMR shot prior to their 3rd birthday. The CDC then allegedly destroyed the documents.

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The post CSS Health Report- The First Genetically Modified Humans Are On the Way appeared first on Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show.

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