
I love doing these posts... and they're my favorite ones to read on other blogs. Highlighting the things that are "trending" in our personal lives is just, well, fun.

This has been an exceptional week. Super amazing highs and minimal-ish stress. Win, win. (It was also randomly long. I've had meetings and appointments every day after work and I don't know why, but everything is passing by slowly!)

ONE | Lorde

Okay, honestly... I must have been living under a rock. I completely missed the whole rise of Lorde. I mean, I'm always terribly behind when it comes to new artists and generally I don't really understand the obsession. But with Lorde, I absolutely do. Yesterday's "Pump Up" playlist included one of her songs! Catchy and angst-y? I like.

TWO | Booties

Yes, I have absolutely loved summer and I absolutely will regret wishing for fall to come faster. Yet... I can't help but think about boots and sweaters and vests and (eep!) scarves! I think I might end up buying, like, at three pairs of little booties for the fall. I already have riding boots, but I like that the booties feel a little more feminine. I plan on wearing them with jeans... and with dresses and tights.

THREE | Tory Burch

I have a huge stack of books on my nightstand and a bunch more on my Goodreads to-read shelf... oh and a GIANT stack of September issues. Yet, I've been reading so many articles online. I was kind of in a slump a week or so ago and reading about inspiring businesswomen always gets me back into the swing of things. This profile on Tory Burch in the New York Times is so good. 

FOUR | Tarte Cosmetics

Confession: I am terrible with makeup. I hardly wore it before college (only for recitals and school dances mostly) and so I think I stunted my ability to apply makeup well. It stresses me out frankly. Too many brushes. Too many techniques. And I never can get the look that I want (read: that fresh face look). I've had a palette of eyeshadows from Tarte Cosmetics for a while, but I never really knew what to do with them. I've kind of figured it out. And I kind of love how it looks.

FIVE | Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed has been extremely popular for a long time, but does anyone else feel like it completely exploded in popularity this week? My Twitter feed and Facebook newsfeed are completely congested with links. And wouldn't you know it? I can't read a description without clicking on it... and then laughing out loud (by myself)... and then sharing it with relevant people. A couple of ones that I've really loved recently: 17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand, 51 Corgi Gifs That Will Change Your Life, and The Top 11 "Dance Mom" Quotes of All Time.

Remember my How to Roll Sleeves Like J. Crew graphic was picked up by Buzzfeed twice! How cool is that? 18 Helpful Diagrams to Solve All Your Clothing Woes and 16 Ways to Dress Like a Grown Man.

What's on your radar lately?


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