I'm taking it a little easy this week on the blog... so today I thought I'd share a Currently post! I'd love to hear some of your answers below (or in your own post!). Happy Tuesday, friends! xo
READING: I've been reading Adulting and it's so hilarious. I read a lot of it on our North Carolina trip but haven't been making enough time to read it once we returned. I plan to finish it soon! I'm also reading The Money Book for the Young, Broke, and Fabulous by Suze Orman because you know... adulting. I find her approach way more interesting than Dave Ramsey anyway.
WONDERING: "How on Earth we'll be able to churn out all of the necessary product to stock Honeybean with at Porter Flea. I know my post yesterday included much of this same worry, but I'm sitting in our living room completely surrounded by craft supplies, lists, and finished products. We made a huge dent in the production needs of items last night, but we have a long week and a half ahead of us." -- I copied this post for the prompts from my last Currently post in May... and this answer is exactly the same. Not only do we have another Porter Flea in a week and a half, but we're also setting up for Small Business Saturday this weekend. So much to do!
FEELING THANKFUL: To have a roof over our heads, to have food in our bellies, to have each other... all of that good stuff. I'm also so thankful that we're able to be self employed and go at it our own way each and every day. Much like my last post 6 months ago, it's a scary thought sometimes, and nothing is ever certain, but we just take it a day at a time. Not to mention I love that we live so close to family. I've spent so much of my 25 years wanting to move away and forge our own path in another state, but it recently hit me just how blessed we truly are to have so many people who love us so close by.
EATING: a lot of liquids and soft foods... this girl had a tooth extracted yesterday. woop woop! Gotta love giant wisdom teeth... sort of a bummer to only have a half-functioning mouth merely days before Thanksgiving, but it's probably for the best haha! I can hear Mike in the kitchen making something for breakfast, so that's always a good thing! Let's hope I can eat it.
WATCHING: entirely too much television. The mega perk to working from home is that you can have TV going at almost any point in the day. We make it a priority not to watch tv or anything while we're in the office working, but if we're in the living room working on painting signs, packing orders, or merchandising Honeybean, you can bet we're watching something. Currently we're loving: Hart of Dixie (Team Wade FOREVER!), Sons of Anarchy, and Louie (oh my stars I love Louis C.K. more than life itself). I'm going to stop myself there because our long list would be embarrassing to share haha!
WORKING ON: a ton of holiday sign commissions (woo!), several new design gigs (yay!), blog content for December (help!), Porter Flea merch and displays (it's too cold to do a mock set up!), our advent activities for Toby (I'm so excited!), and a new blog makeover for the new year (several months in the making... oh boy!). I'm getting myself pumped up for some long weeks ahead, but I can't wait for 2014!
LOVING: the feeling of the season. I hate cold weather and I hate that it gets dark so early (seriously... that kills my mood), but I love how festive everything seems. Planning what we'll make for family Thanksgivings, talking about Toby's birthday, anticipating Christmas and the New Year... it's a happy time of year. Just don't ask me if I love it when I'm in any store trying to buy anything. Those crowds are killer!
ATTEMPTING: to not feel guilty about stepping away from the blog a little bit. It's a busy time of year so I'm trying not to overwhelm myself with content! ideas! plans! execution! ya know? I'm also trying really really hard to not compare myself to those blog I read who do (seem to) manage to juggle all of those things perfectly. I have to remind myself most of them aren't running 4 businesses and raising a 4 year old. It's okay to just ~take it easy. *I* am the only person I need to impress. (See what I'm doing here?! Trying really hard to make myself feel better haha)
WANTING: to simplify our lives. Not meaning I want to toss out all of our stuff and cling to this "minimalistic" trend - not at all actually haha! What I mean is: I want to operate on a more "set" schedule. I want to have a better work flow and then be done with it by the time Toby gets home from school (or shortly after). I want to simplify my daily tasks and not do 10 jobs "well" but instead do 4 jobs "almost perfectly" ya know? I want to streamline things, but I doubt that's going to happen because I have a billion little idea elves in my brain and I want to do all of them and I'm a glutton for that sort of thing. We'll see!
What are you up to today?
If you're looking for something to do, share your own Currently post on your blog and leave a link to it below! I'd love to know how you're spending your day! (Currently post inspired by Danielle's feature!)