
One of things we focus on here at The Douglasville Menu is the economic development of the city of Douglasville and surrounding Douglas County. One of the ways that economic development is potentially impacted is through infrastructure and capital projects and community development. As of now, the last SPLOST used for the completion of the Detention Center complex (The Jail) is over. The county has proposed another SPLOST referendum on the Nov 8th General Election ballot to fund roadway construction and other capital projects around Douglas County. You as citizens have an opportunity to weigh in on everything from whether you approve or disapprove of the idea, and what you would like to see on the project list. The county has sent us a list of upcoming public meetings about the SPLOST:


The Douglas County Board of Commissioners is considering calling for a referendum in the November 8th General Election for a one-cent Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for capital improvements and construction projects.

If called and approved by the voters, the SPLOST could be for six years beginning April 2017, and is estimated to bring in $160 million.  By law, Douglas County and its cities would share proceeds either by intergovernmental agreement or by population.  If by population, the approximate shares would be:

Douglas County                  72.37%                  $115.79 million

City of Douglasville             23.38%                  $37.4 million

City of Villa Rica                 04.22%                  $6.75 million

City of Austell                    00.03%                  $48,000.

Subject areas that may be included in a SPLOST referendum include capital improvements for roadway and transportation, fire/EMS, and a public safety digital radio system.  SPLOST funds may not be used for operational expenses and salaries.  The Board of Commissioners does not have a pre-determined list of projects.  It has a list of major construction and capital purchases that need to occur, but no approved project list has yet been developed.

The Board of Commissioners is asking for input/project ideas from the Public to determine the need for a SPLOST and its contents during a series of meetings, as follows:

Thursday       March 31       6 p.m.          Anneewakee Falls/Trails Clubhouse

Tuesday        April 19         6 p.m.          Hawthorne Center, Jesse Davis Park

Thursday       April 21         6 p.m.          Ephesus Baptist Church

Monday         May 9           6 p.m.          Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church

Thursday       May 12                   6 p.m.          Old Douglas County Courthouse

Tuesday        June 7           6 p.m.          Dog River Library.

Residents may attend the meeting of their choice (all meetings will have the same agenda), and/or e-mail comments and project ideas to SPLOST@co.douglas.ga.us.

The Board of Commissioners has a strict timeline required by Federal law to call for the SPLOST referendum.  All local referenda in the State of Georgia must be pre-approved by the U. S. Department of Justice for compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Subject to public input, the Board of Commissioners would need to schedule the SPLOST resolution call for its July 19th regularly scheduled meeting, the last scheduled meeting before the Justice Department submittal deadline for the November 8th General Election.

The current SPLOST for the construction of the Law Enforcement Center and Jail ends in April 2016, and the project will be completely paid for with the received funds.

County District 2 Commissioner Kelly Robinson has scheduled additional meetings about the prospective SPLOST throughout neighborhoods in his District, as follows:

Tuesday        April 5           7 p.m.          Silver Creek Subdivision at 1080 Aspen Drive

Tuesday        April 12         7 p.m.          Tributary at Village Activity Center

Tuesday        May 3           6 p.m.          Greythorne/Mt. Vernon Subdivisions at Deer Lick Park

Thursday       May 12                   6 p.m.          Sweetwater/Parkside Subdivisions at Hilton Garden Inn.

Residents may attend the meeting of their choice, and are not restricted to the one in their geographic area.

Much thanks as always to Wes Tallon from the County for providing the info. Make your voice heard and plan to attend the meetings regardless of where you stand.

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