
TransCanada Corp. is cutting its ties with Edelman, the United States-based public relations firm that recommended using aggressive tactics to win public support for its proposed Energy East pipeline project.

Good on TransCanada for choosing to have a “respectful conversation” instead.

The $12-billion project to transport Alberta oil to Canada’s East Coast stands on its own merit without having to manipulate public opinion.

The U.S. firm had recommended using third parties to attack the pipeline’s opponents, by creating “an echo chamber of aligned voices.”

Greenpeace, which publicized the leaked documents last week, said they involved “secret public relations and a ‘grassroots advocacy’ strategy by TransCanada to put pressure on politicians and critics of their Energy East pipeline proposal – tactics similar to those employed by the oil industry in the U.S. to attack environmental advocates.” It accused TransCanada of “dirty tricks.”

On Thursday, TransCanada said it never took Edelman’s recommendations and is ending its association with the firm at the end of December because the controversy has become a distraction, particularly in Quebec.

“Media reports have incorrectly suggested that TransCanada’s communications practices are unacceptable,” the company said in a statement. “The conversation about Energy East has turned into a debate about our choice of agency partner. We need to get back to a conversation about the project itself and as a result we have agreed that it is in the best interests of the project that we do not extend our contract with Edelman.”

But before Greenpeace goes too far on that victory lap, how about some honesty?

The pipeline debate has been rife with dirty tricks for years, and environmentalists have led the way.

When environmental organizations such as Greenpeace, the Natural Resource Defense Council, ForestEthics, the Sierra Club, the Pembina Institute, banded together late in the last decade to launch their campaign to shut down the oil sands, they advocated doing so by raising the negatives, raising the costs, slowing down and stopping infrastructure, enrolling key decision makers, as shown in their July 2008 Tar Sands Campaign strategy, presented to raise money from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

According to the presentation, the aim of the strategy was to: “stop/limit pipelines and refinery expansions; force tar sands, water, toxics, and land reforms; significantly reduce future demand for tar sands oil; leverage the tar sands debate for policy victories in the U.S. and Canada; generate unity around the fuels endgame and sell it to decision makers.”

Funds from the campaign were to be used to support “ongoing engagement” in the regulatory approval process, communications, media and web resources, First Nations and other legal challenges, and public mobilization in Ontario and Quebec. This is exactly the way it played out.

Speaking of regulatory engagement, why is it not a dirty trick to swamp regulators with comments to delay pipeline decisions – more than two million comments were filed on Keystone XL alone?

Or how about the shaming/harassing those who are perceived as too soft on climate change, or too close to big oil?

What about unlawful practices, such as the protests under way at Burnaby Mountain on the West Coast aimed at frustrating work authorized by regulators and the courts related to the TransMountain pipeline expansion?

For sure, communication strategies — which are meant for insiders — sting and seem devious when they surface.

Like the Edelman strategy, the green strategy was leaked, otherwise we would never have known the extent of the imbroglio.

But it’s naïve to think such strategies don’t exist or that campaigns involving winning public support unfold spontaneously.


TransCanada, PR firm cut ties over Energy East campaign concerns

TransCanada urged by top U.S. PR firm to launch ‘smear campaign’ against opponents of Energy East pipeline

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In the United States, it’s common to use tactics such as the ones recommended by Edelman, which it said were borrowed from “the modern political playbook.” For example, it recommended to TransCanada that it profile key opposition groups by examining public records and social media, starting with the Council of Canadians, and possibly Equiterre, the David Suzuki Foundation, Avaaz and Ecology Ottawa.

Edelman said it stands by its strategy. “It was both ethical and moral, and any suggestion to the contrary is untrue. Unfortunately, the conversation about our efforts has become so loud in certain areas that it is impossible to have an open and honest conversation about the Pipeline project,” the firm said in a statement.

James Millar, spokesman for TransCanada, said TransCanada rejected the recommendations because it felt they would be unacceptable to Canadians. Its multi-million dollar contract with Edelman runs out in December and TransCanada will be looking for one or a group of partners to continue the Energy East work.

“We are facing the wrath of large, U.S. environmental organizations that are investing their dollars north of the border,” he said. “We want to be in the conversation, and that involves working with partners and spending money,” he said.

Mr. Millar said opponents also work with P.R. agencies and receive recommendations, and it’s been frustrating to be criticized for a strategy that TransCanada actually rejected.

If there is one lesson from the controversy, it is that the pipeline debate has gone too far, and that Canadians deserve better.

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