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The Bank of Canada abandoned on Wednesday an 18-month stretch of rate-hike talk in a dramatic policy shift that highlighted lower-than-expected growth and the risk of persistently weak inflation. In a statement following its latest monetary policy meeting, the central bank held its key interest rate at 1.0%, the level it has been at for over three years. But for the first time since April 2012, its post-meeting monetary policy statement dropped any mention of eventual rate increases, or in the words it used in September, a “gradual normalization” of rates. “The Bank’s statement this morning was surprisingly dovish,” CIBC’s Peter Buchanan wrote in a note to clients Wednesday morning. “Of particular note, the Bank has removed the previous tightening bias.” The change could push back expectations for the timing of the first rate hike and introduces the possibility, however slim, of a rate cut. Inflation has been below the bank’s 2% target for the past year and a half and that means that “downside risks to inflation assume increasing importance,” the bank said in the third rate decision under its new governor, Stephen Poloz. “However, the bank must also take into consideration the risk of exacerbating already-elevated household imbalances,” it said, noting balanced risks to its inflation projection. The central bank cut its growth and inflation estimates across the board. It reduced its third-quarter growth forecast to an annualized 1.8% from 3.8%; fourth quarter to 2.3% from 2.5%; and growth for 2014 to 2.3% from 2.7%.

Related: Read the Bank of Canada’s full statement

Bell will be watching your every digital move

Bell will be tracking and sharing your mobile digital habits with advertisers. A move by BCE Inc. to track its cellular customers’ every move and use that information for marketing purposes has prompted public complaints along with an investigation by Canada’s privacy regulator, reports the Financial Post‘s Christine Dobby. BCE plans to change its privacy policy on Nov. 16 and begin using account and network usage information to serve up personalized advertising it says will be more relevant to users. The change led to several complaints Tuesday, said Scott Hutchinson, a spokesman for the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. “We will be investigating,” he said in an email, adding that the office does not comment on active investigations but could choose to publish its findings if it deems that to be in the public interest under federal privacy legislation. BCE’s policy states it will collect network usage information including: web pages users visit from their mobile devices or home Internet, search terms used, location, app usage, television viewing and calling patterns. The Montreal-based communications giant said it is simply using information it already collects to improve its customers’ experience and will not target individual users but serve ads across “broad audience segments.”

Related: Bell to begin tracking web histories, TV habits and mobile app usage unless customers opt out – Canadian Press

Railways chug along to hefty profits

Canadian National Railway Co. delivered blockbuster third-quarter earnings Tuesday driven by its growing crude-by-rail business. The country’s largest railway moved to reward shareholders with record revenue during the quarter by announcing a two-for-one stock split effective Nov. 29 in a special stock dividend, and a new share buyback program aimed at repurchasing up to 15 million, or 4.1% of its outstanding common shares, over the next year. CN said its fourth-quarter dividend was halved to 21.5¢ a share to reflect the split. “Clearly the solid [third quarter results] show we are gaining momentum,” said Claude Mongeau, CN chief executive, on a conference call. CN’s main rival, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. delivered a record third-quarter result and operating performance Wednesday that handily beat analysts’ expectations. The Calgary-based railway reported a net income of $324-million, or $1.84 a diluted share, compared to $224-million, or $1.30 a diluted share, a year ago during the quarter. However, stripping out one-time tax items, the company said its adjusted earnings per share hit new heights for the quarter of a $1.88, well ahead of analysts’ expectations of $1.71 a share. “We enter the fourth quarter with momentum and are well positioned for what I believe will be a record 2013,” said Hunter Harrison, CP chief executive, in a statement.

Related: Union optimistic for CN Railway deal this week – Reuters

Keystone foes pledge sit-in campaign

Critics of the Keystone XL pipeline say they’re still optimistic President Barack Obama will block TransCanada Corp.’s planned US$5.3-billion link between the oil sands in Alberta and refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Just to be sure, they’re organizing a nationwide civil- disobedience campaign to keep up the pressure should the U.S. State Department recommend Obama approve the project. Rainforest Action Network, Credo Action and the Other 98% have convinced about 76,000 volunteers to sign a “pledge to resistance.” In doing so, Keystone opponents are joining anti-nuclear activists and others who have used sit-ins and other forms of non-violent protest over the years to bring publicity to a cause. “We believe that whether or not this pipeline is built is in President Obama’s hands and his alone,” Elijah Zarlin, senior campaign manager for advocacy group Credo Action, said. “We will engage in peaceful and dignified sit-ins if necessary to urge him to reject Keystone XL.” The push highlights how the fight over Keystone, now in its sixth year, shows no sign of abating as both sides await the release of a final environmental impact statement from the State Department that will estimate Keystone’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions. After that, the agency, which has jurisdiction because Keystone crosses the border, must determine if the pipeline is in the national interest before Obama’s final decision.

A balanced budget – ahead of schedule

It’s the kind of talk that gets investors and politicians all warm and fuzzy, but it’s also the kind of fodder that can help an election campaign. So should we forget about 2015 and the banter of the Harper government balancing the budget in time for the next federal election that same year? It’s possible it could come even sooner, reports the Financial Post‘s Gordon Isfeld. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is playing down the possibility of slaying the deficit a full year ahead of the Conservatives’ self-imposed deadline two years down the road. But maybe they should start thinking about 2014. Just look at the numbers. Ottawa’s aggressive course of spending cuts, assisted by steady revenues, has led to a shortfall of $18.9-billion for fiscal 2012 — way off its target of $25.9-billion set in the March 21 budget — and within walking distance of its goal for this year of a $18.7-billion shortfall. Do the math, add some accounting hiccups, and we could be in the black ahead of schedule. That would be a huge leap out of the $55.6-billion hole in 2009-10. Some economists believe 2014 is in the realm of possibility. “I wish, but we’re not that close, “ Mr. Flaherty said Tuesday.

Related: No proof of job crisis in Canada, TD says – Financial Post

Memories of Bre-X?

The controversy around Pretium Resources Inc. is escalating after the miner revealed that a highly-respected team of geologists declared its entire resource to be invalid, reports the Financial Post‘s Peter Koven. The judgment came from Strathcona Mineral Services Ltd., the Toronto firm that famously declared Bre-X to be a scam. Pretium shares plunged 28% to $3.45 on Tuesday as investors absorbed the news. There is plenty of gold in Pretium’s “Valley of the Kings” discovery in British Columbia, but disagreement persists over how it should be measured. Strathcona, which was hired by Pretium to oversee a bulk sample program for the deposit,resigned two weeks ago because it disagreed with the company’s chosen methodology and found fault with its resource. Strathcona President Graham Farquharson criticized Pretium management on Tuesday, saying his firm informed Pretium about its concerns several times and they were not immediately disclosed.  “Our differences with Pretium management are all about when is public disclosure of material facts appropriate,” he said in an email.

Related: Pretium shares plunge 30.5% as independent consultant resigns – Financial Post

Thin, light and ‘screaming fast’

Not an airplane, but the next iteration of the iPad. Apple Inc. gave its iPad line a refresh on Tuesday, announcing updated versions of the company’s two popular tablet computers. But as the Financial Post‘s Matthew Braga reports, unlike last year’s event, which introduced the smaller-sized iPad Mini to much fanfare for the first time, Tuesday’s unveiling focused more on incremental updates and price reductions that Apple hopes will keep its tablet lineup one step ahead of the competition. New MacBooks and and a high-end desktop Mac Pro were also unveiled alongside the company’s latest operating system, which will be given away for free. As rumoured, the Cupertino, Calif.-based smartphone, tablet and computer maker updated its 7.9-inch iPad Mini with a higher density screen. It is the last of Apple’s mobile devices to receive what is referred to as a Retina display, which packs more pixels into a display the same physical size, making individual pixels harder to discern. Apple also rebranded its full-sized, 9.7-inch iPad as the iPad Air. It is thinner and lighter than the previous generation iPad – weighing just one pound, and 7.5 mm thin. The size of the bezel, now similar in appearance to that of the iPad Mini, has been reduced by 43%.

Related: Full coverage of Apple’s iPad event as it happened – Financial Post

Still more bidders for BlackBerry?

There is yet another group looking to potentially put in an offer for BlackBerry. Coller Capital, the private-equity firm founded by British financier Jeremy Coller, is in talks with multiple bidders to team up on an offer for BlackBerry Ltd., a person familiar with the discussions told Bloomberg News on Tuesday. Coller will be putting up some financing as part of the bids, said the person, who asked not be identified because the talks are private. The firm, which buys and sells intellectual property, is seeking to acquire about 10% of BlackBerry’s patents if it makes a deal, the person said. BlackBerry, which announced in August that it was entertaining bids, has drawn a number of interested parties though little in the way of concrete offers. Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd., BlackBerry’s largest investor, signed a tentative agreement to acquire the smartphone maker for US$4.7 billion last month — without naming its buyout partners or showing that it has lined up financing. Cerberus Capital Management LP is looking at BlackBerry’s books, while Lenovo Group Ltd. has also expressed interest in a BlackBerry deal, according to people familiar with the matter.

Related: 10 things that made BlackBerrys awesome — that you may have forgotten – Business Insider

Up, then down, for Netflix

Netflix Inc., the second-biggest gainer in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index this year, fell the most since October 2012 on Tuesday after Bank of America Corp. analysts called its valuation “difficult to justify.” The stock, which has more than tripled this year, dropped 9.2% to US$322.52 at the close in New York, the biggest drop since Oct. 24, 2012. The shares reversed after jumping as high as US$396.98 after hours yesterday following quarterly results that showed Netflix’s video-streaming service passed the premium cable-TV network HBO in U.S. paid subscribers. To warrant a stock of about US$400, Netflix would need to get to 140 million subscribers globally, increase prices and improve margins, according to Nat Schindler and Justin Post, analysts at Bank of America. Chief Executive Officer Reed Hastings wrote yesterday of investor “euphoria,” while setting his sights on HBO’s global subscriber count. Netflix, the world’s largest online subscription-streaming service, said yesterday third-quarter profit increased fourfold to 52 cents a share, beating the 47-cent average of 27 analysts’ estimates.

Related: Netflix stock soars as CEO seeks to curb investor ‘euphoria’ – Bloomberg

Boat expenses that won’t float…

With the Canada Revenue Agency, that is. The cost of using your boat for business purposes will likely not be a legitimate, tax deductible expense, writes Financial Post contributor Jamie Golombek. In a technical interpretation letter released last week, the Canada Revenue Agency responded to a taxpayer’s query as to whether he can deduct a portion of the expenses he paid to operate his personal boat when calculating his business income for the year. The taxpayer asking the question was in the business of providing maintenance management services for buildings. The business is generally operated from his home but the taxpayer spends about three months each year at his cottage, which happens to only be accessible by boat. If he needs to travel to visit a client while he’s staying at his cottage, he must take his boat to the mainland before driving his car to the client’s location. The taxpayer writes that he also occasionally entertains clients on the boat. The taxpayer wanted to know whether he could claim tax depreciation as well as various operating expenses for the use of the boat for either of these two purposes; the CRA said…

Related: Not all charities are created equal: Golombek – Financial Post

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