

Much like the Keystone XL debacle in Washington, the EU’s proposed Fuel Quality Directive illustrates the hypocrisy of climate change politics — tough to sell at home, the pain of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is pushed abroad to feign the appearance of progress.

How else to explain that of all the things the European Union and the United States could be doing to clean up their own carbon mess both seem so hung up on punishing Canada’s oil sands?

And so just like the U.S. is dragging its feet on approving the Keystone XL pipeline between Alberta and Texas to fan the illusion among the green classes that it’s doing something about the climate, the EU is attempting another vote later this year on a fuel quality directive (FDQ) that singles out the oil sands — and no other oil sources.

It’s dirty politics.

The pending vote is such a worry to Alberta that two senior ministers are heading for another tour of European capitals, at a cost of $85,700 to taxpayers, to try yet again to expose the imbroglio. They are latest of many trips to European countries over the past few years by Alberta and federal government representatives.


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What’s disappointing is that years of Canadian pushback that the directive is discriminatory has not changed the anti-oil sands’ nature of the proposal, spearheaded by EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard. As it stands, it pegs bitumen from the oil sands as emitting 22% more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional crude, making it more expensive and more complicated for Europeans to use, while setting a bad precedent.

There is no scientific basis for the number and getting answers from the EU about why it’s targeting the oil sands has been difficult, Cal Dallas, Alberta’s International Relations Minister, who leaves Saturday for a blitz of Eastern European capitals, said in an interview.

Gavin Young/Calgary Herald Cal Dallas, Alberta’s International Relations Minister, leaves Saturday for a blitz of Eastern European capitals.

“As proposed today, the [FQD] takes all those other oil sources and assigns a single GHG value to those sources, and then takes oil sands-derived bitumen and assigns a single value to it, which is different than the others,” he said in an interview. “And we are saying: that is not supported by science.”

There are other offensive parts. The EU doesn’t know the GHG emissions of many of its oil suppliers because, unlike Canada, they simply don’t tell — but that doesn’t seem to be a worry.

“Even by the EU commission’s own documentation, 60% of all the EU crude oil sources don’t have any lifecycle emission reporting at all,” Dallas said. “The level of transparency in terms of some of the practices in the originating countries that are producing oil for the European Union is of significant concern to us.”

Dallas said 80% of the oil exported to the EU comes from countries that use high flaring (controlled burn of natural gas produced with the oil) and high venting (the natural gas is released into the atmosphere), but they get away with emissions that are likely way above oil sands levels because they are not declared, Dallas said.

If you are going to create policy, we want to see good policy, and that good policy should encourage transparency

So how does the EU proposal treat oil from countries that don’t report their greenhouse gas emissions? It’s rewarded with the lowest carbon footprint.

“If you are going to create policy, we want to see good policy, and that good policy should encourage transparency,” said Greg Stringham, vice-president at the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.  “But if you reward those for not being transparent, you will never encourage them to be transparent.”

Stringham suggests that if some countries refuse to be frank about their impact on the climate the EU come up with estimates of its own.

Then there are patronizing parts. The EU doesn’t give credit to Canada for its own efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, even though in some areas Canada is way ahead.

For example, Alberta already charges a carbon tax on large emitters that is funneled into a clean-energy technology fund and has served notice it will increase it. Canada is expected to announce by the end of the year its own GHG regulations for the oil and gas industry. Alberta and Canada are spending heavily on carbon capture. Industry is spending heavily on new technologies to accelerate the pace of environmental improvements.


Two-thirds of Americans favour building Keystone XL pipeline: poll

Canadian producers can meet U.S. oil demand even without Keystone, executive says

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If the EU’s directive goes ahead, it would be a double whammy against the oil sands, Stringham said.

“There has been a carbon-reduction policy in Alberta for almost six years, and industry and the Alberta government are actually leaders in that area, compared to what other countries producing oil are doing,” he said.

The London-based World Energy Council acknowledged Canada’s higher pace of environmental improvement when it ranked the country higher as a builder of sustainable energy systems than other fossil fuel competitors, including Norway, Australia and the United States.

The FQD is part of the EU’s move toward a low carbon fuel standard. EU environment ministers are expected to vote on the directive before the end of the year and, if approved, it would then go for ratification by individual countries.

The directive is part of EU legislation that requires a reduction of the greenhouse gas intensity of the fuels used in vehicles of up to 10% by 2020, the EU says in its Climate Action website.

The website says greenhouse gas intensity of fuels is calculated on a life-cycle basis, meaning that the emissions from the extraction, processing and distribution of fuels are included.

Dallas is making stops in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania and Latvia to tell the full oil sands story. His Alberta colleague, Environment Minister Diana McQueen, is on a separate mission to France, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Greece and Sweden.

A spokesman for Ms. Hedegaard did not reply to requests for comment.

The vote would be the third attempted on the directive. The first two didn’t move it forward, but this time it’s likely to be close, Stringham said. Canada doesn’t know which EU countries are supportive and which are against it.

As was the case during the first two votes, there remains widespread concern across Europe about the impact of the directive on EU economies and oil production.

But that’s the EU’s backyard and where the directive needs to make a difference. Canada is already taking care of its own.


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