





Betsy Devos got confirmed and education is about to get even shittier in the States, I haven’t been this mad in a looong time children are about to suffer

Mike Pence cast the deciding vote, these people literally want to destroy an already fragile system, this woman doesn’t believe in public schools okay, ninety percent of children GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

She is a living embodyment of the phrase “let them eat cake” she wants public school kids to just “go to private school”


Also she’s into child labor?????????????????????????????????????????

She’s a huge proponent of charter schools. I live in a district where we had a corrupt superintendent who was hellbent on eradicating public schools and replacing them all with charter schools. A ton of charter schools got built in my district when I was in high school, and the effects on my public school were immediate. We had no money to even do simple renovations. Teachers, excellent teachers, began fleeing to the next school district over. The graduation rate dropped. We were reduced to ONE music teacher who had to teach several choirs, several bands and an orchestra. ONE. MUSIC. TEACHER.

And let me tell you a thing about charter schools. They’re a SCAM. They wanted to introduce what they call a “voucher program” (which Devos is a huge proponent of) which basically promises a stipend so lower class kids can go to charter schools. Sounds great, right? Except that the stipend only covers a fraction of the cost and is used as a tool to hook poor families in so they’ll have no choice but to take out incredibly expensive loans from loan companies with ridiculous interest rates. This also prevents the families from being able to send their kids to higher education because they’re already swimming in student loan debt.

These assholes want to privatize education because they see it as a cash-cow, not something that is constitutionally the right of every child in this country. An education is a HUMAN right. We’ve got to fight her every step of the way, because if our children lose their rights, and lose their education, we’re all doomed.

Teachers in my tiny town are LIVID.  I received an email inviting me to a meeting with them to go over options for students and families who won’t be able to afford to pay for school.  I’m not a teacher, but I have tutored arts and crafts.  The short version of the email is if the school is made private (the town just finished building the new high school last summer) those who are willing can offer the option of free or low-cost lessons.  This means teachers in my town, who are willing to stay and help students, will be doing so out-of-pocket. 

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