
We've all read those articles that give you the common sense approach to networking.

You know the ones.

They say things like, "You should join local business groups" and "Nurture long term relationships" or the classic we've all heard too many times, "Network through the room".

Well this is not one of those articles.

Sometimes the most effective way to expand your network isn't what you think...

While all those factors should probably play a part in the tactics to grow your business, it's worth adding an alternative approach, to give you fast results: Attend a BIG single networking event. You could be making so many connections in just one day, with people from right across the UK.

However, before you go charging off to The Business Networking Show, below you'll find our 3 tips that will help you to get the best from your networking on the day. They may seem a bit surprising, but hear us out!

Attend the UK's biggest business networking event of the year!
Friday 16th September 10am-4pm at Wolverhampton Racecourse WV6 0PE
Tickets are selling fast. Don't miss out.
Get your tickets here - only £20 per person

Unconventional Tip #1:
Stop trying to impress people so quickly

How many times have you seen that guy that just tries too hard?  Whether it's handing over his business card before you've even asked for it, or talking about how long he has been in business and why he is so great at what he does, we've all seen it before.

Don't be this guy.

If you're the type of networker that is full of life and excited to meet new people, that's great. Don't change who you are. All we're suggesting is that when you're at a networking event meeting people for the first time, focus on them more than on yourself.

You can impress people faster by actually listening to them talk about themselves instead of telling them your story.

People don't need to know how clever you are to refer business to you. They just need to know you, like you and trust you.  After that, the next step of using your services or referring you to others is an easy progression.

Stop trying to impress people and start focusing on them.

Unconventional Tip #2:
Be hard to reach

Your itinerary just got busier - let people know!

This one might be hard to understand or embrace at first, but stick with us:

People want what they can't have.  It's human nature.

You might think that trying to convert that next contact into a follow up meeting within the week is being proactive and supporting your sales. Unfortunately it couldn't be further from the truth.  Needy networkers find it harder to close deals and win new business.

It's the people in the room that are harder to reach and connect with that always seem to land new business without trying too hard.


We are hard wired to be this way - it's like not thinking about a blue elephant.  You know what I mean (you thought of it didn't you!).

It heightens their attention: Things that we can't have or are hard to get immediately get more of our attention. Same with things that are hard to find, like Wally.  How much time have you spent in your life looking for this guy?

Admit it, you want to look for him!

It increases your value: Perceived scarcity always drives up the value of something. It works the other way too, so if you're easy to reach and readily available, your value goes down.

It encourages the "inner brat" to challenge the idea: Tell someone they can't have something and there is usually an almost instant reaction to challenge it.

"I can't have it? Just watch me - I'll make it happen"

It's true. This works well in sales too. Next time you're presenting a range of offers to a client, tell them they probably can't afford your premium package and chances are they'll ask more about it.

This brings us to the final unconventional tip...

Put our unconventional tips to the test
Attend the UK's biggest business networking event of the year!
Friday 16th September 10am-4pm at Wolverhampton Racecourse WV6 0PE
Tickets are selling fast. Don't miss out.
Get your tickets here - only £20 per person

Unconventional Tip #3:
Forget about sales

After everything else in this article, this last tip might surprise you.

Forget about sales? How could this possibly make you a better networker?

People can smell a salesperson a mile away. They don't want your sales pitch. They don't want you to "sell them" anything.

What people really want, and what separates the best networkers from the mediocre ones, is your care factor.

If you come across as a salesperson trying to hunt another deal, the care factor is zero.

If you come across as a truly genuine person who doesn't seem remotely interested in launching into a sales pitch, you're actually the best salesperson there is.

There should be no hidden agenda. You should forget about your business intentions when at a networking event.  All you need to do is be yourself.

Forget about sales, forget about your business and attend the next networking event with a different mindset.

People will ask you what you do.  They will hand you their business cards and ask for yours too.

You'll see people making all of the mistakes we've outlined above. You will be different. You will be real.

And here's an opportunity to put all this into action:  On Friday  16th September, The Business Networking Show will be running at Wolverhampton Racecourse. It's the UK's biggest networking show, back for its third year, and it's an all-day opportunity to practice your (unconventional) networking skills.

There will be HUNDREDS of business owners there for you to not impress, be hard to reach and to forget about sales with.

Get your tickets here or considering booking a stand.

Until then, be unconventional with your networking efforts.

Put our unconventional tips to the test
Attend the UK's biggest business networking event of the year!
Friday 16th September, 10am-4pm at Wolverhampton Racecourse WV6 0PE
Tickets are selling fast. Don't miss out.
Get your tickets here - only £20 per person

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