
Without a doubt, the rainy season is one of the most loved seasons of the year. There’s nothing better than to cuddle up in a blanket and hear the pitter-patter of the raindrops on the window pane while sipping on a hot cup of tea

But monsoon is also the time when we need to take extra safety precautions. With the Rain Gods already in full force, we list down the must-know monsoon safety tips.

Also Read: Enjoy Monsoons, The Healthy And Happy Way!

- Seek shelter as soon as a thunderstorm begins. Be sure that the storm has passed before you think of stepping outdoors again.

- If shelter is not available, stay away from isolated trees and open areas. Lightening is more likely to strike on the tallest object in the area!

- Keep your children away from playing in contaminated rainwater. Mucky puddles are home to a host of unhygienic substances like raw sewage and bacteria.

Also Read: Not-To-Be-Ignored Monsoon Feet Care Dos And Don’ts

- Switch off items that use high electricity as they are more likely to be damaged due to voltage fluctuations. These items include air-conditioners, computers, and television sets. However, unplug them before the storm begins and not when you can already hear the thunder.

- As monsoons are the primetime for intermittent power cuts, ensure that you have battery-operated torch lights handy all time.

- Keep your furry friends indoors during a thunderstorm as the sound of lightening scares them. Also, ensure that you clean them thoroughly after their outdoor walk so as to prevent infections.

Also Read: Monsoon Season Pet Care Dos And Don’ts

- Steer clear of corded phones. Use only mobiles and cordless phones.

- Try not to use sinks, showers, tubs and toilets during a thunderstorm as plumbing is a conductor of electricity.

- Take special care when you’re driving in the rain. Keep safe distance from other vehicles on the road, and do not accelerate or brake suddenly. Drive slow as the roads will be slick and slippery. As a precautionary measure, get the lights and wipers of your car checked since the rainy season has set in.

- Avoid puddles of water while walking on the road. Chances are that it could be an open manhole or a pothole!

- Say no to contaminated, street side food and water. Chances are that you’re subjecting your body to unhygienic, foreign elements.

- Keep yourself dry. Change out of wet clothes and clothes as soon as possible. In fact, carrying a dry set of clothes and footwear along with you is a great idea!

Also Read: TBD Presents The Ultimate Monsoon Fashion Guide

- Due to the damp environment, raw fruits and vegetables tend to rot sooner than usual. Don’t stock them up in large quantities.

- We are prone to a number of infections and diseases during the monsoon season. Don’t take itchy eyes or a sudden cold lightly; be on the safe side by visiting a doctor immediately.

Also Read: This Monsoon, Protect Your Eyes From Dangerous Infections

- Maintain basic hygiene measures. Wash your hands and feet as soon as you reach your college/office/ home. Bathing twice a day is also a good idea.

Did we miss out on any important tip? Let us know in the comments below.

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