
Two weeks ago, over 40 of us from the Branch college community headed over to Breakaway Lodge at the Oregon Coast. We got to spend the weekend relaxing in the midst of God’s beautiful creation (and it was actually sunny for part of Saturday. Praise the Lord) while being refreshed with the truths of the gospel.

This was an extremely refreshing weekend for the college community. We got the privilege of hearing from six of our own college students as they shared about how Jesus has drastically changed dynamics of their lives.  We structured the morning and evening session into TED talks. I was blown away by their wisdom and insight. The six students shared on Biblical rest, loving God with your mind, Biblical dating in light of Biblical marriage, intentionality in discipleship, gospel of self versus gospel of Jesus, and God’s providence in missional living. Each talk was both challenging and convicting.  I love to see and hear how God doesn’t just bring us from death to life, but he drastically changes the way we live and view life.  This weekend was a testament to how good our God truly is. He is faithful and personal.

After each session we spent adequate time in small groups sharing how God spoke to us and challenged us throughout these diverse topics. I love getting to sit down with a small group of guys and hear how God is at work in their lives. I invite y’all to engage with the college students at the Branch and hear what God is up to. God really is doing a good work through these students, and they want to share that with all who want to hear.

It was super cool to see how the students that came on the retreat represented the diversity of the Branch. I loved seeing friendships begin and friendships strengthened. It was a great combination of people new to the Branch as well as people that have been with us since the beginning. God is at work in the Branch. God is at work in the lives of our students. I cannot wait to see how God uses the college students of the Branch to drastically change the culture of Oregon State. Join me as we continue to pray for God to use the students of the Branch to make his name known at OSU.

In Oregon State University as it is in Heaven, I pray.

Other Branch News:

Good Friday location change: We previously announced that we would be meeting at Hub City’s new location in Albany but it looks like that will no longer be the case. We will now be meeting at the Odd Fellows Hall in Downtown Corvallis (223 SW 2nd St) at 6:30 pm on Friday, March 25th. Our Good Friday service is a time for us to unite under the message of the cross and to reflect upon Jesus’ work on our behalf. Childcare is provided. Each church is seeking to provide 2-3 children’s workers for this worship gathering. If you are interested in serving our children on this evening, please contact Josh or our Twigs Director, Andrea Fifhause.

We are one week closer to 3rd Meal. Get ready because it’ll be here on April 10th! For those of you not familiar with 3rd meal, once each quarter we like to hang out after our Sunday Gathering and share a potluck meal together. Contact Jesse Parker if you’d like to bring a main dish, side or dessert. If you can’t bring food but would still like to help by setting up tables or cleaning up after, Jesse can help you with that too!

Being a parent is hard work! Just ask one. Bridging the Gap is our way to mobilize The Branch community to serve single parents in Corvallis. It provides opportunities for us to come along side these courageous parents and tell them in very tangible ways that we care. Beyond that, it is our hope that through these acts of love and service, many families in our city would come to know the hope we’ve found in Jesus. If you’d like to be involved in this ministry please contact Stephen Brucker or visit our Bridging the Gap page for more information.

The Branch has the wonderful opportunity to lead preschool age kids through the truth that Jesus saw people differently. 2016 VBS will be held July 11-15, 9am-12pm each day.  We need approximately 15 adults to serve during the week.  Roles include lead teacher, assistant teacher, missions teacher, crafts teacher, recreation leader, and nursery teacher (for worker kids only).  Please let Andrea know if you are able to help.

We are needing 5-6 people who are interested in being trained to be a Refuge Group facilitator. Refuge Groups are for anyone who needs a safe community to be open about something they are struggling with and want to walk with others towards freedom. Whether you wrestle with doubt, depression, anxiety, sexuality, grief, addiction, etc any where along the spectrum, Refuge Groups are for you. Facilitators are not leaders who feel as if they have conquered some issue in their life, but are broken people who can empathize with others that are struggling and are willing to walk with others in a facilitating way. Please contact Josh by text (541-224-1476) or email to express your interest.

Seniors, are you interested in growing in your understanding of the local church? Are you interested in spending a year of self-discovery and spiritual growth? We want you to intern with us. The Branch’s Internship Program is deeply rooted in a strong desire to provide a spiritually enriching and educational environment where you can explore your call, not only into vocational ministry, but also God’s call to be ministers in all areas of your life. We are committed to walking alongside Interns, discipling them as they consider Christ and how they might better make Him known. Contact Davey Walker for more information.

The post College Retreat Recap appeared first on The Branch.

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