
Raspberry Ice Cream Sandwiches with Lemon Coconut Shortbread

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cheesecakes 

Creme Brulee Ice Cream

This past week has been as emotionally overloaded as any week of my life that I can remember for a very long time.

On Friday my daughter left her lovely school of seven years....

it's been a long and, at times, challenging year....

this term she took important exams & spent 5 days away from us as part of an activity trip. 

Two weeks my very nervous girl sang a solo as part of her class musical production.

This week was a crescendo of parties, picnics, presentations, good-byes, much excitement....

culminating in the final school assembly on Friday morning, attended by the rest of the school & us.

As emotional & heart-wrenching events go, school assemblies are for me right up there....

I have yet to make it through one without tears and Friday was no exception.

It was a beautiful event, presented almost entirely by the children themselves....

a wonderful balance of humour, sentiment, memories, smiles, songs & plenty of emotion....

I felt as if someone was squeezing my heart extremely tightly the all way through!!

Emotionally draining to say the least....it's taken me most of this week-end to recover.

The tears were mostly from the parents though....the children are all ready to move on, almost all of them will be going to the same local school & they are all incredibly excited.

And so today is the first day of the school holidays....hoorah!!

We are due some good weather & London is supposed to be hot & sunny all week long.

We are off to Hampstead Heath today....

it's a perfect day for a picnic, a good coffee, a new cupcake shop & some exploring.

For now though, both my children are still fast asleep....I love holiday mornings!

Happy Monday!!   

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