
Pairin, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Juhar and their consorts cutting the Hari Raya cake.

KOTA KINABALU: State ministers and leaders have voiced their support for the setting up of a special committee to study the state’s 40 per cent entitlement to the net revenue collected by the Federal Government from the State.

Deputy Chief Ministers Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, who were met at the Istana Negeri during Head of State Tun Haji Juhar Mahiruddin’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house yesterday, voiced their support when asked to comment on the setting up of the committee.

Pairin, who is also Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president, said that the committee would look into what was left out in the calculation of revenue for the state.

“What is important is that the Prime Minister has accepted and said that a committee would be set up to look into this matter. When such a decision is made, it reflects a positive attitude and acceptance of what was submitted by Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman in the memorandum,” he said.

The Infrastructure Development Minister expressed hope that the acceptance would continue towards the direction which everyone wants.

Last week Anifah announced that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had agreed to form a special committee to study Sabah’s 40 per cent entitlement to the net revenue collected by the Federal Government from the State.

Raymond said that the entitlement was based on the Constitution.

“This is the best development that we can see. This is not just about us making a ‘claim’ but the fact that both the state and federal leaders including the Prime Minister have just looked over this matter and decided to see the provisions of the entitlement.

“This is about what is really the entitlement for the state and both the state and federal are seriously looking into it. I could not say anything much about the details (and) it does not matter what is the figure, so long as the Federal Government honours and makes provisions for what Sabah is entitled to,” the Industrial Development Minister stressed.

Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, in welcoming the setting up of the committee, said that it would be discussing in detail the proposal by Sabah leaders for the revenue percentage to be reviewed.

To him, it is a reflection of a smarter way of doing work where things are done without the need to be shouting slogans.

“It must be remembered that Sabah and the State Government are a part of the federal government so the way we address each and every request must be according to our position as part of the federal government,” the Karanaan assemblyman said.

Masidi added that this was Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman’s way of dealing with state and federal relations, by working hard quietly toward finding a concrete solution to (whatever) problems.

“I welcome the setting up of the committee and hope that its decision can be made as soon as possible so that we can convince the rakyat of the fact that the federal government is concerned about Sabah and that all assistance as well as allocations are given based on the Constitution itself and not merely political rethoric.

For Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor, the committee is apt as it looks into the interest of the state.

“We hope that through the committee, Sabah will be able to get more necessary allocations from the federal government,” he said.

Assistant Youth and Sport Minister Datuk Masiung Banah is of the opinion that the setting up of the committee is a good approach and opportunity for the state.

The Kuamut assemblyman pointed out that this is what has been on the minds of Sabahans and the state’s leaders all this while.

“We were just looking for the best method to express our views to the federal government so that it is accepted well. This is done by the state’s leaders who have good relationship with the federal government and for sure will give the latter a good opportunity to delve deeper into the feelings of Sabahans,” he stressed.

“We are grateful that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib is not only ready to listen, but he is ready to set up a special committee to look into the ideas and resolutions made by the rakyat and state government,” Masiung said.

Meanwhile Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin is of the opinion that the decision by the federal government was a good one and he believes that majority of the rakyat in Sabah support the initiative by the Prime Minister.

The decision also reflects the Prime Minister’s openness to the requests from Sabah and Sarawak, he said, adding “it goes to show that allegations of the federal government not listening to Sabah and Sarawak are not true”.

The Ranau Member of Parliament thanked Najib and Anifah for the initiative, saying that it is something Sabahans can be proud of.

For PBRS secretary general Datuk Johnson Tee in welcoming the annoucment said that it was high time that the matter would be looked into.

The Deputy State Assembly Speaker thanked the federal government on behalf of the people of Sabah.

“I cannot comment further because we have not seen the Terms of Reference but we know fully well after Raya they will tell us. The Government will do this in the best way possible,” he said.

UPKO acting president Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau said the party fully supports the setting up of the committee to review the revenue due to Sabah.

It is UPKO’s hope that the committee on the state and federal level will be able to carry out their duties well and will take the necessary steps to have a meeting soon.

“If we look at what has been proposed, it has basis because of what was mentioned in the formation of Malaysia. UPKO has, from the beginning, supported the move to review the matter so that it can be streamlined,” he said.

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