
Ling presents a souvenir to Pine as Christine (left) and Ritchie look on.

KUCHING: The New Zealand Trade Roadshow is now on at tHe Spring’s North Court.

The four-day event started on Thursday, and it showcases a range of fresh dairy products, Manuka Honey, quality goods from Fonterra and beautiful accessories from Poppies.

The trade show was launched with an energetic Maori dance performance by a group of students from Tepuia, The Maori Arts and Crafts Institute.

They will be performing for the public throughout the weekend at 3pm.

The purpose of the road show, which opens from 10am to 10pm, is meant to promote New Zealand Week, an event by the New Zealand High Commission.

It is also aimed at celebrating the historical ties between New Zealand and Sarawak as well as to foster a continuation of this longstanding and prosperous relationship.

“The links between our countries have traditionally been very strong and are growing on several fronts, especially the education, tourism and the retail sectors,” said tHe Spring centre manager Christine Ling during the opening ceremony of the road show on Thursday.

She added that the shopping mall was excited to be part of New Zealands’s strong and growing relationship with Malaysia, and it looked forward to welcoming many more New Zealand brands and events to tHe Spring in future.

Also present were New Zealand High Commissioner David Pine , New Zealand Trade Commissioner Matt Ritchie and tHe Spring shopping mall managing director James Ling.

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