
Q: Dear 100 Hour Board alumni,

Can you do a day in the life? (bonus for pictures) What's your day to day life like? Or what is a typical day like?

-My Name Here


Dear Generic,

Ok, I'll do this.

04:53 Wake up. My alarm was set for 05:00 but an app senses when I'm in a lighter part of my sleep cycle and wakes me up early if necessary.

05:03 I finally get out of bed. Double check the scheduling website to make sure I haven't been floated to a different station. Again.

05:30 I have finished showering, shaving (grrr, can't have a full beard at this job), and eating breakfast. This morning's meal is plain Greek yogurt and flax seed, sweetened with honey, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Pure ambrosia.

05:45 Arrive for work. Chat briefly with the off-going crew about the ambulance, upcoming inspections, and bellyaching over department politics. Exchange the radio, pager (1980's technology never dies!), keys, and do a narcotics count.

06:00 Check the unit thoroughly, inspect expiration dates on the medications, update the mapping software so we can map ourselves to new streets (constant building in this city), and say hi to the fire crew (they will only run 2-4 calls in 24 hours, both medical assists and not fire related at all, compared to our 8-12 average).

07:35 First call* of the day, a man with shortness of breath for three days is out of his inhaler prescription. We help his shortness of breath with a nebulizer and transport him to the hospital. I wonder if he will ever follow up with a primary care physician instead of the hospital but think it's unlikely because it is hard to get an appointment, transportation is an issue, and many physicians don't accept new Medicaid patients. He would likely have to go to a walk-in community clinic where the wait can be 4 hours. Sigh

08:35 Finish with that call, return to the station. Write a narrative on the patient care report.

09:50 Second call of the day, requested by the police to evaluate someone "possibly injured" in an assault. "Possibly injured." We are cancelled by first responders from the county who get there before us, thankfully.

10:15 Morning snack, a protein bar. Take a moment to stop and enjoy the wildflowers.

10:30  Answer some questions for Reunion Week after finishing my monthly continuing education. Take a short nap in case we are up all night.

12:00 Lunchtime! Leftover spaghetti. Eaten cold. I'm classy.

12:42 We are dispatched for a fire call, a house caught on fire from a barbecue grill on the second story balcony. The fire is out in minutes, no one is injured or has smoke inhalation, none of the firefighters require attention, but they don't let us leave for an hour and a half. Still wondering why, but oh well.

14:15  Clear the fire call, time for a snack: cheese and some tuna.

14:20 Chest pain call. It isn't likely cardiac, though I check a 12 lead ECG at regular intervals to check for changes on the way to the hospital.

15:35 Leaving the hospital after transferring care at the hospital. Resist the candy bars the hospital has set out to tempt me and seal my fate as a future client of theirs due to obesity and diabetes 10 years from now. Yikes, that's a lot of pressure on one candy bar.

16:43 We are almost back in station when we get a call for "two men sleeping at a bus stop." Really. We go and wake them up. We write a brief report!

18:00 I'm warming up my dinner (Crockpot cooked chicken and vegetables) when we get a call for a traffic collision. One person wants to go to the hospital. Complaint? Toe pain, and feeling jittery after the collision. The charge nurse diverts her to the Emergency Department waiting room.

19:20 Back from that call, I work on re-re-heating my chicken.

19:30 Call for a "person choking." Person is not choking, they are talking to me when I get there. They told their caretaker "I can't breathe." This is literally a telephone game. This person goes to the hospital. More report writing!

20:48 Leaving the hospital. I eat a candy bar.

21:15 We get back to station. I eat the chicken. I answer some more Board questions, and get ready for bed.

22:45 Plug in my CPAP, turn on my white noise app, put Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets audiobook on 15 minute sleep timer, and sleep.

00:00 Wake up for purposes of relieving myself, in the middle of a strange dream where I am a cat burglar burglarizing luxury apartments which are all open air like cubicles inside a large dome structure. There are spiral staircases everywhere. I hate it when my hobbies show up in my dreams...

01:00 Toss and turn a bit, and grumble about the sleep I'm not getting (I don't sleep well at the station). I fall asleep around 01:30.

03:15 A kid crashes his car. It's early in the morning. He's a minor so parents have to make the decision on him going to the hospital or not. They decide he doesn't, but the back and forth in Spanish makes me think there is going to be some interesting conversation when they get home. He doesn't go to the hospital but still write a report!

04:00 Refuel the truck on the way back to the station.

04:15 Take a nap. Mostly lie down and close my eyes.

05:15 I actually managed to get about 45 minutes of sleep. Yay! Total sleep this shift: 1.5+2+2+0.75=6.25, which is at the very high end. 4 hours of continuous sleep would be golden, but I'll take it!

05:20 Sweep and mop the ambulance, the station, write a shift report.

05:45 Greet the oncoming crew, chat briefly with the off-going crew about the ambulance, upcoming inspections, and bellyaching over department politics. Exchange the radio, pager, keys, and do a narcotics count.

06:02 Leave the station and drive home. Be very very glad there is no traffic this early.

06:45 Sit in the driveway for 10 minutes listening to NPR. I'm too lazy to move without hearing the smooth sounds of David
Greene first.

07:00 Eat some breakfast. More yogurt but I'm out of berries :(

07:15 Morning nap before I go work out. Repeat three days from now!

Have fun storming the castle,

-Il Guanaco

*These incidents have been changed to the point of being fiction, based in true events. This is what a typical day looks like though.

**Why is an ambulance going to "two men sleeping at a bus stop"? Because the person called 911 to report people loitering, and when the police dispatcher heard "people sleeping" they transferred it to EMS because if the caller didn't make an effort to wake the person up we can't know if they are unconscious or not. Ambulance goes lights and sirens, wakes them up. Police show up (no lights, no sirens - non urgent call for them) and if they are feeling nice ask the person to leave, if not they intimidate the person into going to the hospital so they are off the streets and don't go to jail for public intoxication. In this case we head them off, both men are just sleeping and decide to leave quickly enough that the police aren't anywhere near. Social commentary.


Dear friend,

Here's what happened today:

6:00 am I wake up, completely alert, and realize I still have over an hour before I need to get out of bed. I then proceed to panic that if I don't get back to sleep right now I won't have had enough sleep to make it through my day. This happens four more times.

7:15 am I get up for reals, get dressed, eat cereal, and whine about having to go to work. Monday mornings are hard.

8:00 am I have a weekly calendar meeting with the principal and several other faculty members. I remind the principal that we need to pay the choir accompanist, and the secretary is irritated that I didn't bring it up sooner, because apparently those checks take a long time to process.

8:15 am I frantically make copies and staple the kindergartners' end of year songbooks.

8:40 am I start my day with two back-to-back kindergarten classes. I call one of two twin sisters the wrong name and she starts crying. But nobody hits anyone, so that's a plus.

9:45 am Time for first grade. My first class has earned a game day, so we just party. My second class is doing a dictation exercise on the music staff, which they rock. The ones that are paying attention, at least.

10:45 am Second grade is learning a new note and were able to deduce its position on the staff without help from me. Go them!

11:20 am There's a new student in fourth grade. Who starts their kid at a new school two weeks before the year ends? Just wait until fall!

12:20 pm Lunch! I scarf down a burrito and do the stapling I didn't finish this morning.

12:50 pm I get to teach the most dreaded kindergarten class in the school. Today though, they're oddly well-behaved. The rowdiest kid is weirdly calm today and the rest of the class is following his lead. Either someone's bribing him or he started ADHD medication over the weekend. Either way, I'm happy.

1:20 pm This is my last lesson with my favorite third grade class. I let them choose any song they want to sing and any instruments they want to accompany with. We also go play a couple of games outside, until it starts to rain. I find out that about half the class is moving over the summer and I'm really sad I won't get to see them next year.

2:20 pm More kindergarten. In one class, a student tells me he wants to be a music teacher when he grows up. Awww. He adds that when he's the teacher, he'll be able to "order the kids and they'll just do whatever I want." Dream on, kid. In the next class, a little boy is so sad about not getting a turn with an activity that he flops on the floor and refuses to move. We step over him until one of the aides picks him up and takes him to time-out.

3:20 pm I organize my desk, make sure all my lesson plans are ready for tomorrow, and then tune all my ukuleles. It's amazing how out of tune those get when you ignore them for a month.

5:00 pm I bike to the gym where I work out with a friend in my ward. It's perfect biking weather. On my way home from the gym, there's a thunderstorm. Should have driven today.

6:00 pm I eat a snack and straighten up my apartment while watching The West Wing. Then I shower and eat some leftovers for dinner.

8:00 pm I work on Board answers until my husband gets home from his play rehearsal. We hang out for a little bit, and then, around 11, I go to sleep.


-Stego Lily


Dear My ~

6-7 am: Niffler Baby crawls into bed with me and/or demands it's time to wake up and give her oatmeal.

7:20 am: My alarm stops letting me snooze, so I get out of bed.

7:30 am: I start waking up Dragon Baby. She, like her mother, is not a morning person. Usually I win by asking if she wants to get breakfast with me.

7:30-8:15 am: Give up all pretense of a good mood and frantically cling to every shred of patience as I tell Dragon Baby 12 times to do every little step involved in getting ready for school. She's easily distractible.

8:15 am: Crash on the couch and do mindless things on my phone to recover.

8:30 am: Realize I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Do something about it. Also frantically get myself, Niffler Baby, and Yellow 2.0 ready for the day. (Admittedly, Niffler Baby is a diva and is pretty awesome about getting herself dressed.)

9:00 am-noon: babysit up to 6 kids on top of my own for babysitting co-op.

9:30 am-noon: Take Niffler Baby to Joy School (unless I'm teaching, then teach 4 other children and Niffler Baby Joy School) and Yellow 2.0 to babysitting co-op and have a couple of hours to do whatever I need to do. (Today it was spend 2.5 hours frantically writing Board answers. Other days it's going to the gym. Or taking a nap. Or cleaning. Or reading a book. Or mowing the lawn. Whatever.)

9:15-10:00 Take Niffler Baby to her Mini Mozarts class. Do whatever random thing has cropped up for me to do that day. If I need to focus, I take both Niffler Baby and Yellow 2.0 to babysitting co-op when Mini Mozarts is done.

Either crash and relax or frantically catch up on all the things I have ignored all week.

12 pm: Feed children lunch. Generally a yogurt and/or a quesadilla.

12:30 pm: Hand Niffler Baby the iPad (she must wait until afternoon for screen time) and put Yellow 2.0 down kicking and screaming for a nap.

12:30-3:45 or 4 pm: Let Niffler Baby watch a couple of shows. Try to convince myself to be a good parent and stop her after 3 shows. Meet with limited success. Meanwhile my time is varied. On days that Yellow is working at home, I squeeze in grocery shopping, visiting teaching, and any other out-of-the-house activities that I can. Or if I'm on top of things (rarely) I'll work on dinner. Or clean. Or just, in general, work on my very long to do list. (Or like today, keep writing Board answers.)

3:45 or 4 pm: Dragon Baby gets home from school. Monday, and Tuesday (when she goes to homework club after school) I tell her to change out of her school uniform and do her spelling. On Wednesdays (when she does choir instead) I tell her to do all of her homework. On Thursday I scurry her upstairs to change into her leotard for gymnastics. On Friday we relax and she usually begs to play with a friend. Friends' parents willing, I generally let her.

5:00 pm: Yellow comes home and I say, "Oh shoot. I probably should have thought about dinner by now, huh? Would you go get Yellow 2.0 out of bed? He's been happily watching cars go past out the window for about an hour now."

5-6 pm: I scramble to make something for dinner while Yellow takes all the kids downstairs and they play Zelda together. (Niffler Baby especially loves Zelda. She changes her name at least daily and it usually has Zelda as part of it. The other day she was Zelda Rainbow Heart.)

6-7 pm: We eat dinner, try to make the kids do some chores, then start putting them to bed.

9 pm or so: Yellow and I crash after finally getting the kids to stay in bed.

10 pm: I say, "I should go to bed now. I'm exhausted and probably should get some more sleep." Yellow says, "I should probably go do dishes." Then sometimes I am good and go right to sleep. Sometimes I am not and stay up reading Facebook or some other book. If I am still awake when he comes up to bed, we cuddle and pillow talk about our day. And then I fall asleep smiling, content with my life.

~ Dragon Lady


Dear eaglet,

You should know that I'm not usually this active. (Yesterday I put on some sweats, ate cookies while reading a book, and then slept for four hours. That was pretty much it.) We just moved to a new city for El-ahrairah's job, so until I start working, I've been mostly chilling and finishing up the logistics of moving and exploring our new city. Some days lean more toward chilling, others lean more toward exploring.

6:30 am El-ahrairah's alarm goes off. Neither of us move.

6:35 My alarm goes off. El mumbles "Good morning" or "Go running" or something. We get dressed and go for a run through the fancy-schmancy golf course in the neighborhood across the street. I wonder if we're trespassing.

7:30 After El showers, we eat breakfast together and I make sure to say "Goodbye, I love you!" as he walks out the door. Those would be good last words if he got struck by an orca or something on the way to work.

8:00 Board board board board board...also Facebook. And some other stuff? I need a job. Triple-check my email for news about working from home through my old job. Still nothing.

9:00 Do a little strength training using the Sworkit app, then shower and do household stuff.

10:00 Research local doctors and dentists. I comb through our ward's Facebook page for recommendations. Make a dentist appointment.

12:00 Lunch on a turkey sandwich and some cookies. Switch laundry.

1:00 So much cramps ow. Take some painkillers. Finish my book, Running Like a Girl, and consider biking to the library even though I haven't ridden a bike in like a year and it's 4.5 miles away and I'm not 100% sure how to get there. But sometimes you just need the library.

2:30 Bike to the library using El-ahrairah's bicycle because mine has two flat tires and probably some other issues. Wish yayfulness were around to diagnose my bike (he's into bikes, right?). Get lost and turn around twice. Finally get to the library, fall asleep in a comfy chair, then wake up, find a sign up for volunteering, and check out Warbreaker. Yay!

6:00 Get dinner from an Asian-inspired food truck that is parked outside our apartment complex today.

6:30 El-ahrairah and I read togehter on our living room floor (we haven't bought furniture yet).

7:30 El and I finish chores. I research some stuff about ASL to answer a question for a sign language forum I contribute to. A couple guys from the ward visit to welcome us to the area.

8:45 El-ahrairah and I hang out, do some chores, and play Dominion together.

10:30 Go to bed.



Dear My Name Here,

(Pictures go from left to right, top to bottom, in rows of three, then start over on the second image. Also, I've mashed up three days' worth of pictures here; I don't usually get this much stuff done in a single day!)

6:00-7:30 AM – Mavengirl wakes up. Mr. Maven goes to get her and lets me sleep in a little longer. Mavenboy wakes up as well. Eventually Mavengirl finds her way to my bedside and reminds me that it's time to get up and feed her.

7:30-9:30 AM – Feed Mavengirl, check my email, read the news, scroll through Facebook, etc. Convince myself to get out of bed and eat breakfast. Say goodbye to Mr. Maven as he leaves for work. Change diapers and put clothes on the kids. Shower if I have time.

9:30-11:30 AM – If the weather's nice, go on a walk with other moms and their kids to see the diggers around the neighborhood. After the walk, play at the park.

11:30-12:30 AM/PM – Go home and eat lunch, which for me is usually leftovers. Feed the kids.

12:30-1:30 PM – Put Mavengirl down for her nap. Hope she stays asleep for at least two hours.

1:30-3:30 PM – Distract Mavenboy with a show so I can get things done around the house. Laundry. More laundry. Even more laundry. Oh, dishes too. If I'm feeling particularly ambitious, do things like sweep the floor or clean the bathroom. Once I've done as many chores as I can handle, play around online and research things like what kind of plants to put in our yard. Sometimes I'll even make jam or bake cookies.

3:30-5:00 PM – Play with Mavenboy, including reading books, building towers, digging outside, and running in the sprinklers. Make dinner, in this case, chocolate chip pancakes.

5:00-7:00 PM – Mr. Maven gets home. Eat dinner. Let Mr. Maven take over kid responsibilities for a bit so I can have some down time. Have fun with family.

7:00-8:00 PM – Get kids ready for bed and put them to bed.

8:00-10:30 PM – Browse the internet (and this week, answer Board questions), clean up the house, talk to Mr. Maven, and read books.

10:30 PM – Sleep.



Dear Myna,

A typical day for me:

0600 (the past week has been slipping to about 6:30)- wake up.

0605- go to the bathroom.

0610- take the dog for a five mile run.

0650- get back to my block. The dog doesn't want to go near the house, so I chase her around up and down the street, finally catching her when she stops to poop on the lawn of the corner house.

0710- get the dog home. She may escape again, and I may have to dodge traffic on State Street to get her.

0730- shower.

0748- leave for work.

0801- get to work and direct traffic for student drop-off.

0840- complete elementary drop-off.

0845- commence directing traffic for preschool student drop-off.

0900- complete preschool drop-off.

0900-1100- find something to do. Help teachers with math tests, or correct computer programming work, or whatever. I usually work on odd jobs or random unessential projects around the school.

1100- teach fifth grade PE. For the last month, I have been teaching them volleyball and the waltz.

1130- go to the lunchroom to ride herd on the lunch crowd.

1200- go outside to monitor lunch recess.

1300- go home for lunch. Exercise in my home gym. Wednesdays I get on my Army uniform and hike the 5.53 miles home with a 50 lb pack.

1448- leave to go back to work.

1501- arrive at work, begin after-school tutoring.

1805- get off work.

1820- get home. Dinner.

1900- answer Army e-mails. Do paperwork.

2000- bedtime stories, scriptures, prayers, snuggling.

2030-2100- read, waste time on Reddit, study.

2200- sleep.


Dr. Smeed


Dear name,

In a typical day, I will wake up, go to work at the refinery, and try to keep millions of pounds of steel filled with boiling oil looking like this:

Or at least making money, not on fire, etc. (About the left half of that picture is actually stuff I'm directly responsible for. I will admit that under normal lighting, you will notice substantially more petroleum coke.)

Then I will come home, spend time with my beautiful wife and adorable son, take care of a thing or two, and perhaps read something. Life is good.

~Professor Kirke


Dear my name here,

There's some variation in my schedule, but it's usually like this:

1. wake up, read in bed on my phone, shower, get dressed.

2. commute. read a book while doing so.

3. work. my typical hours are 8.30ish to 6.30ish, often with a few extra hours in the evening. luckily I get breakfast, lunch, and dinner at work so I don't have to worry about that.

4. commute home. finish the book I was reading in the morning.

5. hang out with my husband a bit.

6. go to a bootcamp class at my favorite gym

7. hang out with my husband a little more. finish up some work, do some reading, watch some TV.

8. bedtime

That's pretty boring, so sometimes I take pictures during my commute:



Dear Reader,

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016:

My alarm goes off at 6:30 AM.
I get ready grumpily.

I drive to work. Hey, it’s a nice day. I put Thriller into my CD player. BILLIE JEAN IS NOT MY LOOVEEER. I feel better.
I park my car outside the Wilkinson Center and walk into The Wall.
I spend the next few hours slicing tomatoes, making dressings, and getting everything ready for The Wall to open at 11. I chat with my coworkers. My shift ends at 12 and I order some deep-fried cookie dough bites. Nothing like the taste of eventual diabetes. Worth it.

I drive home. Billie Jean is still not my lover. I roll down my windows and notice how green the mountains alongside Mapleton are. It feels like I'm living in a paradise. I guess the rain did some good, after all. I think about how it's hard to keep from smiling on a day as beautiful as this one.

I meet my Aunt Heidi in the driveway of my parents’ house and we go in through the garage. My mom is standing in the kitchen next to the sink. She tells me that she just opened the pool.
I put on my swimsuit and spend some time lying out in the sun. It’s been way too long since I’ve felt the sun like this and my skin has missed it. I get into the pool and swim some laps. The water’s a little cold because my dad turned the heater off last night, but it feels refreshing. I get tired. I help my mom clean the pool for leaves and bugs.
I get out of the pool and take a shower.

I answer Board questions. I check Facebook. Even more people have gotten engaged. I feel momentarily depressed about being single. I get over it.

I watch an episode of Blackish while I do my hair and makeup. I watch another episode. It’s pretty funny. I laugh.
I put together a playlist on Spotify while I write letters to my old roommates who are on missions in California and Spain. I name the playlist “beachside.” I address the letters and take them to our mailbox. I watch them disappear through the slot and suddenly worry that I may have addressed them incorrectly. Too late now.

I eat dinner with my family. Pepperoni Spaghetti. Yum. I get a second helping.
We don’t realize it, but we’re late. Then we realize it. All hell breaks loose around the dinner table and we scramble to get ready. Frantically, we hop into our white suburban. We drive to West Jordan where we have tickets to the play, Peter and the Starcatcher. Ten minutes before our arrival, my parents ask me some questions about politics. Dang it. I don’t want to argue. I try not to. It works only a little bit.

We park outside the theater and walk inside. I see a snack bar. They have gourmet hot chocolate. YES. I hurry over to ask for one. The lady corrects me. They don’t have gourmet hot chocolate, they just have gourmet chocolate. I check their sign. Oops. I feel stupid and buy a giant cookie instead. I split the giant cookie with my family. We meet up with my grandparents. We watch the play. I'm entranced by how capable of expression theater people are. The final scene shows Peter Pan, hoisted in the air with one hand reaching up to the sky. I think to myself that I don’t want to grow up, either.

We walk out of the theater. I look around at my family. What an interesting and beautiful group of people. I’m happy.

We drive home. We’re tired and pessimism starts to show its face.  We're not as nice to each other as we should be. We'll do better next time. We get home and eat an assortment of snacks. We feel better. My mom and I talk about her friend who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. Life seems so unfair sometimes. I count my blessings.

I walk downstairs to my room and put on some music. I work on some homework. I write in my journal. I’m tired. I forgot to read my scriptures. I grab my Bible and read a few verses. I pile the covers up on my bed. I count my blessings again. I go to sleep.




Dear Optimus Prime,

5:15 am Wake up before my alarm and realize that it won't really help to try to sleep for another 15 minutes. Try anyway.

5:30 am Turn off my alarm, feeling sleepier than 15 minutes ago. Shower, get dressed, eat bowl of cereal while watching news.

6:15 am Drive to work. Get annoyed at other drivers for being oblivious.

7:00 am Sit at my computer. Attend meetings. Talk to people. Write code. Review code.

9:00 am Daily stand-up meeting with my team

11:00 am Go hide somewhere and eat lunch by myself because I am an introvert in an open office environment.

12:00 pm Sit at my computer some more. Wonder why code doesn't work. Wonder how code does work.

4:00 pm Drive home. Get annoyed at other drivers for being oblivious.

4:45 pm Arrive home. Talk to wife. Play with kids.

6:00 pm Eat dinner.

6:30 pm Play with kids.

8:00 pm Put kids to bed.

8:30 pm Enjoy my 1½ hours of daily free time.

10:00 pm Go to bed.

10:30 pm Actually go to bed.

-=Optimus Prime=-


Dear Sam,

Pre-graduation went something like this:

6:30 am First alarm

6:45 am Second alarm. Actually open my eyes this time.

7:00 am Finally get out of bed and start getting ready for work/school and rush to pack a lunch before heading out the door

7:40 am Leave the house and arrive to work/school by...

8:00 am Clock-in for work/school. Prepare for chiddlers to arrive.

9:00 am Begin teaching, starting with a morning routine that we're all quite sick of by now, continuing on with literacy instruction

10:45 am Recess duty. Feel sad because my stomach is growling due to no breakfast and my bladder is full but there is nothing I can do about it

12:10 pm Finally lunch and also a bathroom break!

12:45 pm Start teaching math in centers while training to maintain some semblance of control over the 28 students (aged 6-8) in the classroom. Ha ha.

1:45 pm Recess duty again, but feeling grateful to escape the confines of the classroom

2:00 pm Students have specials, which means planning time for me

2:30 pm Further math instruction with half of my class

3:00 pm More whole-group instruction finishing whatever needs to be done before the next day

3:30 pm Send the kids home, email behavior reports to parents, breathe, then start preparing for the following day

5:00 pm Leave school and drive another 20 minutes to get home.

5:20 pm Sit in my car in the garage until I can muster up the energy to move again.

5:30 pm Call my husband and chat briefly

5:45 pm Eat dinner next door with my mom because we are lonely week-day widows

6:30 pm Take a short nap because dying

7:00 pm Work on homework

10:30 pm Husband calls to video chat before going to sleep

11:30-12:00 am Hang up with husband and go to bed.

But now I'm living in the post-graduation world, and my day goes something like this:

6:45 am First alarm. Maybe open my eyes, maybe not

7:00 am Second alarm. Get out of bed and start getting ready for work

7:40-7:50 am Grab breakfast and head out the door

8:00-8:10 am Arrive at work and prepare for the chiddlers (kind of) while eating my breakfast

9:00 am Get kids started on their morning routine and teach my mentor teacher how to do some of the things I've implemented over the past school year

9:30 am Kids read to me while I sit there and listen

10:45 am Recess and bathroom break and snack time for me!

11:00 am Observe and help manage behavior in the classroom

12:10 pm Go home!

12:30 pm Eat lunch

1:00 pm Take a nap and Do What I Want

5:30 pm Still go next door to eat dinner with Mom because we are still lonely week-day widows

6:00 pm Call my husband

6:30 pm Do What I Want some more

9:30-10:30 pm Husband calls me to video chat before he goes to bed

10:30-11:30 pm I go to bed



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