
Q: Dear 100 Hour Board,

What's something (maybe multiple somethings?) that people do that doesn't make any sense to you?



Dear Shari,

Dancing. No point, no fun. I didn't even dance at my wedding.

Oh, and buying flowers. "Hi honey, I was driving home and thinking of you so I bought some expensive plants that we can watch as they slowly die." If I did it with bunnies, they'd call me a criminal.

Am I a bad husband?

-The Man with a Mustache

P.S. Professor Kirke informs me that he feels precisely the same way on both counts. I'm going to go ahead and use that fact to allow myself believe that I'm totally in the right. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Dear Shari,

Smoking. There are absolutely no benefits and a whole slew of terrible side effects.



Dear Cinnamon,

Buying regular Oreos when Double Stuff Oreos exist.

-Marguerite St. Just


Dear you,

Not living in Texas.

~Anne, Certainly


Dear Anne,

Living in Texas.



Dear Share-Bear,

Showering in the morning. I am always sweaty at the end of the day. Aren't you? Wouldn't your sheets be gross?

Putting clean and dirty clothes in the same laundry baskets. ??????

Getting tattoos. I know my Mormon background is evident here, but I really don't get it. I can't even make up my mind what I want to hang on my walls; how can anyone feel like they know they will want a certain design on their body forever?

Eating mayonnaise or sour cream.

- The Defenestrator


Dear Shari,

Taking a socially awkward event and adding alcohol to make it easier to endure.

Buying skim milk when I could just drink water from a white mug and have much the same experience.

Have Fun Storming the Castle,

-Il Guanaco


Dear Utah Name:

Stay in situations that make them miserable when they have other options.



Dear Lewis,

Buy off-brand Q-Tips.


Run ultramarathons.

Keep their houses cold.



Dear Lewis,

Attending or cheering for the University of Michigan.

Thinking wind and solar power have the ability to replace coal as a viable power source in the next 5 years.

Complaining about fracking, but being perfectly okay with hydraulic fracturing (or if I'm honest, being afraid of fracking in general).

Rooting for or being enrolled at the University of Michigan.

I hope this helps.  Please don't hate me.

- Brutus 


Dear -a law,

Facebook.  More specifically, people who use Facebook and then complain about Facebook.  If you are wasting so much time, or the "drama is cray cray" just delete your account.  There are plenty of ways to keep in contact with friends outside of Facebook.

- Hypatia


Dear friend,

Diamond engagement rings. I just really don't get it, guys. They're expensive and snag on things, and really aren't that pretty and having something that big and spiky on your hand sounds uncomfortable.


-Stego Lily


Dear Shari,

I don't understand people who can't or won't see a situation from anyone else's point of view. (Which I guess means that I can't see their point of view. D'oh!)

- Katya


Dear Shari,

I don't understand video games.  Sooo... you spend hours and hours and hours running around killing bad guys or rescuing the princess or whatever... forrrrr... what, exactly?  I had a game called DragonVale on my phone.  I spent hours breeding those stupid dragons, trying to collect them all.  Suddenly it occurred to me-- what a waste of time!  What am I going to do with all of the dragons I collect?  Get coins from them?  And then what?  Nothing!  Waste.  Of.  Time.

Same thing with Facebook.  And Instagram.  And Pinterest.  What do you actually get from those?  Facebook is weird.  You're friends with 500 people, but you wouldn't actually talk to most of them if you saw them at the grocery store.  But... you know what they did last Friday night and that their niece is in the hospital?  Creeeepy.  Instagram?  You checked it ten minutes ago.  You can check it again, but 1.  There's probably nothing new.  2.  If there is a new picture of the girl in your ward's daughter, will it matter if you don't see it until tonight?  No.  No, it won't.  But you're going to check it again, aren't you?  And Pinterest is a just a virtual collection.  You're never going to make all those recipes.  And that purse is cute, but you're not actually going to buy it.  

See what I'm saying?

- Lavish


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