
Baby Bunty turned 11 months old this week { read my letter to her on my new lifestyle blog }.  With a beauty blogging guinea pig mummy, she was bound to get lavished in skincare products to maintain that super soft baby skin.

Here are 11 baby skincare products that WE LOVE :-

1.  Weleda Calendula Baby Oil

Beautiful oil which soaks into skin quickly without leaving a greasy residue.  Great to use for baby massages as part of a nightly routine.

2.  Weleda Shampoo & Body Wash

Gentle 2-in-1 all over cleanser for newborns.  We took this with us when we went overseas for 6 weeks when Bunty was 3 months old.  Love it!  As she is only tiny, this bottle has lasted for ages.  Will be using this in the near future when we take Bunty for swimming lessons.

3.  Bioderma Atoderm Cream

A fantastic non-scented nourishing moisturiser which can be used on face and body from babies to adults.  Helped clear up raging red rashes from teething.

4.  Johnson’s Baby Conditioning Shampoo

Doesn’t sting baby Bunty’s eyes and makes her hair all soft and fluffy.

5.  Cetaphil RestoraDerm Eczema Calming Body Moisturiser

Another fantastic body moisturiser.  Baby Bunty doesn’t have eczema { thank God! } but she does suffer from a lot of dry skin especially on her knees since she started crawling when she was 7 months old.

6.  Sudocrem

Great nappy barrier cream which we slather on for Bunty’s night-time nappy.  Finger-dipping is not exactly hygienic so we use a cotton bud to do the deed.  We love that it has multiple purposes – eczema, burns, etc.

7.  Weleda Calendula Nappy Change Cream
This is the nappy cream we apply on Bunty after she has been swimming.

8.  Uriage Cu-Zn+ Cream

Another swimming bag staple.  Chlorine can dry out baby’s skin really easily so we use this to replenish moisture from her face down to her wrinkly little toes.

9.  Billie Baby Body Wash

This is made from Australian goats milk and we used this in her newborn stage where her skin was ultra delicate.  It’s a lovely body wash which we use when she’s having a shower with me.  We will definitely repurchase in the future.

10.  Curash Nappy Rash Cream

How many nappy creams can a baby use? – you’re thinking.  But considering they live 24/7 in their nappies, it is important to provide ultimate comfort.  This is our ultimate favourite nappy rash cream because it has the smoothest consistency.  That said, we used this more often when she was a newborn and now we have a few half-used tubes which we give to our daycare provider to apply when her bum is looking red during the day.

11.  QV Bath Oil

Not pictured in the first photo because we used up an entire bottle which means we loved it.  Bunty’s first ‘empty’.  QV is a highly affordable range for babies and we have a few other products from the Ego brand still to trial so we can’t wait to test them out

Disclosure :  Some of these products were gifted to me when I was pregnant / when Bunty was born.  I have also paid for some with my own mo-honey.  What works for my baby’s skin may not work for your baby’s skin.

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