There are a number of causes, none of which should actually stop you from writing if you apply the right approach. For example, one of the most common causes is simply that your ‘editing’ brain is getting in the way of your ‘creative’ brain.
As a writer you have two brains, one which comes up with wonderful, imaginative, creative ideas, and one which analyses language, structure, style, grammar and spelling. You clearly need to have both, and to use both, but what you should never, ever try to do is to allow both to work at the same time. They simply don’t get on.
Many of the tips in “105 Ways To Beat Writer’s Block” provide ingenious and effective ways of helping to separate these two brains, allowing you to be creative when you need to be, without having your editing brain constantly interrupting you, casting doubt on your writing and slowing you down to the point where you feel you can’t go on.
Another cause of writer’s block is when your subconscious mind is aware of a problem which you haven’t consciously realised. Your subconscious is good like that, identifying issues, problems or weaknesses which you either haven’t consciously noticed, or have been consciously trying to avoid accepting. If you have written 20,000 words of your novel it is easy to become very protective of every word, despite having niggling doubts about a certain character, plot line or approach.
If you ignore those niggling doubts then your subconscious will often drag your pace and your enthusiasm down until you reach the dreaded block.
Many of the tips and techniques in the book focus on ways to listen to your subconscious, not just to accept the existence of problems you really shouldn’t ignore, but to take advantage of the true power of your subconscious.
Because your subconscious isn’t just highly effective at noticing problems, it’s also extremely good at providing innovative and brilliant solutions. This book offers many ways of putting your subconscious to work for you and helping to get your book back on track.
There are many other causes of writer’s block, and this book provides a multitude of ways of dealing with those problems, and of helping you to get words on the page.
How Does It Help?
The idea behind “105 Ways To Beat Writer’s Block” is to provide a wide range of tips, tricks and techniques used by writers in the day to day struggle to get words on paper. The book isn’t designed to be read cover to cover (although I know some people already have) but is structured to allow you to dip in at random and discover ideas which may be entirely new to you, and may offer just the sort of help you need.
As writers we do certainly sometimes experience a kind of block, and very often this is caused by a real, genuine issue. Writer’s block is not caused by your imagination running out of ideas at all, but by any one of a number of silly problems, all of which can be resolved using the right approach and with the right understanding.
Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? Perhaps you have found yourself staring forlornly at a blank screen or an empty sheet of paper, feeling as though the ideas will never come, that your creative juices have run dry and that you have thunked the last thought you will ever, ever thunk.
If so then not only are you an entirely normal writer (well, as normal as we writers ever can be) but the good news is that help is now at hand…
“105 Ways To Beat Writer’s Block” is available in both paperback and Kindle editions, and has already helped many writers and authors kick-start their books and stories. Whether you are experiencing something of a block, a slowing down of your writing or a waning of your enthusiasm for a story or book, then ’105 Ways To Beat Writer’s Block’ could very well be a real help.
“…an authoritative and comprehensive catalogue of ideas to help you get words flowing again.”
“…full of sound sense delivered in an accessible manner.”
“Well written in a conversational style, it will keep the reader eager to read to the end.”
“The 105 tips are often innovative with intriguing insights”
“I will certainly be putting some of Justin Arnold’s tips into practice next time my writing comes to a dead end. “
Justin Arnold
Previously a teacher for 12 years teaching both English and ICT in secondary schools across the UK Justin Arnold decided to move into full-time writing in 2006, since when he has written extensively, both under his own name and as a ghostwriter.
Justin is native to the UK, being able to trace his ancestors back to Warinus de la Strode who fought in the Battle of Hastings (on the winning side). He has one son and lives in Yorkshire.