

some background, I work with HB, she started maybe 5 months ago, didn't talk to her much (hey how's it going, etc.) until our staff christmas party. After that started actually talking to her.

So it's been about 3 weeks since then, last week I asked her for her phone, put my number in as "rickdz sexy" and was gonna text her later.

Also, hb is christian, innocent girl next door type and goes to africa to build houses or some shit. I originally wasn't interested because I thought she was some hardcore bible thumper, thought she didn't drink, thought she had a boyfriend (a number of coworkers told me she was single at our christmas party, though she brought her ex)

I put in time stamps because you'll notice she USUALLY replies instantly, after some of my *risque* texts seems like she takes a little time

Dec 30
HB 1800: very nice

HB 1801: im smarter than u think

me 1821: no you ruined the surprise

me 1822: *joke about her poor spelling, grammar, has nothing else to run on"
hb 1827: haha i'm sorry :( oooo i am so bad at grammar ! you cant use it against me

me 1904: It's ok, I'll spend some more time with you and you'll just absorb my intelligence
hb 1905: haha well if that's the way it works I'm in :)

me 1926: How will your parents feel about you hanging around handsome asian men?
hb 1926: Well lucky for you I'm xx (years old) and can hang out with whoever I want :p

me 1937: You are soooo bad
hb 1937: Not even I'm soooo good !:) how would your parents feel about you hanging with a white girl

* 4 more texts, irrelevant but I ended *

Dec 31

was talking to her at work and she mentioned how she hates drunk drivers and she always yells at her friends about it, so I was bugging her to yell at me to prove it (she's a super nice girl, not one you would expect to tell). I left work and then

me 1419: wow those 4 shots I had at lunch are kicking in right now on my way home
hb 1425: haha you are sooooo bad ! I know you didn't drink !?

hb 1425: !*

me 1429: of course I did, it's new years eve
hb 1431: Haha I'm at work sorry I can't yell right now ! Why do guys wanna hear girls yell

me 1436: only in bed
hb 1439: Exactly ! That's a good answer but why are you trying to make me now ? Haha

me 1441: I'm getting you warmed up. smiley face.
hb 1442: Hey that's bad !!

me 1443: you like it
hb 1443: you like it !

hb 1455: so what's your line

* going back to when i put my number in her phone, i told her that she ruined the surprise because I was gonna use a line on her but she texted me first *

me 1458: I can't use it now, it'll get your emotions stirring, your heart racing
hb 1458: Try me !

hb 1458: I'm sure I can handle it

me 1509: Are you home yet? Because you'll need to change your underwear
hb 1514: that's awful ! who do you think I am lol

hb 1514: now youlr trying to Mai me mad lol

hb 1514: Jk

me 1620: Yea youre right I guess I dont know you. Lets play a game then.
hb 1622: What game

me 1633: It's like 20 questions. I pick a subject and you rate yourself out of 10

* Found this on another site, the OP went further in the game and brought up sex etc. but I knew this wouldn't go that far, intention was just to bring up kissing *
hb 1636: Okay let's play

me 1639: Being funny
hb 1647: Mmm 6

me 1651: Oo that's pretty high for you, you better tell me a joke
hb 1655: Okay maybe like a 3))-&' not very funny

me 1700: Haha ok fine next. lying
hb 1700: 1. I hate lying.

me 1704: I knew that. Dancing
hb 1706: Haha 1 I can't dance at all

me 1711: I'm sure you'll be a 10 tonight after a few drinks

me 1711: But you're not doing very well in this game so far
hb 1711" Haha well correction ill feel like a 10, ill still look like a 1

me 1714: kissing
hb 1716: Solid 10

hb 1716: Haha jk I can't say if I'm good or not

hb 1717: Gotta ask ppl I've kissed

me 1718: I'll just find out later
hb 1731: Haha you think so hey ?

me 1736: I always get what I want ;)
hb 1738: Haha going to force it upon me

me 1748: It's not forcing if you want it
hb 1806: How do you know I want it

me 1829: I'm irresistable
hb 1830: Well atleast your confident !!:)

Jan 2

talked to her at work for a bit, then left

hb 1922: Hello . Im boooored now

me 1924: (driving) Miss me already? what's worse, sexting and driving or drinking and driving?
hb 1925: Nooo just bored !! Drinking and driving by far ! Have much to drink today v

hb 1926: You sure aren't shy are yoi

me 1936:
hb 1937: Haha clearly . I'm shy appearntely

hb 1937: Your just open

me 1939: You're gonna have to compete with my mom for my attention now (told her I was going out for dinner, she asked who and said I have no friends, so I said my mom)
hb 1940: I highly doubt your with your mom but don't bother textig me ! Haha

hb 1940: Go have fun !

me 1942: Jeez giving me up so easily. sad face
hb 1950: Well I don't wanna distract you :p

me 2000: I think it's only fair that all the girls get some of my time
hb 2003: Well I'm sure you have alot of girls wanting your time . So how kind of you

me 2010: That's right HB, don't forget to show some gratitude for this fortunate experience
hb 2013: I think you should show some gratitude as you were the one who added yourself in my phone so you clearly wanted to talk to me ;)

me 2026: youre right, where are my manners?

me 2026: Sunday. Me. You. Drinks. 8pm. Maybe candles and shit.
hb 2029: Are you asking me on a date ? Haja candles and shit

me 2033: Wasn't asking ;)
hb 2048: True enough ;) haha

me 2101: The ____ right? Your fave (we were talking about bars and she mentioned this one close to her house she didn't like)
hb 2102: How do you know that !!!

me 2108: rickydz never forgets
hb 2121: Neither do I :)

hb 2141: *picture of her and niece that was born the day before* It's not of my glasses but it is of a baby

me 2149: worst picture taking skills ever
hb 2152: rickdyz !! It's nice !

hb 2153: * picture * Better ?

me 2154: Where did you get the potato you used to take these pictures?
hb 2155: It's a baby ! You are so mean

me 2157: Sorry something else in the picture had my attention
hb 2157: And whet was that

hb 2157: What *

me 2203 The couch youre sitting on. 2 seats or 3? Looks like some sort of cotton blend. DO you have more pictures of it? Very interested.

me 2203: Throw in a few pictures of that girl too (her)
hb 2206: Well in fact it's 3 seats . Could be a cotton blend quite comfy. You may have to sit on it to judge for yourself lol

hb 2206: ooo that girls like a 1 compared to how sexy this couch is

hb 2210: Don't you have snaaapchat

me 2221: There are more creative things we can do on that couch than just sit on it
hb 2223: Haha you are sooo bad ! Not at all who I thought you were !

me 2033: Hey I think you have the wrong idea, I meant we can probably watch a movie or have a pillow fight???? :o
hb 2242: Okay maybe I'm the bad one but that's what I meant to !!!:p

me 2246: My pillow fights usually end naked btw
hb 2247: And how exactly does a pillow fight end naked ??

me 2248: Theyre sexy pillow fights
hb 2249: What I'm picking up is everything you do ends sexy

hb 2251: Or naked ! Can't even show me your tatoo without being naked

me 2258: Youll see it... after the pillow fight
hb 2301: Haha all or nothig right ??

hb 2309: Just show Me your tattoo !!

me 2312: No if i send you a picture youre gonna show everyone
hb 2313: No I won't ! They don't even know you why would I ! I just wanna see your tattoooo

me 2314: Ok heres the deal. You send me a picture with your shirt off and ill send you one with my shirt off. You first (my tattoo's on my ribs)
hb 2315: Not a chance
hb 2315: Haven't even taken me on a date and trying to get me naked

me 2319: Alright the date has been moved up to 1124 tonight. No shirts
hb 2319: You coming over here to cook me dinner with candles and shit?

me 2322: Cooking with no shirts does not end well. Ever. We will do something that is no shirt appropriate
hb 2325: Oh yeah like what ?

me 2327: Sit on your couch and admire my tattoo... sexily
hb 2328: Is it that sexy that il be mesmerized by it ?

me 2331: No but I will keep you mesmerized
hb 2331: I'd like to see you try :p

me 2333: Address.
hb 2334: I'm in XXXX ! Willing to drive 45 mins just to see me ?

me 2335: Alright im going to bed. Ill see you here soon. * my address *
hb 2336: You'll be sleeping by the time I get there ! Haha goodnight rickydz ! Enjoy school tomorrow :)

me 2337: Hey. I said. Ill see you. Here soon.
hb 2338: Or ill see you here soon ;)

me 2340: Mm youre no fun
hb 2341: Well you should be a gentleman and atleast come here ! And I don't live with my parents I live on my own

me 2342: Oh why didn't you mention that earlier. ADDRESS
hb 2343: haha I figured you would have just known b

hb 2346: I live in the se

me 2347: (horny as fuck) Hey it's rude to keep a man waiting you know
hb 2347: I'm not in XXX (where we live/work, different from where she says she is) tonight !

hb 2348: Annnnnd I don't just get naked for boys ! Date first you knoooow

me 2349: What? We've been on a date for 25 minutes
hb 2350: Texting is mottt a date

hb 2350: Not *

me 2351: I don't like this
hb 2351: Don't like what

me 2352: Youre not coming and I'm not cuming
hb 2353: Well that's not my fault !

hb 2353: Do you talk to everyone like this ??? Lol

me 2354: Would you like to ask my mother that question
hb 2355: Yes in fact I would

hb 2355: I would hope your mother doesn't know about it ! That would be weird ;p

me 2356: Alright cum over and you can ask her in the morning
hb 2358: Do you not have a girlfriend

me 0000: Why, would you like an application
hb 0000: Oh yes please. Haha Im just asssssking ! You know a normal conversation that doesn't just focus on sex ! Or things to do with sex! Haha

me 0005: Alright I'm gonna pretend I fell asleep now
hb 0005 Ooo so now you don't wanna talk to me ? Harsh :(

me 0006: You're cute ;) (first compliment I've given her)
hb 0008: Well thanks :)

hb 0009: It's weird to hear you comment someone else other then yourself ;)

hb 0009: Compliment *

me 0009: Not as cute as me though*
hb 0010: There it is . Haha I'm much more cute ;)

Jan 5

Day of our date I call at 15:00 hours before, no answer
hb 1512: Hey rickydz !! So sorry I missed your call , I'm not feelings that great today so I've been laying down ! If j don't feel better would you wanna reschedule

hb 1522: .. I'm really sorry

* had to take some time to analyze this. A) She hates lying B) She appears to be interested C) She offers to reschedule *

me 1657: (Note the time gap) Then you'll have to make it up to me and take me on a romantic date
hb 1658: What kind ? A movie cause you don't eat anyning bad for you ??

me 1700: Flowers chocolate and handcuffs
hb 1701: So chocolate is obviously for me !!

hb 1701: Haha you get your own handcuffs I'd be surprised if you didn't already own a pair

* was still pissed so I cut it there *

Jan 6
hb 2138: Hello what's up

me 2139: Isnt it past your bedtime?
hb 2142: Ahha maybe if I wasn't at a club ? Is it past yours

me 2145: You are not at a club on a monday
hb 2145: I can even prove it

me 2145: And it's not even 10

me 2145: Who are you????????
hb 2147: I know ! I'm usually up till like 3 in the am ! Im full of surprises;)

hb 2147: Who do you think I am

me 2149: African church girl
hb 2150: Who likes to have some fun :)

hb 2150: What are you doing ? In bed already

me 2154: Not with me apparently (referring to her having fun without me, because she flaked our date)
hb 2155: Who said that come to the club!

me 2159: Not tonight hun
hb 2201: Whyyy not

me 2207: Im with some people

me 2208: We can have some fun later though
hb 2228: Well your lame ! How was school today

me 2235: blah blah story about my school id and not liking my picture so got a new one
hb 2237: Are you serious??? You are crazy ! That's way to much money for a new is

hb 2237: I'd*

me 2242: Yea but I look super handsome
hb 2245: Oh yeah ?? You'll definitely have to show me

me 2305: I can't. Youll die of lust.
hb 2323: I think ill live I do see you everyday (not actually)

me 0101: Stop!
hb 0102: Stop what

me 0108: Stop smiling and thinking about me... like you are now
hb 0111: Hey not fair ! I smile easily Expecially when someone says something like that !!!!

me 0129: You must think about me a lot
hb 0130: And why do you think that

hb 0130: Cause I text you ( I'll mention that she had said she never texts anyone first)

me 0150: Youre always smiling
hb 0152: Haha I'm just a smily girl ! Whats the harm in always smiling :)

me 0154: Cuteness overload
hb 0154: You think I'm cute ;)

me 0155: I might
hb 0157: You do ! Just admit it :) to bad you don't work everyday and have to go to school now
hb 0157: :/ lame !

me 0213: Your day's just not complete without seeing me huh :(

* If you've been paying attention to the times, she usually texts back pretty quick *
hb 0852: Haha I think yours isn't complete without seein me

me 0857: You gonna give me my daily dose?
hb 1214: (note time again) Haha I'm like a drug am I ? How will I give you my daily dose

me 1301: Tuesday thursday sunday. pick one (attempting to reschedule our date)
hb 1350: (Time again) Why not Wednesday Friday Saturday

So I haven't replied yet because it seems like she's trying to avoid it. I won't see her till thursday or saturday at work and I'm not really sure what to do. I cant tell if she's playing games or if she's not interested or just a fucking weirdo?

My only thought is to see her on thursday when we're alone, and just ask jokingly/coyly "Why are you playing hard to get with me?"

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