
Signal Ensemble has become a watershed company here in Chicago. Since 2003, they have established themselves as the go-to place for new and exciting works - whether they were beautiful Midwest premieres of published properties or original works like the smash hit "Aftermath", a jukebox Rolling Stones extravaganza with more on its mind than just amazing rock and roll. "Motion", their new play about the NFL lockout and the power plays off the field, is getting fab reviews. We invited author and Founding Member of Signal Ronan Marra and director Aaron Snook to St. Mary of the Infinite Suffering's parking lot to chat about the show, football, and the best mustard on your hot dog!

Ronan! Aaron! Thanks for meeting us over here at this tailgating party in this church parking lot!

Ronan -- Thanks for having us!

Aaron -- Our pleasure! Looking forward to the game!

You know, church basketball tailgating is supremely underrated. We are just looking for a reason to party, you know what I mean, brahs?!

Ronan -- I agree I've always felt people are really missing out it.

Aaron -- I hear ya. The wine and the snacks are the best at these.

Ok, so let's talk for a second about your theatre company called "Signal Ensemble". You guys, as I understand it, have some of the largest wings of any theatre company in town. Meaning your group of artists works all around the city.

Ronan -- They do, everyone works for a lot of different companies. We heavily encourage it.

Aaron -- We take pride in that -- it just makes the ensemble that much better.

A lot of people don't seem to understand that staying insular can lead to stagnation and death, so we applaud you, gentlemen. Now, tell us a little bit about what you guys do? All theatre companies are the same to us.

Ronan -- These days we have a specific goal to do work that has never been seen in Chicago. We're always looking for some level of premiere, whether it be world or Chicago.

Aaron -- I'd also add that our uniqueness is based on the people that we have in the room during the creative process. In other words, our ensemble makes us who we are.

Well, whatever makes you happy I guess. So, one of the reasons we asked you out here before the Super Bowl, is because you guys are doing an original play written by Ronan, and directed by Aaron about the football lockout from earlier this year, yes?

Ronan -- Yes sir.

Aaron -- Football!

Why football? Do a lot of theatre people like football?

Ronan -- Many seem to. I've been asked this before and I always say that most of my Facebook feed are theatre people and anytime there's a game on, they're posting about it. Most of my friends like it.

Aaron - I like football.

Thanks Aaron. I love straight forward answers. Tell me briefly what Motion is about.

Ronan -- The league is on the verge of a labor lockout like the one the NFL experienced over the spring and summer. The fictional Cleveland Rams have the first pick in the draft, and their new general manager, Diane, has to decide what to do with the first pick. She is greatly interfered with by the owner's son and her ex-husband, Drew, who is an agent that represents the top quarterback in the draft.

I love it. You guys have a couple of very special guests as the "Greek Chorus Morning Zoo Radio Sports Commentators" don't you?

Ronan -- We do.

Aaron -- Very special indeed.

Who are they, and why did you choose them?

Aaron -- You two, silly! Ronan, why did we choose them?

Ronan -- When they left ESPN, we moved swiftly.

We were honored to be a part of it. When you look forward, into the rest of your season, and into future seasons do you foresee doing more plays about sports? The reason I am asking is, you recently did a show about The Rolling Stones called "Aftermath" that was a big hit for you. Do you think there is something about taking popular cultural institutions like rock music or football and basing theatre performances on them? Are you looking for an audience where there wasn't one before?

Ronan -- I don't think we specifically thought about it that way. We honestly had no idea the demo we were tapping into with Aftermath. I think I just love both subjects and wanted to write about them. It's certainly possible I'll take on rock or sports again.

Aaron -- Yeah, we're just looking to tell good stories and these were a couple of them. I love the link, but we never think about it until it's brought up. I'm thinking roller derby next.

Do you think, in your personal opinion, that the lockout was a good move? Who won? Would you like another hot dog?

Ronan -- I would love another hot dog. In general, I think they put a good deal together, and it's good it didn't last into the regular season. As we cover in Motion, a lot of other jobs were at stake -- staffers, stadium workers, etc. It wasn't just the players and owners at risk. It seems like they put a good deal together, I'm not sure there was a clear winner.

Aaron -- I think it worked out better than the NBA, anyway. Hey, no freakin mustard on mine!

Well, we have many mustard selections...try the Gulden's! Over at Signal, you guys seem to go back and forth between published pieces and original work. Was this a conscious decision or something that developed organically?

Ronan -- it was conscious. Especially when we started, the idea was to do everything from classics to new works. Now that we're focused a little more on new work or Chicago premieres, we deal more with agents and the like.

Aaron -- I think we really cut our teeth on classics for a while and we're now at the point where we want to start telling newer stories. And I will NOT try the Gulden's.

Your loss, brah. Well, we would like to thank you both for coming. You know who you never see at church basketball tailgating parties? Ladies.

Aaron -- An absolute pleasure.

Ronan -- Thank you!

Let me ask you before you go...what is your favorite Super Bowl party food and who do you pick to win?

Ronan -- I like wings and I'm going Pats 24-21.

Aaron -- Nachos all the time. I'm sticking to my guns from a while ago with Pats 20-17.

Ronan -- Let it be noted that is the first time Aaron has ever agreed with me.

Aaron -- Noted.

Motion runs at Signal Ensemble Theatre until Match 3.

Eric Roach, Anderson Lawfer

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