
Whenever I am writing for my blog, working a craft project or just drawing for fun... I feel happy. Not just the "YAY! this is so much more fun than paperwork!" kind of happy, but bliss that comes from within. No exact words can describe how I feel...except that I feel very much at peace and happy with myself. And I can only say that, my idea of happiness means I am ONE with my Self; and that can only be attained when I am creating.

I know my soul so well; or rather, I am now my soul and it is living as Me like a skin turned inside out. Except that I think I have been wearing my skin inside out for many years ever since I was growing up, but finally now I am wearing my actual skin. Don't worry so much about it, if you are trying to figure out what I am saying; but if you can relate, I'm just glad. =)


I was recently offered an opportunity to be part of #OhhsomeFest by Hotlink. This offer came to me months ago, not too long after my participation in the DiGi WWWOW Awards 2014. I was very excited, and although I don't have much of award-winning milestones gathered as a blogger, but these little things help me see things in a bigger perspective: the only milestone that matters most is what I see in my life, my career, my passion and my Self.

To be honest, at a very last minute about a week before the actual date, the full details finally came in from the organizers. Perhaps it was the wait, but I was on the verge of giving up this opportunity until two of my good friends told me why I shouldn't and encouraged me to go through with it. One of them even helped me out in producing the introduction video of my blog which was submitted to Hotlink months ago, and helped me make sure that I get all my props, materials and name card ready before the weekend. I was very touched, because not only did they gave me the emotional encouragement that I needed, but they helped me see why I deserve to do this.

The fest was quite an experience for me; it was a new and good learning experience. Throughout the years being part of the creative community since college days, I've had experience setting up booths and bazaars, but this time, it felt different. Perhaps it was my changed of mindset that made me see and did everything differently.

Meeting People

I befriended few people from the community and finally get to meet some of them in person too. It was nice to get out there to meet and mingle.

Thank you JQ, for this photo and for dropping by. JQ is a Malaysian lifestyle blogger at www.jqtalks.com

Thanks Kendrick for this photo! Kendrick is a doodle artist known for his work at www.kendylife.blogspot.com

Izzati is one of the owners of Dwikrafts, and became a fan of my hand drawn chakra mandala wooden necklace

Cherane is a talented crafter and illustrator; we exchanged artworks and she drew a picture of The Fuzz!

Releasing Merchandise

I was given a choice to do a talk or to set up a booth. I chose booth because I wanted this to be the chance for me to display my hand made work and art for sale that I was working on for half a year...

I was pretty glad that it received quite a response.

During the 2-day fest, I gave out free doodles on wooden plaques. I drew them on the spot and left it in the basket for passersby to take & go. It went *poof* like candy and it made me gleefully happy.

Meeting Community

I had friends dropping by to see me (you know who you are special people), and made new 'fans' who really loved my work.

One potential client who approached me for a collaboration, asked me if I was from overseas or at least received my education overseas. I said no, and asked him why; he said my work was unique and had an extraordinary element which isn't common among the locals.

I was very grateful to hear this because before introducing my creations to the public, I was wondering too about the response. But it's alright now, and I am pretty certain of my style, art direction and my audience.

Good friend, Yana and her husband, Rizal popped by to support me. She's a proud owner of my Tribal Lotus handpainted book.

I didn't just just display my arts and crafts for sale; I took this opportunity to sort of like have a mini-exhibition to introduce to the public about my blog.

Experience Gained

Even though I have been blogging for 5 years, there is still a lot of hard work working on this blog to get it out there.

People tell me "wow! must be pretty glamorous that you get to meet all kinds of people, and get free stuff all the time," ...  Funny thing is that, as an introvert person, I never really saw it as that. I saw opportunities, offers and collaborations, even events and such, as a pathway for me to offer my blog as a platform for others to present their work.

We have all kinds of charities and communities, from women's rights, animals, youth, children, and more... we have all kinds of blogs, from food, fashion to travel and your typical lifestyle blog...

But The Artsy Craftsy was never just another blog, swimming in the blogosphere. It is a blog to:

- empower those never to give up their dreams, no matter how big or small...
- to motivate those to stay true to themselves especially and follow their own pace & path...
- to inspire those with hobbies and interest, that it is never too late to pursue their passion because it helps us reconnect with our inner Self and maintain a balanced mind.

I also took this chance to introduce the Arts & Crafts Lounge, a public group on Facebook for all creative enthusiasts to join. Sadly, we didn't get much of a response, but it's okay, perhaps another time. =)

All in all, I am really grateful.

I have big, big plans for my merchandise and for expanding The Artsy Craftsy Shop (official name still undecided yet). And my aim is to work towards it. This event has certainly reaffirmed my faith in my creativity, passion, and my plans for it.

Who said dreams are not possible? Sometimes, it's right there in front of you already.

At the fest, a visitor passed by my booth and stopped to browse my work. After enquiring on my
products, he asked "So, what's the economical value of this business? or this sort of products?"

In most cases, my immediate response would be overprotective and defend the concept of creativity and the creative community against such people, but this time, I just smiled as said, "Well, it is creative passion. There is demand in the industry, for instance, take a look at Toyota and their annual international dream car art contest..."

Throughout my blogging experience, I have learned 3 things from 3 people of different mentalities:

Person 1, my guru said "Continue to do what you Love most, and the money WILL come". Person 2 said "Instead of pausing your passion to start something new, continue to focus on what you are already working hard on, because you are already halfway there" and person 3 said, "You can do anything you want, just make sure you focus at being good at it."

I know it's very unconventional (and perhaps risky too to some) to pursue this passion because we humans are generally concern about money and financial independence, but if you really think about it, even a brother that runs a small cart selling burgers at the side of the road, can make tons of money only because he chose to focus on what he is good at.

I love my passion.

Merry Christmas.

Note: Sorry if the photos are dull-looking. There wasn't much lighting that day.

P/S: If you would like to see more of my work, browse here:

Post by The Artsy Craftsy Blog.

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