
Today is six days until Christmas, and I feel like things are finally slowing down. The kids are on school break, so it’s officially time for movie nights, making gingerbread houses, and wrapping gifts (for the first time, ours are hidden until Christmas Eve instead of waiting under the tree—due to this little girl).

Of course, I’m a massive fan of not giving many gifts, of tempering our wants in the spirit of what the season is about. I’m also a realist, recognizing full well that many of us like giving thoughtful gifts to those you love.

I think we should always keep in the forefront the benefits of a home low on clutter, and a philosophy of enjoying few but better—but I don’t want miss out on the joy of meaningful gift-giving.

AoS is about simplifying life. But it’s not about minimalism for the sake of all else. I personally think it’s great fun to find that just-right thing for the person I love.

I also think we often miss out on the joy of giving to the world, which is why I’m asking you to consider setting aside a portion of your holiday budget towards feeding people fleeing the horrors of Aleppo. My friends Jeremy and Jessica are doing amazing work in the Middle East, and I trust Preemptive Love implicitly. If you’ve felt helpless watching the news, giving here—even a few dollars—is a significant way to alleviate some of the global atrocities.

I’m a big fan of shopping locally and small first, supporting your community and cottage industries. But I’m also a realist, which is why I’m okay with online store shopping when it’s necessary (have you taken children to hectic stores during the holidays?).

I’ve never handled crowded stores well, and the holidays are at their height. I keep my presence to smaller cottage industries (those are a delight to wander through right now, not a headache).  For everything else, though, I keep it simple and shop online.

Let’s stay home, snuggle up with a book or movie, and spend time with family and friends instead of fighting the stressed-out crowds.

If you’re done shopping for the season, awesome. I am. Take heart that it’s how your home feels, how you relate to one another, that matters so much more than having the just-right gift.

If you haven’t finished shopping yet, don’t sweat it. You’ve got till this Thursday to still get free shipping with Amazon Prime, which is my go-to during a hectic season (here’s why and how). Here’s a few last-minute gift ideas, done by interest and without adding needless clutter. I love a thoughtfully-curated “basket” sort of approach.

For the Little Kid:

Green Toys truck, science kit, or cash register

For the Ever-So Slightly Older Kid:

Q&A a Day journal + good pens or classic LEGO

For the Homebody:

My friend Melissa’s The Inspired Room + hot cinnamon spice tea (my favorite) + slippers (Acorn is a great brand)

For the Local Wanderer:

KeySmart keychain + portable hammock + binoculars

For the Travel Dreamer:

Maps or The 50 States + scratch-off world map or U.S. map

For the Bookworm:

Book lover’s journal  + library card socks  + over-the-page arrow bookmarks  + Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails With a Literary Twist

For the Foodie:

My friend Aimee’s Brown Eggs & Jam Jars + wooden spoons + chef-grade apron

For the Budding Artist:

Draw 500 Things From Nature +  watercolor journal + watercolor brush markers

For the Music Fan:

New School…

Bluetooth wireless earbuds + Amazon Echo + Amazon gift card (to download new music)

Old School…

Portable turntable + digitally-remastered albums (such as this, this, and this)

Soon I’ll be taking off some time online and enjoying the start of the twelve days of Christmas. This Wednesday, I’ve got a little treat for you podcastly.

P.S. – Don’t forget about helping feed families on the run.

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The post Last minute gift ideas appeared first on The Art of Simple.

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