This is sponsored content in partnership with Herbal Magic and Niche Parent Network & Conference. All opinions are my own.
I’m pretty sure that most of you are like me and love their holiday goodies. Heck, I am still full from last night’s Thanksgiving feast and I’m not ashamed of that at all. I might change my mind about that the next time I step on a scale.
Once the holidays are over, a lot of us will be making our New Year’s resolutions and most of us will probably be resolving to lose a few pounds. I’ve never been good at keeping resolutions and weight loss ones are especially tough because I like food. I especially like carbs. They’re my Achilles’ heel.
Herbal Magic offers some great recipes for natural weight loss success. I tried their Twisted Mashed Potatoes recipe and it was pretty tasty. I would love to share it with you.
I made a few minor changes to the recipe to suit my personal tastes.
4 small potatoes
4 cups cauliflower
8 garlic cloves, minced
½ cup (4 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
4 tsp. soft, light margarine
Boil cauliflower, potatoes, and garlic until potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork.
Tip: I like to add my garlic to potatoes any time I boil them to infuse flavor and there is no need to chop it separately. I softens up and mashes easily with the potatoes
Drain and mash. Add cheddar cheese, and margarine while mashing. After everything is mashed I added about a tablespoon of fresh chives.
Serves four. One serving equals 1 vegetable, 1 starch, 1 fat, and 1 dairy.
As with most healthy weight loss programs, the main focus of the program is to cut calories and eat healthy meals from all of the food groups. In addition to healthy, low-calorie recipes, the Herbal Magic weight loss system offers natural health products to maintain lean body mass and a more efficient metabolism. They even give you a personal health coach. How awesome is that? Having a great support system is often the most important part to losing weight and keeping it off.
Until December 29, 2013 Herbal Magic is offering 50% off their program so what have you got to lose but the extra holiday pounds?
The post Lose the Holiday Pudge with Herbal Magic appeared first on The Anti June Cleaver.