
Media Release from Attorney Michael Rumer regarding his client Sheriff Sam Crish:

Date Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Over the past week there has been a great deal of speculation about the well being and activity of Sheriff Sam Crish. As a result of the recent activity of the FBI Agents, Sam has come to the realization that he has a serious personal Issue which he must address. As his attorney he has authorized me to make the following statement.

I first want to assure the public that the personal issue that Sheriff Crish has identified does not, and has not involved his duties as Sheriff, public funds or property.

As a result of the recognition and acceptance of his personal issue, Sheriff Crish has entered an inpatient treatment program to address the same. During his absence. Chief Deputy James Everett is in charge of the daily operations. During the interim the public should be advised that the operation of the Sheriffs Office is in very capable hands and that Sheriff Crish is communicating on a regular basis with Chef Deputy Everett.

Chief Deputy Everett’s supervisory responsibilities will remain full force and effect until Sheriff Crish returns to the office.

There will be no further press releases relative to the events of September 7, 2016 or activity subsequent thereto from Sheriff Crish. He looks forward to being able to address the various personal issues that have come to a head over this past week and return to his regular activities at the Allen County Sheriffs Office soon.

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