
DALLAS–We all know texting and driving* can be dangerous.

Even texting and walking* can set you up for an accident.

But did you ever think maybe texting* all by itself isn’t so good either?

“The repetitive motion, over and over, of putting your head down, that’s putting so much pressure on the joints, the disk.” Dr. Pablo Zeballos of International Spine & Pain in Dallas told NewsFix.

It’s called “Tech Neck” and it can lead to problems

So how do you know if you are developing tech neck?

“You start having headaches. You start having muscle aches. You start having these muscle strains,” Dr.Zeballos said. “When you start saying, ‘You know what? I think I need to see a massage therapist.'”

Okay, that part doesn’t sound so bad, but you can avoid the problem altogether.

So what do you do?

Dr. Zeballos says take a break from the smartphone or the computer. Can’t do that? Just raise everything up!

“You can use your smartphone, you can use your computer, as long as your head stays straight up,” Dr. Zeballos said.

But c’mon. It won’t hurt to put your phone down for a while.

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