
Today I’d like to introduce Xtreme Lashes – Eyelash Extensions. I’m absolutely happy with my own natural eyelashes, they are super long curved and actually absolutely perfect, but I’ve been searching for a solution to look great during my workouts and in summer during  swimming, sunbathing and so on. I absolutely hate Mascara and applying it drives me nuts sometimes as my lashes are quite long and always tend to touch my upper eye lid if I apply too much. When I first heard about lash extensions I always thought of Barbie-like girls and too long fake lashes, but when my dearest Raphy told me about the natural way of lash extenions I decided to give it a try. My aim wasn’t to have longer lashes, but lashes that look perfectly dark and voluminous all day long.

Across the bond, every other woman is wearing lash extensions and enjoying this little beauty luxury.

In Austria more and more make-up artists are offering lash extensions now. It’s important that you choose wisely and not just walk into the next beauty salon and get lash extensions because they are super cheap, this might cause severe damage on your natural lashes.

I can highly recommend Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions. All make-up artist and beauticians who work with their products have to go through a long apprenticeship by Xtreme Lashes and are certified Xtreme Lashes Eyelash Extensions Stylist.

Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are the ultimate answer for longer, thicker, more beautiful-looking eyelashes that still look natural.The are developed to mimic your natural eyelashes and each eyelash extension is individually applied to a single eyelash, resulting in a gorgeous, natural appearance. With routine touchups every two to four weeks, you can have amazing eyelashes indefinitely.

The eyelash extensions are super comfortable,you don’t feel them and they are super easy to handle. You can apply eye make-up as usual, but say good bye to your mascara you won’t need that anymore, just in case you want to highlight your lower eyelashes. The lash extensions don’t really require special care, you just have to be a little careful with rubbing your eyes and oily skincare products.

I’m so happy with my perfectly looking lashes. Raphy did a fantastic job, just as usual:) It’s such a great feeling to wake up with really dark and thick lashes and a beautiful look. They save quite some time in the morning and my make-up routine is finished within a few minutes now. I’m so looking forward to a summer without water proof mascara. I also absolutely love the fact that I just step out for my runs make-up free but with with much more confidence, because I always felt ”naked” without mascara.

You would love to have such fantastic lashes too?

In Klagenfurt I can highly recommend you RAPHY – MAKE UP STUDIO, the best beauty salon in town.

Book your appointment now! You’ll love the result!!!! 

*** in friendly collaboration with RAPYH MAKE UP STUDIO


Raphaela Kuchernig

call: 0650 9560030

mail: makeup@raphy.at

Ankershofenstraße 41

Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

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