
Building Chicken Coops Guide … OK let’s get down to business. What I want to do is to help you out in your decision – should you take it home or should you keep your wallet in your pocket?. Right, time for a no-nonsense admission – I haven’t actually used or purchased the product (read my About page for the reasons why), but I have crossed the internet tracking down info on it, to save you time. And hopefully someone who has bought it will add their opinion to the ‘Customer Reviews’ section to the right. So pull up a chair and get your reading glasses on as I save you time and tell you all you need to know about Building Chicken Coops Guide.

What are its claims?
To save you the hassle of digesting the sales pitch I have produced a summary of what they say about themselves here:

A comprehensive guide teaching you how to plan, build and manage your chicken coop

Showing you tips and secrets you need to plan and build your dream chicken coop easily

Showing you how to work on your own chicken coops to save up to hundreds of dollars

Showing you 18 essential tips you should know before making your own chicken coop

Showing you how to build a cheaper, more effective and more fun chicken coop

Showing you the essential tips on building a predator-proof chicken coop

18 essential tips you should know before making your own chicken coop

Showing you the amenities you need for your chicken coops and runs

Smart tips to prevent you from buying the wrong chicken coop tools

Learn the chicken diseases and how to keep your chicken healthy

Optimun conditions inside your chicken coop for your chickens

Is anyone buying it?
Here I can provide you with some hard facts. We can use statistics provided by the payment processor. They release something called the product’s “Gravity”. It’s an indication of how well the product is selling. I’ve processed this figure and produced a rating out of 100. Products with a high rating are popular. Building Chicken Coops Guide scores 70.86/100 which is around standard.

Time to buy – your options
Hopefully by now you’ve read through the summary of what the product does (or claims to do…). You’ve examined the user reviews and testimonials. Maybe you’ve even decided you’d like to buy the product. So what next?

Option 1: Buy Direct
You click on the following link to http://buildingchickencoopsguide.com/, and find their link to buy the product. You’ll be linked through to the payment processor page and you can pay using a credit/debit card or PayPal. As of the time of writing this review the standard price for the product is $37.

Option 2: Buy Through My Link
If you click this link: buildingchickencoopsguide.com you’ll also be taken through to buildingchickencoopsguide.com, where you can buy the product in the same way as option 1. However, because you arrived at the site via a special link, I get the credit for sending you over. If you do end up buying, I will be given a commission. There’s no difference in the cost to you. You might like to go for this option if:

You feel my site has helped you and you’d like to show your appreciation.

You want to be eligible for a purchase bonus (see below)

Your purchase bonus
If you decide to choose Option 2, then you are eligible for a bonus. This is my thank you for using my link. Click here to read all about the bonus and how to claim it.[POSTCOMMENTS]

Product Name:

Building Chicken Coops Guide

Standard Price






Norman Nelson


Frank Denison

Bonus Offered



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