
No. 1455:

When Christians accept remarriage among preachers - is unreasonable and completely incomprehensible that goes so against people living out their sins!

Photo by Jan Hanvold which is re-married for the 3rd time, and then as "Christian"!

James 2 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one of the commandments, have been guilty of breaking them all. 11 For he who said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, Thou shalt not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor. 12 After the law of liberty shall be judged by you shall speak and act. 13 For judgment is merciless against those who have not shown mercy, but mercy triumphs over judgment.

It is truly amazing that one can treat people so different and so judgmental and over seeing as many believers do, when someone lives for instance. in sin!

I also think it is especially bad with remarriage, then this is enormously widespread among ministers and those with confidence! Therefore, it is about to do to warn against remarriede preachers more than anything else. Here is an article I wrote about this several years ago.

Nr. 59:
Remarriage preachers!

This is from my commentaries Philemon's letter: 9 but for love's sake I would rather give a prayer to you. Here I am, the aging Paul, now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus,

1.Kor.13. 13 Then they left, these three: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. As believers, our lives based on love. Here Paul mentions that he was old, when one understands what is important and less important. Taking care of each other and the people are NOK important over the years a lot of other people important things (end of quote).

Should I say one thing and a truth that is important for the Church to stem the defection. Only a next truth then I would set off from teaching and belief questions about it is very necessary and important. It is that sin and immorality must not come into the leadership of the churches. Today it is exactly what has happened! As an aging man, I realize more what the problem is and what is important, than what I did and showed in his youth. Morality and ethics again will not help outside the church of God should be what God intended: "TRUTH pillar and ground".

1. Tim. 3. 15. But if I wait to come, that thou may know how one should walk in the house of God, who is the living church of God, truth, support and foundation.

Looking back on my time to free your friends and the Pentecostal movement with horror and dismay over how the preachers come up and forward. There is talk of anything but what is really important, but it is significantly important are totally overlooked and not emphasized. The competent ethics are little emphasized. But is he \ she one that grabs people and can elbow his way, then, one had a good Free Church Preacher. We see now that there are more and more preachers with a loaded history, signs and re-married and feminist women who come up and forward.

We must always remember that what we see from the negative is just the tip of an iceberg. There is always much worse than what it looks like when like this will degenerate in the church of God.

The fact that our lives will set the bar in what we learn and not what we preach and the teacher still has his very position in question.

What does God's word on this?

We read that in OT, NT and in the coming 1000 year kingdom will be preachers and those with management responsibilities should be clean and only one woman man. This is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, although Protestant Christians accept this over a low shoes today, even in our beloved Norway.

This is an article I had in the newspaper day in 2007, Jacob said in his letter chapter 3.1: "My brothers! Not many of you become teachers! For we know that we will get the severe sentence. "

The responsibility is very great to be a preacher. It's a big difference to be a common church membership and to be preaching. But it is not to say that one is more loved by God, but it has to be faithful over the responsibility God has given. I believe that God will forgive any sin at all. But there are other things that must be considered, as preacher holds any special responsibility. Would someone in a profane context allowed a pedophile to work with children? No. Equally clear is the writing that we should not be allowed a re-married preacher to preach to other people with their own meetings.

But when one holds an office as a preacher, so required a lot. Therefore, James says that not many will be preachers. Why can not a preacher taking liberties only at his own expense, he has a special responsibility of God and their fellow man.

When it comes to marriage, it is not permissible for a minister to marry again under any circumstances, then disqualifies him for the office he has received. It's like an athlete cut the legs off, he is no longer fit to be a sportsman, if he wants to. A minister should be one woman man, we see Paul teach about time after time. (1 Tim. 3:2 and Titus 1:6).

We read that scripture provides a clear testimony of the priest of the old covenant, how he should live, who stood in the same responsibility before God and their fellow man as Ecclesiastes and supervising the man standing in the new covenant. 3. Genesis 9:14 p.m.: "A widow or a divorced woman, or profane, or a prostitute - something he must not marry. Only a virgin of his people shall he take to wife. "

We read that God gives the same testimony and require the same of the priest during the upcoming 1000-årsriket that will serve the Lord for the people of Jerusalem in Israel, which law shall go forth from it. Ezekiel 44:22: "A widow or a woman that her husband has divorced itself from, they will not take a wife, but only virgins of Israel. But they can take a widow who is the widow of a priest. "

When the writing is so clear when it comes to the priest in the Old Covenant and the 1000-årsriket, it is no less clear when it comes to the church's time household, we who live in the loveliest and greatest privilege of all, "one woman man." There is even a apestrof of one so that it shall leave any doubt.

In the same way that the scripture says it is demonic and forførisk denying a preacher and overseer to marry (1 Tim. 4:1), it is to come under the same adverse conditions to accept and allow ministers to marry again while the spouse liver, it is only by death that it may be appropriate for an overseer to marry again, and then with a non-divorced! (End of quote).

I think this is the most appropriate message to the church of God that the standard must be raised on leadership - not the sheep and the sheep - the church of God!

We will not deny the fact that the leadership and the ministry is to characterize the believers so make a lot of work the Bible says we are a disgrace guy with bad preaching. And a man of honor by listening and accepting biblical and proper preaching. A preacher can never lead the church longer than he himself has come, and he \ she was misled, then join the church, too.

Luke 6 39. He also told a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? do they not both fall into the ditch?

As preachers and what we stand for, will also lead the church either to "heaven" or to the contrary.

2. Tim. 2. 20 In a large house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some fine use and some simple. 21 He who purifies himself from all that, a man of great use, consecrated and useful to the house master, prepared for every good deed.

Will conclusion, take something from the net to illustrate it here, how vital what we accept in preaching has for our lives, positively or negatively. Everything after that, so be very careful what and whom you lend your ear to. And even more careful what you open yourself up and accept.

Quote from neat, "Call, service and collaboration"
Discipleship and serve
If one of you has a servant who is out there and plow or a shepherd, he will say to him when he comes home from the fields: Come now
and sit at the table? No, he will say: Prepare supper for me, makes you so capable and was up on me while I eat and drink.
He thank the servant that he did what he was told? No! In the same way with you. Once you have done all that is
commanded you, say: We are unworthy servants, and has only done what we ought to do. (Luke 17.7-10)
A staff member is a disciple
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations," said Jesus
The Great Commission (Matt 28.18-20). It is therefore disciples we are, we
who want to follow Jesus.
In this book we will often use the word "leader". We will
namely, not away from it is a form of leadership responsibility that we have, whether we
Now a priest or preacher, a board member or shop steward, foreman
in a union or bibelgruppe leader.
What is a disciple? The word "disciple" we have before translated
"Apprentice". Today, we prefer the gender neutral "apprentice".
Let's go back a little in time and see what it really meant to
* A disciple was usually no education before he or
she began to work. It was on the contrary, while the apprentice
worked, he or she received training! Jesus sent
his disciples out with considerable authority on a very
early stage in their development (Matthew 10.1). The new converts
in Thessalonica had spread the gospel of a significant
area already in the first year after the church was
created (1 Thessalonians 1.8). The Christians at Philippi work
Gospel "from day one" (Phil. 1.5).
* At the time of Jesus - and far up to our own - it was also
so that the disciple lived with his master. We are
Jesus' disciples today, the same way of living in close
personal communion with him in word and in prayer, constantly
teach him better to know, be affected by his mind, and be
sanctified and equipped.
* A disciple should be able to reproduce the master's teachings so that
Nothing went to waste. Jesus' disciples to render
The Master's words correctly. They are not primarily called to
be "original" and testify what they themselves think and feel.
* It was not the NOK for a disciple to have theoretical knowledge.
The knowledge should also be lived out in practice.
Be or do. This is what we primarily called on:
follow Jesus and live in a close personal relationship with him.
Magnus Malm has written a very lesverdig book on Christian
director or employee lockers. The book is called "Pathfinders" (New
Luther Forlag, 1991), and it turns upside down much of what we are used
to think about having a service. On pages 25-27 he explains what
happens if the call is first and foremost, "I do" and not
"I is - in Christ":
* To seek God becomes more and more a matter of searching
inspiration and leadership in the work, get new ideas to
education and experience answers to prayer for different people and
problems. I'm not really as I need to meet
a you, but I come to when an employee meets his
* Other people are divided into groups.
The first group are the ones I have been to serve, and I do
usually based on the "role of the suit" call for me.
The second group is those who oppose my call. They are
obviously immature and not understand anything because they can allow
to criticize me. These are a threat.
The third group are those who are loyal and stand by my side.
It is their main function. The immediate family
should belong to this group, but belong unfortunately often
the previous one.
* I build to the extent that my identity in what I do that I
is simply a pastor, evangelist, etc.. Who I am outside
this role is uncertain.
* The congregation is divided into an A-team that has a calling and
"Produce" something and a B-team that has no call and only
are "consumers".
Let us quote more from the book of Magnus Malm, this time from
Page 46-47: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men".
This is what is called .. This is Peter's life a whole new direction
that knows the rather predictable life he was on the way in. Now
it is no longer what Peter does is important, but who he
follow Jesus. "
God uses everyone, not just anyone. A disciple is not
something more than a sinner saved! Time and again the Bible shows us that
God does not call perfect people. Isaiah knew that he
deserved to perish (Isaiah 6.5). Peter knew that he was not fit
to follow Jesus (Luke 5.8). Paul saw himself as a living
example of how God can save the greatest sinners (1 Tim 1.15 -
16). Paul, who himself was a very educated man, knew that
God at any time choose the people who are not great either in their own
or the eyes of others (1 Cor 1.26 to 31).
We may therefore boldly join us for service - despite
of sin and inability. Jesus can use anyone!
But there is a tension here. The fact that Jesus can use all means
namely, not that he uses to anyone!
"It is God who acts, I am only a tool," says
no. And it is as true as it is said. But that does not mean it
is a fat-how the implement is! A craftsman would not be without
further lend his tools to an inexperienced. The mechanic knows
the importance of good tools. God wants to make us
good tool that he can dispose of.
Paul uses a different picture: "In a big house is not the only guy
of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some fine use and some
to the simple. He who purifies himself from all that, a man of fine
use, consecrated and useful to the house master, prepared for every good
work "(2 Tim 2:20).
To put it another way: One does not serve food in a
garbage cans.
The apostles did not "anyone" into the service of
distribute food to those who needed it. The selected employees who
had "good reputation and was filled with the Spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6.3).
Today we are almost embarrassed when we see that the Bible requires
Christian leaders. See eg. 1 Tim 3
Now ask actually not the Bible other requirements to managers than to
any other disciple of Jesus. But the leader should be a role model.
The leader should be someone who goes ahead and show others both direction
and the road. The leader must demonstrate that a Christian has other
priorities than a non-Christian.
Exemplar. In recent years we have become more and more skeptical
role models. The newspapers remind us constantly about the leaders' failure and
double standards. Nevertheless, say for example. Paul: "Have me as
"Call, service and collaboration"
model "(1 Cor 4.16), and" Follow my example as I follow
The example of Christ "(1 Cor 11,1).
When Paul tutor his young disciple Timothy, he says: "Let
no one despise you because you are young, but set an example for the
believers, in word and deed, in love, in faith and in purity "(1 Tim
4.12). The first part of this verse, we NOK often comforted young
employees. The second part, we may not have dared to
mention in the same degree.
Titus had a similar admonition: "The young men shall
exhort to be steady in all his ways. Be yourself an example for them
in good works "(Titus 2.7).
Honesty. But is it possible for a normal human being to be a
example for others without end in the pure hypocrisy? Let us suggest
some ways we can be it.
* We do not hide or deny our sins, but confess
them without excuse us. When we are caught saying or
done something wrong, we admit it - without excuse us.
Phrases such. "I'm only human", or "I am
not sinless I rather "we fail to come up with. What we
to say is: "This was wrong of me." And so we will not say more.
* We do not deny our sinful desires, but we fight for that
these desires held in check. A frank and honest struggle is
not hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, it would however be if we let
as if we had come so far that we no longer needed
to fight. The battle against sin in general is not something
legalism to do (1 Corinthians 9.24-27, File 3.12 to 19), as many
Christians, unfortunately, have begun to believe.
* We must not let sin and inability to lead us to be passive
and secluded, but we will rise up, join us for service
and dare to do something for the benefit of others. We must not
be perfect before we can do something good and useful.
A disciple making disciples. This is the Great Commission in particular
calls us to.
It is all well and good that the church has a broad contact the outside world, that
threshold of the chapel is the lowest, that we have maintained
Meeting, we have choirs and musikklag and that the activity is held
up. The only problem is that all this can be in perfect order
unless we win new! Yes, we can even be so busy with everything
that we do not notice that we no longer win new ones.
Dare we admit that we have so much fear of man and is so
committed to ensuring our own security and make our own personal
needs, we often are not very able to get close, personal contact with
other people?
In evangelism courses are sometimes asked what
participants are most afraid of when they are out on their first practice.
Often the answer is "That we will meet someone who wants to become Christians, for
when we do not know what to say. "
A disciple loves Jesus. "Simon, son of John, love
thou me more than these? "was the question Jesus asked Peter before he
was awarded the contract, "Feed my lambs" (John 21.15-17). See also File 1.21.
While the rest of the day is concerned that a leader should be "effective"
could "influence" others and doing good "impression", the Bible is more
concerned with the inner qualities than on the outer skills.
A disciple is moving towards the target. A few years ago,
it is a known speaker who said: "If you want to know if you are a manager,
you should just get up and start walking. If you after a while
turn around and see that someone is following you, then you are a
leader ".
The speaker had a point, even if what he said was too easy.
A Christian leader is nothing more than a chairman, a
administrator or a worker. A Christian leader will have other
with him to heaven and is afraid that someone will get lost in the
A disciple priorities straight. A disciple must give up one (2
Tim from 2.3 to 7). It is not possible to say "yes" to something without saying "no" to something
otherwise. Does a "yes" to Jesus, one must say "no" to sin. Does a "yes"
to a service, one might say "no" to both bi-income,
hobbies and makelighet. It is something that is so
valuable that one must be willing to sacrifice everything to get it (Matt
13.44 to 45). Both the athlete, one who want to enter medical school
and one that will build their own homes have realized that there is
necessary to sacrifice something if one should reach a goal.
A leader is a servant
You know that those who are considered to be the people's rulers, the lords
over them, and their mighty men rule over them with power.
But this is not so among you. It will be great among
you must be your servant (deacon), and it will be the
foremost among you must be everyone's slave. For the Son of Man
came not to be ministered unto, but to serve and give his
life as a ransom for many "(Mark 10.42-45).
This was contrary to common thinking at the time of Jesus. To
serve was despised. Plato asked, for example: "How could a
man could be happy if it had to serve others? "And
the idea is not necessarily acceptable to us either. We are concerned
to realize ourselves through what we have.
The Bible uses many different words for "servant".
Deacon serving others, eg. by ensuring that they receive
food and what they need. This word is relatively neutral.
(Acts 6)
Slave is completely subject to his master and his master's
property - with skin and hair and for better or worse. Jesus uses
the word both about himself and about his disciples. Actually
we can not say that "God is our Lord" unless we are willing
to be his slaves. (John 15.20, 2 Corinthians 4.5.)
Galley slaves were chained to the ship he had to rest and
had to go down if the boat went down. (1 Corinthians 4:1).
Serving will often say the same thing as going into the work that has
low status, doing something most people do not notice, to do something
one is not thanks to, to be "dirty hands".
People who are uncertain about their own identity and has
lack of self-acceptance, have the most trouble with going into tasks
with low status. Udo Mediterranean Mann says in his book "Proexistence"
how they welcome new students coming to the Christian
training center where he is employed:
Anyone will be studying with us, are asked to clean toilets.
It does not matter who comes, everyone is asked. It is
interesting to notice how people react. The
really know who they are, have no difficulty performing
job, because they see that this job has nothing with their
identity. But many people feel that such work provides
them an identity they want. They refuse to take on such
work, and it has dire consequences.
"Having a service does in the NT to be a gentleman as a welcome
precepts. The speech the way that we often use "serving a cause"
"Make an idea" is foreign to the NT. Anyone who earns an idea,
determine the means and the way to work for it. This is not
a service, it is your choice. It is not to be available for a
another, it is to glorify themselves "(Biblical reference book.
Entries: Serve, serve).
"Call, service and collaboration"
Natural Gifts and gifts
Nature Gifts are abilities and qualities we are either born with or
that we have developed through learning, or human impact.
Some of us have, for example. good singing voice, a fantastic ability to
To get in touch with others, some are skilled at managing
and shows good leadership skills. Since it is God who has given us
natural gifts, it is natural to think that these will be used for his
honor. As a rule, we are called to service in the extension of
natural gifts we have received.
But natural gifts are not sufficient as we shall
people of faith, turning them into disciples and preserve them in the faith.
No one is convinced of sin, begins to believe in Jesus,
no one is born again and not grow as Christians, if not the
Holy Spirit works. It can NOK may one of nature is equipped
with a singing voice that can make people both touched and moved, but
it is not the same as they are converted. The fact that a light
comes in contact with others, does not mean necessarily that one seems
It is easy to witness to them. A church that is well managed,
need not necessarily be a church where people are
converted and renewed. Gifts are abilities and attributes the
Holy Spirit gives.
There are also many examples where God has called people to
services they do not have the inherent conditions. None of
disciples had natural gifts that fit the service they were called.
Moreover, gift lists in 1 Corinthians 12 mentions the many gifts
that the head is no inherent conditions in which
human. Both healing, miracles, tongues,
interpretation of tongues and prophecy are gifts no one has natural
"Serve one another, each with the gift he has received, as
good stewards of God's varied grace. Whoever speaks,
must ensure that he speaks the word of God. And the servant shall serve
with the strength God provides. That is how God in all things be honored by
Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and power for all
eternity. Amen "(1 Pet 4.10 to 11).
We must "serve one another" with gifts. We should not strive
for them to get involved in a kind of spiritual A-team or one
elite group. We will not get them for others to admire our
spirituality. We will not get them for our own sake, but for the others
We are only stewards. Managers disposal any another owner,
and the manager will use it so the owner will and so that it promotes
owner's interests.
We are stewards of God's word, which means that we will deliver it
further unadulterated, but we have changed it.
We are stewards of God's power, and that means that God himself will
release and do anything through us.
It is God who will have the honor and thanksgiving for what happens
through us. We are the only channels which God sends his blessings
through. It is he who is the real entity behind what we have
"It is he who gave their gifts: He put some, apostles;
some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and
teachers. He did it to equip the saints so they can perform
his service, and the body of Christ may be built up until we all
until the device in the faith of the Son of God and the knowledge of him,
We are a mature man who has reached his full growth and
have all the fullness of Christ "(Ephesians 4.11 to 13).
People who are willing to serve in the power of God, is God's gift
to the church. First, give God the equipment as a gift to them
receiving it, and he gives the equipped people as a gift to
church. Compare what God says about the Levites in 4 Mos 18.6 -
7: "It is I who take their brothers the Levites from among the Israelites
and give them to you as a gift. They are devoted to the Lord to work
in the tent of meeting. But you and your sons will take care of the priest,
everything there is to be done at the altar, and within the veil. The
work you will perform. I give you the priesthood as a
gift ".
Those whom God equips, is equipped for them to put others in
able to serve. No one is called to be a passenger on the boat to
heaven. All are called to be men. A good head teacher
the new crew. The opposite is that one tries to make itself
In this way, built the church, which is Christ's body up.
That's what it is about the Christian work. Body of Christ
be built up and strengthened.
Spiritual Gifts, we strive for (1 Cor 12.31, 14.1). This means that
we should pray that God equips us, and seeking personal intercession -
often with the laying on of hands. As a church we pray that God
gives us the gifts we need.
"I'm not fit," is an excuse we often come with
when we are called to a service. And it's true! We are not able,
not in any way. That is precisely why we are so dependent on
God will make us fit. He does through
gift of equipment.
In this context, it is important to watch out for to be
self-centered. We can become so preoccupied with our own equipment that we
forget that after all God does his work.
The Bible has sections where it becomes obvious that it is God who
work, while the server is almost just standing and watching. It is not
a person who God uses, feel strong and powerful. On
contrary, it often feel weak and powerless - because it
should be clear that it is God who works. Let us end with 2 Corinthians
4.6 to 7:
For God who said "Let there be light in the darkness", he has also left the light
shine in our hearts, to the knowledge of God's glory,
radiating in the face of Christ, should light up. But we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that it should be clear that the enormous power of is
from God and not from ourselves.
Called by God?
We have already mentioned that we first and foremost is called,
is to follow Jesus and live in a close, personal communion with him.
The Bible, however, has also examples that God calls people
to very specific services.
Moses, several of the prophets, Jesus' disciples and Paul had a very
direct call from God. Some of these were referred to a service they
basically not be able to conceive or had conditions
for. Yet God did not accept some of their excuses, but
put them into service and gave them the equipment and the
gifts they needed.
This calls the experience seems to have been of great importance for
them. The proclamation gave their authority. They could refer to
when the various opponents claimed that they would hold up to
preach. And the experience helped them to endure when they met
hardship and suffering.
Paul got a new calling when he would embark on its first
mission. This time, God sent the call through
church (Acts 13.1-3), and it was the church that prayed for him
and sent him out. They were taken to deacon service, was also
"Call, service and collaboration"
their calling through the church (Acts 6.1 to 7), and receiving in the same way
church's intercession on equipment.
Finally, the Bible mentions also the possibility that someone wants to
enter a service on the basis of general Biblical call to
service - a call that comes to all Christians. Then it is a good
work that they want (1 Tim 3:1). Some want to go into a
service because they believe that they will work in context and thrive
there. Others feel like because they see that there is great need for workers,
and that no one else signs up about not doing it.
All this we need when we are talking about a calling. What
means most of God's direct calls, call the church or the
individual's desire and gifts, will vary from person to
person. God deals with us individually and call in different ways.
We must not express an opinion for certain about how a shell
experienced, the feelings that accompany and where umisforståelig
it is. Also this is experienced differently from person to person.
However, it is important that those who are in a service, has a reasonable
confident belief that they are where God and the church wants to
them. If this conviction is missing, the
courage easily disappear when it get a little hairy, and a
face adversity and obstacles.
When the service is difficult
There are many reasons why the service can be difficult.
* A service will always be tough and take on the powers, physical as
well as mentally. Someone has to withstand great stress and be
willing to sacrifice themselves radically. Some people even
physical suffering and martyrdom. Jesus called his disciples actually
their both the suffering, sacrifice and renunciation (Jn 15.20).
* Fatigue, stress and burnout can be a significant problem.
* Although we love the service, it can be a
burden for the family.
* Conflicts and disagreements will at best draw on the forces. In
worst case can cause significant health problems. In particular,
difficult it is when conflicts spiritual done so that the various
parties accuse one another to think or act unchristian
or unbiblical.
* Increasingly, we are aware that there are so-called
"Power people" among the leaders of the various teams.
The service can be experienced difficult also by those who
Basically, a conviction that they are called by God.
Call consciousness makes one more resistant to
stresses, it is so. But the call does not solve all problems. The
assures us, not against adversity, overwork, disease,
employee problems or family problems. Those who must take a
pause or stop the service because of such things, must not
accused of lack of vocation awareness - at least not without
The Bible does not deny that there is much we have to give up when
we go into a service. The statements at times so strongly that we as
are the children of our time and used to "stand on the requirements," get something to think about.
All Christians have a service. None of us will live for us
even longer, but for him who died and rose for us (2
Corinthians 5:15). We are all baptized into members of the Body of Christ
and stand in a task (1 Corinthians 12).
* Jesus is our model. He was the good shepherd who gave up
even for the sheep. Also we should be willing to give our lives for
others (1 Jn 3:16). Paul was also aware of this. He was
not only willing to be "used", but to be "used up" in
service (2 Cor 12.15. Translate advance at the start of 1988 says: "I will
more than likely to be both victims and will be offered for their souls. ") It
most important is that we have a service where we "realize Us
self. "It is God's plan we will help to realize (1 Cor.
* The Bible compares us not only with ministers but with
slaves. The slaves had no rights. They were his master's
property in line with farm animals and implements. Slaves
had neither regulated working hours, regular pay agreements or
Some Working to display.
* Laziness, lack of willingness to sacrifice and avarice are not
less current temptations today. We may also, as
Demas (2 Tim 4:10), to be so concerned about what this world has
to offer, that we leave the service.
Today is experienced is often not natural to think this way.
That's why it's important that we get help to think biblically. In
some environments, it is downright necessary. But the picture we have drawn,
is not quite complete. We must also have some pages that other
environments in the same degree may need to be reminded.
* It is true that we are God's servants and have no "right" to
demand anything of him. But God is not only our Lord. He is
also our Father. He cares for us and want to give us all
we need - the only grace. (This care should also characterize
those that employ workers.) It always requires some
God, the poor. Those who live in the confident expectation that
God will provide, will be rich.
* The Bible does not see a service just as a chore and a
strain. It sees the service as something valuable that is
entrusted to us, a gift God has given us a "gift".
* If we are willing to sacrifice ourselves, it is not as
certain that we have no right to sacrifice for our spouse, our
children or our other family's behalf.
* It is completely wrong if Christian leaders are using the biblical
ideals to squeeze the most out of their employees
Instead of helping them to preserve the physical and mental
health, a good family life and use economic conditions.
Anyone who signs up for service, must be willing to sacrifice themselves and
miss out on things other people get with it. It can even
be talking about quite a significant sacrifice. But stress can
be so large that workers wear out too fast or too big
degree. It is not always easy to find the balance. Some people can tolerate fairly
heavy loads without being crushed while others can tolerate substantial
less. Some also begin to complain as soon as
strains are relatively small, while others do not complain at all
taken - before they are exhausted and burned out.
It goes without saying that there are no easy pat answers or
solutions that can be applied in any situation. What is
reasonable and unreasonable strain, is in part dependent on
discretion and the individual's health.
Life history and maturation
A little easy and unthinking we proclaim and to something like:
"You are exactly as God wants you," "You are just as
God has created you to be. "
Was it just that simple.
In syndefallets world is unfortunately much more complicated.
Where can we even be born with both physical and mental
defects. Not even that "I was born that way" is no guarantee
that everything is in perfect order.
"Call, service and collaboration"
Life History. The past has left its mark on us. We are greatly
a product of the upbringing we have had, the events we have
experienced and the culture we are a part.
Some think they have had a good and rich life, others have found that
life has been both tough and difficult. Life is not fair on
That way the joys and sorrows are equally distributed.
But even if our life has largely given us many positive things, we have
probably not completely avoided the negative. It would really be strange
if we could completely avoid the effects of sin in a world that is characterized by
Fall. In syndefallets world there is no completely perfect
parents, totally perfect mates or even the perfect Christian
community or the perfect Christian leaders.
It is important that "we seek our history and become familiar with its
good and evil sides. What we are conscious, we can often do something
with. But we do not get conscious, always do something with us. The
as hushed and displaced, can not be cured "(Per Arne
Dahl: "From paradise to reality", page 46).
There is so much it may be important to relate to. Let us take
Some examples: What loss have we seen? In what areas
we have become vulnerable - so vulnerable that we hide in a
armor? What we are angry or bitter over, and who or what
we fix this aggression against today? Chamber, we over us
even, our past, our family or something else? Have we made choices we
regret - to the extent that we feel paralyzed today? Have we
experienced ourselves as losers or winners? Have we become confident
ourselves with a reasonable belief that we can cope with things, or we struggle with
self-contempt and are terrified of making mistakes? If we are reasonably satisfied
with our body, appearance and sexuality?
All we have now rattled off, characterizes life today. In some
situations are particularly noticeable. We can mention some of them
Also: When we meet new people. When we are stressed. When we are
lonely. When we meet the authorities. When we shall exercise authority.
When we raise our children. The past spring also characterizes our
leadership style!
Another thing: We do not get their cake and eat it. Our strong
pages are also our weaknesses. Have our lives been so that we have
had to develop our thinking and our intellect, there is great
probability that the feelings are not as developed. If a close
personal fellowship with other matters very high for us, it
we may have a little bit difficult to make unpopular decisions. The more
real and systematic, we are, the less room there will be to
spontaneity. In other words: The list of our strengths can
always supplemented with a similar list of weaknesses or
"Shadow pages" - or shall we call them "pages that are not well developed."
A history of God. In a Christian is at least a portion of
life history of a history with God.
Some have been given a Christian upbringing and has been a Christian
whole life. Others came to believe the child or youth work.
Still others were converted into adulthood. However, it is not
seniority that makes us good Christian leaders! The guides are
only one who has had a personal encounter with Jesus and who
have experienced the gospel (1 Cor 5, 14-15, 1 Tim 1.15 to 16). There
the assurance of salvation and freedom in Christ is missing, the service only
stress. Maybe it then only becomes guilt that drives a
the effort - and that feeling is the worst driving around.
When we become Christians, and come into a Christian community,
it is another question that must be asked: Can Christian faith affect us
so we have a Christian character? Are we as Christian leaders even led
of God?
Characterizes the Christian faith when we are alone and no one sees us? What
things in life, every day we willing to say 'no' so that we can say a
wholehearted 'yes' to Jesus? What does the Christian faith for us when we are
stressed or under pressure? If we are faithful to God and man
even if it costs anything to be there? How would we serve God
if we did not have a specific office or work in a church
or Christian organization?
Our "spirituality" is not primarily appear when we
leading a meeting, standing on a soapbox or take testimony. It
appears most clearly when we are together with your spouse, family and close
friends and can not hide in a role.
Doubts do not we can not escape. Hopefully we do not
our forces to deny it or escape from it. If we do,
fools we both ourselves and others. What we should do is go to God
with it - before it accumulates and directs us in the service. It is
He who has the primary responsibility to keep our faith up.
Then one gradually Christian leadership experience. Many
begins as Sunday school teachers, bibelgruppe leaders,
youth leaders or board members. Maybe one for each
try their hand at preaching and pastoral care. All experience is good
It is with this as with all other learning: One is constantly
development and learn new things.
But it is not always fast. God used 40 years of shaping
Moses before he could lead the people out of Egypt. We live in an age when everything
should go quickly. We have "instant coffee" and "instant tea". But it
is no "instant Discipleship". Discipleship must mature
Forty years of experience should be something completely different than one year of experience
forty times.
Pastoral care and life history. Old people often have such a narrow
to tell his life story - and children and grandchildren are often so small
patience to listen to.
Imagine if we could tell our story of life long before we are
old! Young and middle-aged Christian leaders would benefit greatly
of it. When we tell our life story, we learn namely ourselves
even better to know, we discover that we remember more than we first
thought, and it pops up feelings before we believed that we had not
(But now we see that these emotions influence our everyday lives).
The life story holds our treasures are well worth preserving
and use. And it holds wounds and disappointments that must be processed and
Leaders who are just trying to forget his past, ashamed
over it or withholds it, the unstable leaders. The facade can be
excellent, but the shadow grows ever larger.
Family and friends.
The spouse and children. NOK once we are in a
tension. On one side it says "If anyone comes to
me, he must set this higher than father and mother, wife and children,
brothers and sisters, yes, his own life. Otherwise he can not be my
disciple "(Luke 14:26). On the other hand, there are also" One who
does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his family,
has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. "(1 Tim 5.8)
We can not dissolve the tension. It should be there.
Many argue that if one spouse becomes a missionary
priest, preacher, etc., as relates to the head not the other. So
individual is not in practice. It is certainly appropriate
that the employee's spouse is not necessarily forced into an old
stereotypes. But unless both spouses to a certain extent
stand together on a service, they will soon have such different expectations
everyday life and have such different priorities that none of them feel
well. Is it important that the spouses are willing to pull together in a
service in their home country, it becomes even more important if one of them has
call to go out as a missionary.
There are many examples of Christian workers in all the major
extent has neglected his family to the benefit of the service. This has in particular
"Call, service and collaboration"
extent gone out of the children who have had difficulty obtaining a safe and
close relationship with his father (for it has usually been the one who has
been mostly absent). This is a significant problem, and both the
that call and the person being called must think carefully what
that can be made that the problem should be minimized.
Spouses who stand together for a service, experience does not always
problems so strongly. It also leads to children having to experience
a crisis atmosphere, if one parent is far from home.
If expressed and unexpressed complaints however are still only in the air, the
Of course, kids also get a sense that something is wrong. Moreover,
It's not just those working in the Christian context that must sacrifice
something and be a lot away from the family. There must be many other
Not all families can withstand the same load. Conditions
a family can handle without difficulty, can present major problems
for other families. Simple and straightforward definitive answer is no.
Parents must also take into consideration. Many of those who will travel
like missionaries, often feel that parents, with or without words,
put pressure on them to get them to stay home.
NOK once we move in a field of tension where there
are clear answers.
* On the one hand, parents can be so old, so ill or have
such a great need for help that anyone who is considering going out are right
to stay home a few years.
* On the other hand, there are some parents who are not willing to
let go of their children but are trying to tie them up with almost
virtually all possible means. Some make themselves even more ill than the
is. When children need encouragement to dare to break away.
Married - single. It may seem strange that this should be included in a
chapter about the service. However, it has its reasons. Married and
unmarried tend to misunderstand and envy each other. This can
create problems in a community leader.
One who is married, often think this way about the single: The single
do not have to take into account the spouse and children, and therefore its own
Lord. Since the single has family, he has much
leisure and good economy. It means that he or she is being selfish
and little accustomed to take account of others. It does not so much about the
singles have to go out and take a meeting on Saturday evening.
The lonely often think this way about it that is toxic: One who is married
always have someone to be with and someone to share the joys and
sorrows with. One who is married will not have to feel lonely. Moreover,
those who are married are always the best houses and all other
benefits. The working meetings talking always about the problems
families face, and it is expected that the single will
engage in them. But when it was talking about the Lonely
problems, and what married people involved in them?
Both single and married people are vulnerable and have continued contact with
feelings when it is talked about marital status. Both parties need
often help to rehabilitate both the profession they represent
and the booth staff represent. They need help
be confident in their own belonging and the possibilities stand
offer - and not to talk about the other stand on a
derogatory and stereotyped manner.
A social network all need. Both married and single can
long time feel that they get their social needs met through
service. Perhaps they even hear preaching that suggests that
employee community ought to fill every need, including those
human. Sooner or later they will see, however, this form
contact is not satisfactory NOK. In any case, they see that the
day they are ill laid off or leaves the service. For
worker's spouse is also important to have a social network.
Many workers need encouragement to make friends and find a
Communities that can not be associated with the service.
Surprisingly, many workers, particularly single, feeling
often lonely. This means that the initial "sacrifice" even
more in service, in turn, they are really overworked
or burned out.
Missionaries may need encouragement to make friends among the
people they are sent to, even if they have a different background and
culture. All people are "fellows". No one is entirely
objects for the help we want to give and what we want
preach. There may be some good to see that the missionary community
not "must" cover all social needs.
Not all people work just as well socially. Some of them
not working well, you tend to believe that they work better from the
platform and the role of an honorary or service provides. Some
of these will be disappointed and may eventually need major help.
Sociologists have consistently shown that we live in a "narcissistic
culture ". It affects us as human beings, and it affects us
as leaders. Let us look at what this means. The narcissistic
* Puts more emphasis on the facade than substance. The most important thing is not
to know, but to appear as inflytelsesrik, genuine, honest and
expert. Being aware and able to get many of the speech, it becomes
most valuable. It is important to appear "credible" and be
"Marketable". What is truth and what is a lie, is not
quite as important. One can well stand on the pulpit of a Christian
assembly even if one has a tense relationship with many of the
important religious truths.
* Depends on what others think of him or her. One must
still be in the spotlight, because without the admiration of others, loses
a driving force. A do almost anything not to offend anyone or
losing popularity. What others think is more important than what
The Bible says. The statistics will decide what is law and good
* Wishes first and foremost to satisfy their own feelings and needs.
A work more in order to realize himself than to promote a
work or serve people. Everything will be new and
exciting. Faithfulness, loyalty, maturity is thus out of
picture. Call consciousness disappears. Faithfulness is something a
smiles. Young inexperienced managers do not think they have something to learn
of the elderly who have much longer experience.
It is a strange duality. While
Narcissist is dependent on others and tend to
"Hang on to them", he fears emotional dependence.
He has a tendency to manipulate, and the relationship to
others are superficial. He bored the whole time and looking
for instant intimacy without commitment.
* Denies and conceals weakness and failure. Even
aging and illness is unacceptable and feels almost like
a personal insult.
* Is suspicious of power and leadership. It's just that where they
Formal leaders are rejected, appears the informal leaders
which is often much less healthy.
Since we are all children of our culture, we certainly know
us again in some of these points. The more important it becomes to
realize that the biblical ideals of a Christian leader is a total of
collision course with narcissism.
See also the section on "antagonist" in the chapter "Advanced
employees ". Magnus Malm in his book" Pathfinders "(New
Luther Publisher) stopped up a little of how narcissism has
"Call, service and employee ownership", page 7
influenced today's leaders. There was, however, Christopher Lasch as
with the book "The narcissistic culture" (Pax Forlag 1982) first
made us aware of these tendencies.
It's part of being human that we are responsible. It is
our hallmark. Already a Gen 4, we hear about responsibility. "Shall I
watching my brother? "said Cain, when God called him. Of course
Cain was there! As a man he had responsibility for others. A
living irresponsible, actually makes itself into something less than a
It is considered good to have responsibility. An employee who has much
responsibility, get even higher wages than one with little responsibility.
However, we are afraid to accept responsibility. In the same way as we
assume responsibility, we are in fact guilty when something goes wrong. It is
a scary thought that the responsibility and guilt belong so closely together.
When something goes wrong, we will therefore try to run away from responsibility. "It
committed an error, "we can push ourselves to say. Were we people with
great biblical self-awareness, we were bold NOK to say "I made a
error "or" It's my fault. "
In the age of narcissism, we might be even easier than before for
to avoid responsibility and escape from guilt. When we seek often
leadership to gain valuable experience, to develop ourselves, for
to meet new friends. The service will be a "pastime".
However, it is not the way it is intended by God. We are
accountable to God, we are responsible for our neighbor. We're going straight
the "care of our brother" and serve him.

Related links:
http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/04/nr-485-visjon-norge-and-pastor-jan.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/01/nr-426-demons-have-foothold-in-most-of.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/02/nr-446-why-i-think-that-tv-founder.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/02/nr-237-visjon-norge-urge-to-provide.html http://janchristensen.net/index2.php?side=video

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