
No. 1260:
Divorced and married preachers Christians support is a thousand times worse than stile into the Pride parade that Knut Arild Hareide did and are reviled by Christians!

KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide went with his wife Lisa Maria (t.v.) and Amal Aden (t.h) during Pride parade through Greenland in Oslo. Where 37 and 60 bus runs.

We must assess the degree of things before we give this warning us so cocksure.

I have never set up, will never and do not care about the Pride parade and that homosekuelle and lesbians should have special rights as it is about to evolve to. In Norway today there are those who believe nothing against the homosekuelle and lesbians as they got their own markup. Now it's gone too far the other way.

But these people who are with the Pride Parade, they either evangelize or claims by and large it all that they are believers Jesus Christians!

They live according to their desires, but what gjengiftede preachers?
They claim that God has said that they can live with a new partner even if God in his own words says he hates divorce. He says gjengiftede is adultery and such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. God says that they are adulterers or adulteresses those who remarries. God says that they are living in sin and hate such kind of lukewarm Christian life!

In other words, these are people who have done sin to death - spiritual death.

They are living dead and Satan Far scripture says. In other words, ministers to represent God the Father and Jesus, they are the people who rather than someone heading down God and Jesus name, character and gospel! If they are gjengiftede Christians mind you!

If those remarriage as Christians is accepted, then it becomes quite beyond to warn against this Pride Parade and what Knut Arild Hareide makes !!!!!!!!!

There is a far greater blister example. To set up the Vision Norway. Here what I wrote about this channel a few years ago:

Nr. 233:
Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty!

Pastor Jan Hanvold here with his whore wife as the Bible says they are. Rooms. 7. 3 Therefore, she called an adulteress if she lives while her husband, marries another man, but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so she is not an adulteress if she marries another man.

I asked the Lord what he thought and thought about the Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold. Then I got a clear and simple answer, it was the following: "Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty!".

The great harlot (who undoubtedly Vision Norway and much of the so-called Pentecostal \ Charismatic Christianity we see today is a part) has to do with materialism, greed and selfish luxury and pleasure attitude. What scripture says about pleasure and wealth? This is to cultivate the god of this world rather than being satisfied with what you have and get, so you can learn to be appreciative of the heart rather than waiting for more, and even require materiel blessing and abundance of "God". It is almost blasphemous, and keep on like this in our part of the world when the majority of people do not even get enough food for the day in other parts of the world.
For Jesus it was not a simple crossroads and death, but he has made it easy for us to come to the cross. It is enough for us, the rest is up to the Lord to bless us in our need.
Jak.2, 5: "Hear, however, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of the world's goods, to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But ye have profaned the poor. Is it not the rich who oppress you, and that takes you to the courts "?
Åp.18, 1: Then I saw another angel coming down from heaven, and he had great power, and the earth was enlightened with his glory, 2, and he cried with a loud voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and it has been a place for demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird; 3 of her fornication wine of the wrath, all public drinking, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by her vellevnets fullness. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven say: Come out of her, my people, that ye shall not be partakers of her sins, and that you do not get any of her plagues!

God calls Christians away from such a carousel of this world's riches and pleasures. - Åp.18, 4: "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and not affected by her plagues."

What the Lord spoke to me about Vision Norway

I have followed some of the Vision Norway since they started broadcasting a few years ago. But last year I have consistently stopped to watch and listen to everything Vision Norway to do, and recent articles on this blog about the Vision Norway I have not posted, but others. The only time I saw the Vision Norway was a few weeks ago in Brandon nail fashion as the strong call from a sister in the Lord who absolutely wanted me to see and give a comment. http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/01/nr-216-brandon-spiker-offshoot-of.html
I asked the Lord later what he thought and thought about the Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold. Then I got a clear and simple answer, it was the following: "Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty!".

I've been thinking of this what is really meant by this. Let us consider some points.

1.) 1. Kor. 13. 2 And if I gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so I can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give food to the poor all that I own, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

It does not help all that we do for Jesus (to God), but who we are (God knows the hearts and kidneys). The sea changes on doing and being. A robot can do much the same as we humans do, but never become a man. One can have all the faith and t.o.m. burn and give his body, yet perish and experience God's judgment. Deeds savior never shows and never fully who we are. It is who we are as a person that shows who we are and what we stand for. The difference here is many times huge! And that is when we must make the difficult choices that go against our own flesh that really shows who we are, not at all the areas we "victories" and "master." Here Hanvold Vision and Norway fell through when the total bl. a permit remarriage of a low shoes and stands for the romantic doctrine of Faith Movement, and its preaching and theology!

2) The church at Ephesus had heard Jesus' words of praise when they revealed such false apostles who account for the same as Jan Hanvold, Ulf Ekman, Aage Åleskjær et al.

John. Rev. 2. 2 I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience, and that you can not tolerate evil, you have tried them who say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars; 3 and you have patience and have had much to bear for my name's sake, and you have not been tired.

It is strange that the false apostles call themselves the apostles of today and 2000 years ago, this is probably not a coincidence but the same demons who served in the false apostles in the old days it seems even today. It makes me think about what happened in AA Allen's meetings in the United States when he was casting out demons by a religious and not pånyfødt person during a meeting. It was if I remember correctly that they have the same demons in him that Saul had who later became Paul. The person said he had a legion that is to say about. 6000 demons. I wonder how many people work today among the false apostles, it's probably not get. Never be fooled by big smiles and eloquence, it was someone who could speak before he was saved, it was Paul. Hanvold and Vision Norway is under demonic influence, it seems to be on their way, they go through the truth always, and they manipulate and wonder gullible believers. They're like the apostle Peter says trained. They are "good" to manipulate and use words, everything to "spiritualize" their carnal and selfish actions. That no more, it is because it is also spiritual powers of Satan is behind and they can blind.

2. Kor. 4. 4 in whom the god has blinded the unbelievers minds, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is God's image, not to shine for them.

Another ex.:
3) A housewife \ husfar prepared a delicious stew of many good and tasty ingredients. But it was something she \ he had not been aware of. Among all the good ingredients was a single poisonous mushrooms, which could neither be seen or tasted. There had been married in the pot and all who partook of the food was seriously ill or died.
Parallel to this, Paul says: "Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump. "1 Kor. 5, 6-7.
The slightest sin, that we will not let go and not ask for forgiveness and repent from, will leaven permeate our whole life with God and make our peace with Jesus away. If we are not careful to avoid dropping any unclean thing in our mind - evil thoughts, jealousy, selfishness, remarriage or foreign doctrine, which does not tally with the Bible - then we get easily "poison in the pot" and is spiritually sick. It is such preaching that comes out from Norway and Vision Pastor Jan Hanvold works. There are of course some good, yet it is like a leaven as Hanvold unclean and live in sin, doing heresies and Faith movement theology, is arrogant and self centered, manipulative and greedy of money. Therefore I warn strongly against him, his business and Vision Norway. When Hanvold living in sin and are heresies in his theology and preaching, it will permeate everything else he stands for and do good things.

4) Hanvold stands for Faith movement preaching, it is strange and incomprehensible to me that this heresy like this is almost totally ignored. T.o.m. Normisjon work with him, and Evangelisenteret Syvendags Adventists and others. Are they completely anesthetized and do not understand? The preachers whom he invited, especially from the United States is renspikka Faith Movement of people, and nobody notice it? To cooperate with Hanvold is to open up to foreign demons and learn!

1. Tim. 4. 1. But in spirit it is clearly stated that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and demonic teachings.

5) Remarriage of a low shoe, like several others currently engaged in such Evangelisenteret. It is of course bad for a break, for all parties involved. But those who are unable and will conformed his own house, they should never, under any circumstances have a platform service, but to pull out and back. They should be short and sweet step out of the service. But in Vision Norway, it almost looks as if one must both accept everything here as Hanvold even live as one who has the belly to the god of sexual conduct with being married and divorced several times, tragic! When will David Ostby and all others who gladly go in and work with such a spiritual crook and false prophet who Hanvold react and reject? Or they become so blunted that everything goes through the eye of the needle? I am embarrassed and appalled on their behalf that Arvid Bentsen and all others who work with Hanvold, may God have mercy on them and they must wake up before it's too late!

6) Hanvold banner publicly in the air and it is accepted. I do not understand that not Emanuel Minos, Norvald Yri and everyone else responds to Hanvolds primitive and ugly word usage, even in public? I will not repeat everything I've heard him say, it is below a minimum. But think, swear and not able to speak normally and good Norwegian and the whole Christian Norway accept directly or indirectly, this is for me a mystery. For me, a person who is a banner that is level with themselves and God who is the person closest to him.

7) Hanvold condemn others. I've even heard Hanvold said several times in the most extreme judgments on everyone else except themselves. He, a mega-crook and a cheat, rises above all others. Who is this? ................ no doubt it must be without that I can give him the diagnosis, when I am not a doctor, but for me he does so, I warn him, too. Edin Løvås wrote a book about the power of man in the congregation, when he hit the nail on the head. Once screamed Hanvold on the airwaves here in Oslo on 107.7 the following: "To hell with anyone who does not accept that I am re-married." I think probably we do not know the manipulative forces at work in some people we are dealing with? A wolf in sheep's clothing and manipulator weather you sure?

8) Hanvolds Israel's involvement and more positive, but it is also where the biggest and most dangerous deception lies. Had everything been Hanvold accounted for only negatively, as if it was not difficult to expose him, even for Emanuel Minos? But when we look at the negative with Hanvold Vision and Norway, then we should all know that we are dealing with a false prophet like Jesus to be real in the end time in a special way (Matthew 24.11).

9) Hanvolds fundraising methods are and will remain a lie and a villain worthy! This is manipulation, lies and real bondefangeri. Think, love for God when a gear and "wounds" to him shall God bless, etc. God is so far away from the channels it is possible, he said to me that it was "Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty ! ". The promise of God's behalf, no matter that God will give you more than what you give to him, as a sore in. It is and remains a mega lies and scam of the worst kind, how stupid and gullible to be one? The Pentecostal \ Charismatic deception is a bigger and worse lies both a communist and other deceptions! They deny God, but there are some who claim that they are in God's place and give one to them, and he will bless them with abundant returns, especially if one allows a larger amount and a real giving large sums. How Satanic and governed by their own flesh can be in the "service of God"?!

10) Hanvold and Vision Norway steals from all other believers. By supporting Hanvold then encountered a channel that is completely out on the field, which is like a mega cash drain. When you hear the broadcasts as we are talking about "souls" and save money and again money. How can this be God? God says about himself that he owns all the silver and gold, a da fuss and beg and promise of God's behalf hour up and hour down about the same? If God is stupid or he is not? It is clear that one can mention such things, but not this way. It is sick, nauseous and manipulative, nothing else.

11) Hanvold live super good at what he has built up and when he says that he does not get any salary from Vision Norway, to circumvent the truth. It is through the money he has taken out the Vision Norway and that he has invested elsewhere that he lives well even if the channel would go under. He is not dumming when it comes to money, women and power. Where the supplies himself. Is this Christian and he has nothing to do with God? I see only one person behind the vision Norway and it is Satan, not anyone else!

12) Remarriage among preachers is and remains a clear violation of God's word. Allowing gjengiftede Pastors, Apostles and other preachers are playing Russian rolled. It can of course go well, but will eventually lead you on a wild goose chase! There are now so many gjengiftede preachers, that I neither do not understand that far more than I react to this, also known preachers, both here in Norway, Scandinavia and or out in the world. As Peter Ljunggren, Ray McCauley + a bunch of others. They all live right in rebellion against the Lord and His word.

13) This Christian lifestyle that seems obscene and offensive to "normal" people. Hanvold and many say that they work for the salvation of many, something I do not believe. Hanvolds business and the way he presents the Christian message in, it seems counterproductive. It is a major weakness that so many people who have lived a life of drugs before they were saved is so fast up and up in the church of God, especially those within its Pentecostal \ Charismatic circles. We will be spiritually nourished and restored before entering into a service to the Lord. Being a preacher is an office, as to be fit and able to set.

2. Tim. 2. 02 What you have heard of me among many witnesses, you shall deliver to faithful men, to those who are worthy, and to teach others also.

14) I will end with what God said to me about Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold, as I am the real truth of the said channel, husband and business.
I asked the Lord what he thought and thought about the Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold. Then I got a clear and simple answer, it was the following: "Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty!". I think this also is the right answer and how to relate to such an activity in which a true love God but love themselves and their desires higher? Scripture is clear.

2. Tim. 3. 01 This you should know: In the last days there shall come perilous times. 02 People will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters necks, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful and full of malice.
03 They will be without natural affection, implacable, baktalerske, without self-control, and they will be violent and without love for what is good.
04 They are forrederske, rash, proud, and they love their lusts higher than they love God.
05 They have an apparent godliness, but deny its power. While you should stay away from the likes of them.

Scripture is clear, stay away from these. Stay away from Vision Norway, not support them financially, not set up on their broadcasts or in any way take part in their evil deeds so you will not come under the same judgment, there is talk about your and others' salvation, and to gain full salary one day.

2. John. 10 If there come any unto you, that does not this doctrine, do not receive him into their house, and do not welcome him.
11 For those who greet him welcome, takes part in his evil deeds.

To support the Pastor Jan Hanvold Vision and Norway is supporting a wolf in sheep's clothing and will also get his "reward" and judgment! Or Satan has blinded your heart and your eyes so you do not abilities and want to see the truth? This I write about here should be easy to understand based on the font and its warnings, revealing Hanvold Vision and Norway, as I see it pretty obvious, right?

15) Any person who is born again should have clear and managed to caught and taken away from this business as there is in God's word that my sheep hear my voice, Jesus said.

John. AD 10 01 "The truth I say: He who does not go through the gate into the sauekveet, but will get over in another place, is a thief and a robber.
02 He who enters by the gate, the sheep herder.
03 gatekeeper opens the gate, even the sheep hear his voice, and he calls himself the sheep by name and leads them out.
04 When he leads the sheep belonging to him, he goes before them, and they follow him because they know his voice.
05 But a stranger they will not follow. They will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of the stranger. "

I heard Jesus's voice when he said of Norway and Vision "Pastor Jan Hanvold":

I asked the Lord later what he thought and thought about the Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold. Then I got a clear and simple answer, it was the following: "Vision Norway is a spiritual pigsty!".

16) Based on the GT, it was an unclean swine animals and those who came in contact with the unclean animal was unclean, even when the animal was unclean. So it is with Norway and Vision "Pastor" January Hanvold. Hanvold unclean in the spiritual and moral areas. He has the money chaos and bankruptcy, failed marriages behind him, but "success" is now ready to manipulate and deceive so many gullible believers to support themselves and their business. The Bible also talks about the unclean animals in the time just before Jesus' Second Coming in Revelation. It talks about the unclean birds such ...... in Revelation, this is the time just before Jesus comes back, it also uses frogs as a symbol of impurity .....
Hanvold is like a pig in the spiritual and moral area, everyone who comes into contact with such unclean "animals" will be as dirty as the animal by the law of Moses. So it is today also, as spiritually.

3. Genesis 11 And the swine, because it has both claws and hooves split completely through, but it does not chew the cud, it is unclean to you. 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they shall be unclean unto you.
43 Do not make yourselves abominable thing at such a creep, and ye are not infected by them, that is impure.

The Beast (read January Hanvold) is unclean. And all who come in contact with swine is unclean because the pig is unclean! This taught the law of Moses, today we can eat pork as it were role models and examples of the spiritual and moral that we currently live in and under. Refrain from such spiritual "swine" and you keep yourself clean and you will be preserved in Christ Jesus.

2. Tim. 2. 20 In a large house there are not only objects of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some is used for high-value purposes, others unworthy.
21 But if anyone cleanses himself, he becomes a vehicle for what is high quality - sanctified and useful for its overlord and prepared for every good work.

It is by himself away from such preachers and preaching, and stick to those who live in covenant with God and preach in accordance with God's word. The fact that a man and a believer in honor of our God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

17) Some claim that it is I who is negative and controversial, but it's wrong to say something like that, there are those who claim that they stand for preaching God's word and something completely different both in their way of life and in his preaching than the Bible clearly says that it is. Also those who work with these is responsible for this. Christian people of today have moved so much from God's word that it's scary, now sacred goal means instead that we should be a holy people of God as the Bible calls for.

Rooms. 16. 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, to be on guard against those who create the telecommunications split among you and put stumbling blocks in the way of preaching you are in. opplærd Reject them!
18 Such as those slaves not for the Lord Jesus Christ, but of his own magemål. With smooth speech and flattery deceive the unsuspecting the heart.
19 But their obedience there are rumors about everywhere, so I'm looking forward on their behalf over it! For I want you to be smart in the goodness and evil in the naive
20 God of peace will crush Satan under their feet in a hurry. Our Lord Jesus Christ's grace be with you! Amen.
21 Timothy, my fellow worker, and Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my countrymen, greet you.
22 I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord.
23 Gaius, my host, who is the host of the whole church, send their greetings. Erastus, bykassereren, greets you with Kvartus, a brother.
24 [of the Lord Jesus Christ's grace be with you all! Amen.]
25 Praise be to Him who was able to strengthen you through the message and my preaching about Jesus Christ from the revelation of the mystery has been hidden from the earliest times, but now has been revealed.
26 For through the prophetic writings and tiderne commandments of God is made known to all, all nations shall come to obedience through faith.
27 Ham, the only wise God be glory in the times - through Jesus Christ! Amen.

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